I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 510

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:47 AM

Chapter 510: Extreme manipulation of earth element

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And as most of Xu Li's spiritual power was injected into the ground beneath his feet, the entire disc began to vibrate slowly, and then, as everyone outside was stunned, a large amount of earth elemental power floated on the entire disc. , With the influence of Xu Li's spiritual power, slowly condensed into fifty twenty-meter-high earth element giants! These earth elemental giants are not simply condensed. Looking at the momentum fluctuations of each earth elemental giant, it is clear that each one is equivalent to a monk at the peak of the Golden Core period! At the same time, fifty earth elemental giants of this strength appeared. Even if they were just siege, they could kill Ye Guangyuan. After all, these earth elemental giants had thick skin and were not afraid of pain. They only knew that they would follow Xu Li's orders to attack. , Such a very purposeful element giant can cause a fatal threat to Ye Guangyuan!

After completing this action, Xu Li also smiled. Although he has little spiritual power left and basically nothing left in his combat power, he is still very excited and excited. This preparation He himself is not particularly sure that he will be able to complete it successfully, but this time under tremendous pressure, he has stimulated his potential and completed this spell. Now fifty giants of earth elements have taken shape. There is no need for Xu Li to attack himself. He can command the earth elemental giant behind him. Xu Li believes that under such a situation, it is actually equivalent to standing in an invincible position. Next, let's see how Ye Guangyuan should deal with it. .

Looking at Xu Li's movements and the last fifty earth element giants at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, Lin Hang already had the answer in his heart. To the disciples who stared at the light curtain in a daze, he explained and introduced, " Don’t be so surprised. Xu Li’s spell is actually the simplest summoning of the earth elemental giant, but before summoning the earth elemental giant, Xu Li had an in-depth communication with the land under his feet. This resulted in Xu Li being able to make perfect use of the earth element under his feet in a short time. With the help of these already existing earth elements, Xu Li directly strengthened his own technique of summoning earth element giants, borrowing A large number of earth elements combined with their own earth attribute spiritual power directly summoned fifty identical earth element giants."

After explaining the principle and effect of Xu Li’s trick, Lin Hang continued, “Of course, this kind of strengthening cannot be done under all conditions. This is also because there is nothing else in this spiritual space. The interference of the elements is mostly filled with earth elements, so Xu Li can use such an environment and fully mobilize his spiritual power to create such a large number of earth elemental giants. And even if the conditions are met, It is not so easy. After all, although he only provides spiritual power, it is not so easy to manipulate the power of so many earth elements. Therefore, Xu Li can now achieve the current level, except for external sources. In addition to good conditions, Xu Li's own powerful strength cannot be ignored, especially his understanding and manipulation of his own earth elements. At this stage of his current stage, basically no one of the same rank can surpass him! So, the outside world Although the conditions are also very important, they will provide you with great advantages and convenience in the battle, but the most important thing is still your own strength level and control of your own abilities. This is the confidence that you can stand on!"

Looking at these disciples who understood and understood, Lin Hang was also quite satisfied. The reason why he would take the initiative to explain the meaning of Xu Li's actions was that he wanted to give these junior disciples more insight. , The second is to inspire them in the bit by bit, so that they can have more insights and foundation, and be able to better face more situations. However, depending on the situation now, some of Lin Hang’s concerns are a bit redundant. The first batch of elite disciples selected from Huaxia are all top-notch talents. Lin Hang does not need to dial too much. Being able to directly realize a lot of problems, with a little inference, can also get more insights and gains, and the speed of growth still makes Lin Hang very satisfied. Under the current situation, these disciples have almost reached the threshold of the Nascent Soul Stage, and can already go to the West Polar Sea area of ​​Ziwei Emperor Star to experience. After all, the West Polar Sea is no better than the inland areas. , The monks here are mostly casual cultivators. Although these casual cultivators have their own characteristics, after all, the cultivation level is not particularly high. The disciples of Yuan Yingqi are almost able to establish a foothold in the West Polar Sea, and Lin Hang will also follow. Take care, so safety can be guaranteed. However, such a plan can only be implemented later, and the ten thousand races on Earth Star have not been resolved in a day, and it is impossible for Lin Hang to take these disciples to Ziwei Emperor Star with confidence.

Lin Hang thought for a while and continued to say, "Do you think Xu Li is already invincible now? Indeed, after taking the lead in completing the arrangement of his final means, Xu Li is indeed a very good place. In fact, his final method is indeed very powerful. Basically fifty earth elemental giants who are not afraid of life, death and pain at the peak of the Golden Core Stage can drag them even if they cannot defeat Ye Guangyuan in a short time. The time for "Mind Fusion Curse" is over. No matter what the situation, Xu Li can already see the dawn of victory. However, do you think the previous few consecutive miracles of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo's team will be so simple Well? Since they have the confidence to compete with Xu Li for the last resort, then they must have their own perfect preparations. It is impossible not to consider the control ability of the earth element that Xu Li has strengthened. So, now the result is doomed It’s still a bit too early. Xu Li’s manipulation of the earth element is really amazing to me, but I definitely don’t believe that Li Yuluo can be so simple. As for the real outcome and development of the matter, let’s take a closer look. !"

And as Lin Hang's voice fell, Xu Li was already not waiting for Ye Guangyuan's preparations to be completed, he manipulated fifty earth elemental giants to rush towards Ye Guangyuan. He had already experienced the joy of being with Ye Guangyuan before. After fighting, Xu Li remembered Lu Sanjin who had quit for his battle before. He had only one goal in his heart, which was to eliminate Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, and then win this competition!

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