I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 514

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:44 AM

Chapter 514: Willow

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Because Xu Li was completely on the defensive, the entire river of profound waters fell on the giant earth elemental ball without loss, and with the contact of these massive waters, the earth elemental giant ball Some of the outermost earth elements could not withstand the scouring of the profound water, and fell directly from the giant earth element ball, but because these earth elements were still very tightly combined under the manipulation of Xu Li, so let it be. How these Xuanming heavy waters wash away, every time only the outermost earth elements are separated, and these earth elements are actually very insignificant to the entire earth element giant ball, according to Ye Guangyuan's Xuanming heavy water at this time Judging by the speed of erosion, it must take a lot of time to get rid of this huge earth elemental giant ball. Ye Guangyuan will definitely be unable to support it first and exit the state of fusion. After recuperating at this time, it was time for Xu Li to perform.

And Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan also waited patiently for the entire river of profound waters to be completely consumed. They carefully sensed the giant earth elemental ball formed by Xu Li and found that this river of profound waters Under the scouring, the huge earth element ball that Xu Li was on only lost about one percent of the total amount of earth element! Although with the subsequent erosion, the speed will be faster than at the beginning, but it still takes dozens of times of the same degree of scouring to break Xu Li’s absolute defense preparation. It's just that the current situation will not allow Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan to use dozens of opportunities to attack. Time is really too late, although Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan can also manipulate Xuan Ming dozens of times at once. Heavy water attacked Xu Li together, but after superimposing in this way, the running speed would also slow down exponentially. That is to say, the original one-minute path length, after adding the amount of Xuanming heavy water, it may be more than ten. Minutes or even tens of minutes, so there is no way to achieve the same.

The reason why Li Yuluo had been manipulating Xuanming Heavy Water to attack, and he did not go directly to the direction where Xu Li was, was because Xu Li’s previous movements caused the disc under their feet to show signs of collapse. In other words, neither Xu Li nor Ye Guangyuan can move fast on the current disk. Only those giant earth elements composed entirely of earth elements can move freely. This also causes the two to only rely on the elements. Attacking, unable to act directly, Ye Guangyuan stayed in his Xuanming heavy water at this time, and had no intention of stepping on the ground.

Li Yuluo felt a little regret after seeing this situation. In the beginning, Xu Li's home court advantage and Lu Sanjin's "Golden Seal of Forbidden Air" were dually used. In fact, she and Ye Guangyuan were at the beginning. Facing the situation where Xu Li and Lu Sanjin were preparing, they were already at an absolute disadvantage, but the two calmly completed the arrangement of "Mixing the Mind Curse". It can be said that they came to life from a desperate situation, plus later decisiveness. After arranging the "Xuanming Formation" using the technique of "Blood Coagulation Formation", the situation has actually fallen to their side. But even now, is it still impossible to break Xu Li's victory?

However, Li Yuluo’s regret and a little bit of frustration were also fleeting. He immediately picked up his energy and continued to manipulate the huge amount of Xuanming heavy water, rushing towards the orb where Xu Li was. It seemed to Luo that even if it seemed that their side was already defeated on the scene, Li Yuluo would never give up directly before the result really came out, she would still devote all her energy. And pay attention, she believes that as long as she persists, there will be miracles!

And just as Li Yuluo continued to manipulate Xuanming Heavy Water to attack Xu Li, and when he walked a little and a half with difficulty, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo felt that something was wrong in their consciousness at the same time. They acted as "Mind-Mind Curse". The main and the power of, at this moment, both feel the extremely unstable of the fusion. According to their perception and calculation, at most one minute, it will really not support the disintegration! At this time, they were still far away from Xu Li's position, and they were not a place that could be reached within a minute.

At this time, just when Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan thought they were going to fail, Li Yuluo's consciousness keenly sensed the pine all over his body, and Ye Guangyuan's surprised voice came, "Yu Luo, don't give up! The one arranged by Lu Sanjin The working time of "Golden Seal of Forbidden Space" is over! We are no longer suppressed. In this last minute, let's fight back with a Jedi!"

Although Li Yuluo is temporarily controlling Ye Guangyuan's body, her own realm has not reached the stage of Yuan Ying stage after all, so although she felt her body loose, she did not react immediately, and Ye Guangyuan's consciousness was buried in it. In the body, but can perceive everything in the outside world, so Ye Guangyuan hurriedly reminded him at this time, let Li Yuluo launch the final race against time, maybe they still have the last chance of victory!

Li Yuluo was not a mediocre person. After the restraints on his whole body were loosened, Li Yuluo controlled Ye Guangyuan to fly directly above the giant earth elemental ball where Xu Li was located. At this time, Li Yuluo did not continue to let Xuanming heavy water. Initiate the flush, because although the Xuanming heavy water is no longer restricted, the giant earth elemental ball is huge after all, and it still takes a lot of time. Now that time is tight, some special methods must be used.

Xu Li also sensed that Lu Sanjin’s "Golden Seal of Forbidden Air" was over, and he sighed in his heart. After all, he was still a step away. If he could hold on for a while, then Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo would be defeated. Now, although I understand that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo’s "Spirit Fusion Curse" will probably not last long, but his own situation is worse, he can only maintain the defensive position, and now Xu Li has no other way but to maintain the earth element with all his strength. The defense of the giant ball, strive to be able to drag it to the end of the integration stage of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, and then you can directly win.

Li Yuluo manipulated Ye Guangyuan's body and stood directly on top of the earth element giant ball. After standing still, I saw Ye Guangyuan stretch out his right hand, and then under the seal of his left hand, the right hand represents " The six-pointed star pattern in "Xuanming Formation" was directly separated from the palm of Ye Guangyuan's right hand, and then directly magnified dozens of times, almost covering the entire surface of the earth element giant ball.

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