I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 512

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:45 AM

Chapter 512: Offensive and defensive

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At this time, Li Yuluo saw that the formation pattern of "Xuanming Formation" had taken shape, so he did not delay any longer, spurring the formation of the formation with all his strength, only to see a large amount of Xuanming heavy water emerging from Ye Guangyuan's palm. In a short period of time, it has turned into a thick blue water, and it is still expanding rapidly. And in such a period of time, the fifty earth element giants that Xu Li controlled had already had a few pioneers and reached Ye Guangyuan's side.

Under the control of Li Yuluo, there was already a large-scale river of profound waters around him, directly impacting these earth elemental giants. When they reached the front of these earth elemental giants, this mysterious river The river of heavy water quickly separated, and then the giants of earth elements were wrapped up, and as these cyan mysterious heavy waters contacted these giants of earth elements, strange things happened, the giants of earth elements Actually, the action was greatly slowed down, and the action appeared to be very stagnant, like a robot stuck without lubricating oil. The earth elemental giant Kong in this form has a huge ability and offensive power, but because it is so slow Not to mention the damage it could cause Ye Guangyuan, it became almost impossible to connect with Ye Guangyuan.

Seeing this scene, not only Xu Li, but Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan also felt that something hadn’t been expected. The reason why Li Yuluo chose the technique of “Blood Coagulation Formation” to portray such a “Xuanming Formation” "It's just because this formation is the one with the simplest effect among all the formations she has mastered. It only has the function of summoning Xuanming Heavy Water, which can save a lot of time when arranged. Li Yuluo also considered the characteristics of this profound water heavy water, and might have some advantages when facing Xu Li, but never thought that this advantage could be so great!

Xuanming Heavy Water's suppression and restraint of the earth element surprised Li Yuluo at the same time. The characteristics of Xuanming Heavy Water made her more sure in the next battle. Because although the first formation was arranged through the technique of "Blood Coagulation Array", which allowed her to offset Xu Li's home court advantage, the next battle could have the upper hand, but Li Yuluo could also feel her Some of the "Mind Melting Curse" performed by Ye Guangyuan this time is already a little unstable. I think it may not be able to maintain the state of integration in a short period of time, and there will be more powerful ones. She couldn't command the formation, and she could only watch Xu Li win. And the power of the profound water that has been discovered now gives Li Yuluo the confidence to end the battle in a shorter time. As long as he can defeat Xu Li before the fusion is released, he will reach Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan's goal is now.

All kinds of thoughts in his mind just flashed by, in fact, it was only a moment. Li Yuluo saw that these other earth element giants were still rushing over, and he no longer regarded them as a big threat, Li Yuluo There is only one thought at this time, and that is not to get entangled with these earth elemental giants. After all, although they have been weakened by the heavy water of Xuanming, if they have to pay one by one, it is a waste of time for Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan. They only want to end the battle quickly now, so the goal is to have Xu Li who is still a little weak.

After seeing the effect of Xuanming heavy water in Ye Guangyuan’s hands, Xu Li, although he did not know why, also understood the powerful restraint of this Xuanming heavy water for his own attributes. Xu Li also understood that under such circumstances, his fifty earth elements The giant is no longer a threat to Ye Guangyuan. Looking at Ye Guangyuan's enthusiastic gaze, Xu Li still doesn't know where he is. The most dangerous thing is not Ye Guangyuan, but the self who has become a weakened self!

It's just that, although Xu Li has consumed huge spiritual power and almost lost it, his judgment has not been lost, and his ability to manipulate earth elements has not been greatly weakened. Xu Li also used Ye Guangyuan’s eager performance. He vaguely understood Ye Guangyuan’s strong strength and state at this time. It seemed that it could not be maintained for a long time. That’s why he used this method to quickly end the battle, because Ye Guangyuan himself also Can't hold on for a long time!

After thinking clearly in his mind, Xu Li already understood the key to victory in this battle. That was to hold on to Ye Guangyuan, who was in a violent state at this time. After Ye Guangyuan’s current strong state ended, he had already persisted. Victory. However, Xu Li also understood in his heart that at this time, as the "Xuanming Formation" in Ye Guangyuan's hands kept playing a role, the profound water between heaven and earth had become more and more, and it was gradually offsetting. Xu Li’s home court advantage has been gained, and Ye Guangyuan’s spiritual power was far better than Xu Li’s at this time after the spell was cast. In addition, the home court advantage he believed to rely on was also lost. Under the circumstances, persisting in Ye Guangyuan's fierce offensive was really a headache for Xu Li.

However, although he was a little unsure in his heart, Xu Li didn't have the slightest idea to give up at this time. He also wanted to see what extent he could achieve with all his best, even if he didn't win by then, for him It was also a very rare battle and experience.

Xu Li had almost no spiritual power at this time, so all that was left was the powerful manipulation of the earth element. When Ye Guangyuan was accumulating offensive energy, Xu Li frowned slightly, his hands were gently closed together, and then Those earth element giants who had rushed towards Ye Guangyuan, except for the few wrapped in Xuan Ming heavy water, quickly returned to Xu Li's side. And after these earth element giants returned to their side, Xu Li pinched a seal in his hand and drank softly, ""Dungeon Enchantment", start!"

And as Xu Li’s voice ended, the giants of earth elements gathered around them all began to disintegrate, turning into the purest earth element power, and a gray piece of earth floated beside Xu Li, and then these earth elements Under the full control of Xu Li, the force gradually condensed together, and then turned into a giant earth elemental prison with a height of about 20 meters, directly wrapping Xu Li in it, and after completing the dungeon , Xu Li did not stop, and the vacancy in the dungeon was filled by Xu Li with a large amount of earth elements. In the end, Xu Li was completely wrapped in a huge earth ball, without revealing the slightest gap.

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