I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 511

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:46 AM

Chapter 511: The technique of "Cagulation with Blood"

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The fifty earth element giants that Xu Li struggled to conjure, actually tested Xu Li’s manipulation of the earth element, so it didn’t take a lot of time to complete this series of actions almost instantly. At this moment, facing the numerous earth elemental giants who rushed over, Ye Guangyuan grinned and revealed his white teeth. In his pupils, Li Yuluo’s consciousness was not wavering. For this, after learning the location of the site , Li Yuluo had already guessed that Xu Li might use this method of crushing with a lot of earth elements, so facing this, Li Yuluo naturally had his own preparations.

Facing the many giants of earth element that will be coming, the'Ye Guangyuan' under Li Yuluo's control did not delay any longer, and saw that'Ye Guangyuan' did not move, and then directly bit on his right thumb, and then The blue-red blood emerged, and then the blue-red blood quickly turned into a strange formation between the fingers of'Ye Guangyuan'. This formation was directly affected by the blood in a short time. Formation, as if there was no preparation time at all, and after the formation of this formation, it fell directly on the palm of Ye Guangyuan's right hand, forming a strange six-pointed star pattern on the palm.

Everyone with this six-pointed star pattern has a familiar feeling. After thinking about it carefully, it suddenly occurred to me that this was something that Li Yuluo had previously prepared to deal with Yue Yuanwu’s nether fire. Array"! Only in the previous time, Li Yuluo was under the protection of Ye Guangyuan, and it took a long time to finally complete this formation. Now Ye Guangyuan, under Li Yuluo's control, actually took so little time to go straight. Arranged out?

Lin Hang was not surprised. After he knew that the fusion'Ye Guangyuan' was Li Yuluo's command and control, he already had some guesses about the method that'Ye Guangyuan' would use afterwards. Among them, Lin Hang felt that from the perspective of Li Yuluo's deflection, there was a high probability that the formation was inseparable, but the formation required a long time and conditions for deployment, and the current situation was obviously inappropriate. At this time, Lin Hang remembered a mysterious technique in ancient times, the art of "blood coagulation", this technique can use the monk's own essence and blood as a guide, and then use the powerful energy contained in the blood. , Instantly prepare time and conditions for the arrangement of the formation, so that the formation of the formation can be more rapid, and even basically does not require time. It's just that although the follow-up effect of such a technique on the monk itself is not much, it must be weakened for a period of time after using it. However, although the sequelae are quite large, the power is indeed extraordinary. This technique of "Cagulation by Blood" can not only make the formation speed countless times faster, but also can strengthen the power of the formation, which is very suitable for those who use the formation. The monks who dominated by law can help them temporarily avoid this weakness that they need to deploy time, speed up the pace of battle, and will not be directly killed by people, and after having the first formation, these The monk who is the main formation can calmly arrange the battle afterwards.

It stands to reason that the effect of this "Cagulation of Blood" technique is so powerful, why did Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo never use it before? This is because only Li Yuluo can cast this spell, but Li Yuluo himself is only the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, and cannot withstand the backlash of the "Blood Coagulation" technique, so now he has entered Ye Guangyuan's body. After that, Li Yuluo finally performed it. In fact, speaking in detail, this was the first time Li Yuluo deployed this technique after he learned this technique.

Now Lin Hang saw that Li Yuluo, at the expense of a large amount of essence and blood, urged the technique of "Blood Condensation Array" to arrange this "Xuanming Array" that specifically summons Xuanming heavy water. He already understood Li Yuluo's painstaking effort and reason.

Although Li Yuluo’s art of "coagulating formation with blood" has a sequelae that is not very weak because of its own powerful effects, such sequelae generally act on the cultivator’s body, causing it to The weakness of strength, after all, consumes the essence and blood of the monk himself, but basically there is no consumption for the spirit of the monk. That is to say, after this "blood coagulation" technique is used, Ye Guangyuan is used as a bearing technique. 'S body would directly fall into a relatively weak state, but Li Yuluo's consciousness as a manipulator would not be affected. And Ye Guangyuan himself was not a monk who used physical combat as his main offensive method, so he basically had no influence on the combat effectiveness of Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan.

Therefore, under such circumstances, what Li Yuluo has to consider is only the next battle. Li Yuluo's heart understands that what he and Ye Guangyuan's "Mixing the Mind Curse" have obtained The fusion is very powerful, and the reason why Xu Li is able to fight against them is because of the huge bonus effect of this home game on Xu Li. Li Yuluo focused on this and had some different ideas. If Xu Li's advantage lies in the home court, then if he can also obtain the home court conditions, will he be able to smooth out Xu Li's advantage? So after the idea in my heart was reached, with the "blood-coagulation formation" technique I mastered, this "Xuanming formation" was formed in a short time.

"Xuanming Formation" has no other function, only a function of summoning Xuanming heavy water. The reason why Li Yuluo chose such a formation is because "Xuanming Formation" can continuously produce and summon Xuanming. Heavy water, if the amount of Xuanming heavy water really reaches a certain level, it can help her and Ye Guangyuan gain some home court advantages. Even if they can’t have the same earth element power as Xu Li, they can still Occupying the initiative in a small area, and in such an environment, because of the relationship between Xuanming and heavy water, Ye Guangyuan's spells will also be improved. The most critical point is that this Xuanming heavy water is different from ordinary water elements. In addition to the water element, it also contains a hint of the power mood of the earth attribute, which causes this Xuanming heavy water to not be easily broken by the earth element. Instead, it has some small restraints on the earth element. If this is the case, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan can launch a counterattack, really crushing Xu Li's degree.

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