I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 521

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:36 AM

Chapter 521: Ye Guangyuan's calculations

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However, after so many years of hard work, coupled with Li Yuluo's own very brilliant talent, Li Yuluo knows that she spared no effort to study her own abilities, and still got great results. Apart from other things, when he was practicing on the Earth Star, Li Yuluo led his team to fight against more different ten thousand races of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance on the Earth Star. These ten thousand race monks have many races. Talent abilities are all negative state abilities, and Li Yuluo relies on his "Resistance" ability. When fighting against these cultivators, Li Yuluo can be directly immune to these negative conditions when he is at the same level. State, there has never been an accident, and facing a cultivator with a higher cultivation level than Li Yuluo, he can also greatly meet the effects of these negative states. Therefore, Li Yuluo's heart is actually very confident that he can defeat Yudieyi. Ye Guangyuan understands Li Yuluo's heart very well, so he directly resists Huazhi and makes this one and Yudieyi one-on-one. The chance to single out was created for Li Yuluo.

At this time, with the help of the clouds that Ye Guangyuan had summoned, Li Yuluo quickly approached the true location of the Yudieyi she had told Ye Guangyuan that she had discovered. At this time, Huazhi also understood Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo’s plans. Naturally, she would not give them a chance to achieve their own plans, so she directly deviated from her original budget and moved towards Li Yuluo’s path. After rushing over, she will rush to the battlefield at the same time when Li Yuluo reaches Yudieyi's position, so that she can join forces with Yudieyi, and Fu Li Yuluo will be a two-on-one, and if this is really achieved. At that time, close combat was two-on-one, and Ye Guangyuan in the distance could only provide long-range support. When Li Yuluo was eliminated first, then it would be easier to deal with Ye Guangyuan next.

However, how could Ye Guangyuan, who made such a decision and arrangement, give Huazhi such an opportunity? Before, when Huazhi was moving secretly, Ye Guangyuan really couldn’t find Huazhi’s position, because Huazhi’s ability to warp light would not only disappear visually, but would also interfere with Ye Guangyuan’s divine sense exploration. The hidden aura of Huazhi itself, Ye Guangyuan of the same rank is naturally hard to find the trace of Huazhi. But the situation now is different. In order to assist Yudieyi, Huazhi speeds up her own movement, so that Ye Guangyuan, who has been outstretching mental power, immediately grasps the position of Huazhi, although Huazhi has always In the movement to tell, but Ye Guangyuan’s water elemental rivers caught up with Huazhi's position in the first time, forcing Huazhi to stop and carry spiritual power to resist Ye Guangyuan’s attack, these water elemental rivers Although the offensive is not that strong, it cannot be ignored. Once the energy is accumulated by the rivers of these water elements, it can also cause special damage.

All of this was in Ye Guangyuan’s calculations. He knew that although Huazhi was a good sister of Li Yuluo, the relationship was very good, but in such a competition, Huazhi would not give way to Li Yuluo, and would inevitably and The Yudieyi of the same group has a close cooperation, and Li Yuluo wants to play with Yudieyi. At the same time, I understand the Huazhi of Li Yuluo and Yudieyi. I can roughly know that these two people are singled. As a result, there is a high probability that Li Yuluo will win in the end. Although she also wants Li Yuluo to fulfill her long-cherished wish, Huazhi will not make such a choice on such an occasion. This is for herself and the team. Li Yuluo was irresponsible. Therefore, when Yudieyi may be singled out by Li Yu, Huazhi will definitely help. Ye Guangyuan has taken care of Huazhi’s psychology and plan, and can guarantee with Li Yuluo that he can always Drag Huazhi to create an environment where Li Yuluo can stand alone with Yudieyi.

Huazhi looked at Li Yuluo, who was constantly approaching the position of Yudieyi, and felt helpless. At this time, she had already appeared in front of Ye Guangyuan. Even if she hid her breath again and manipulated the light to disappear, she disappeared. Any effect, because his position has been fixed, the effect of invisibility is no longer available. At this time, Ye Guangyuan can rely on the attack of the infinite water element to limit himself even with his eyes closed. Huazhi knew that this time under Ye Guangyuan’s powerful restrictions, she could not make any impact on the battlefield of Li Yuluo and Yudieyi. Huazhi was not an indecisive person, she instantly found what she wanted to do next. What he did was to concentrate on dealing with Ye Guangyuan in front of him with all his strength, and to fight Ye Guangyuan with no spare energy. Huazhi’s consideration is that since it is no longer possible to merge with Yudieyi, it is simply separated into two battlefields. When Li Yuluo and Yudieyi’s rivals meet, they are destined to survive alone. Huazhi had to devote all of her abilities to compete with Ye Guangyuan to see if she could defeat Ye Guangyuan in the same one-to-one situation.

I have to say that Huazhi’s decision at this time is still very correct. At this time, Ye Guangyuan’s obstruction and restraint, it is not a simple matter to simply support the battlefield of Yudieyi, and if it is still necessary to break through. Over there, Ye Guangyuan’s thunder will inevitably be hit at this time. This is a self-destructive behavior, but if Huazhi puts aside the battle between Yudieyi and Li Yuluo and responds to Ye Guangyuan with all his strength, then she The result of the battle between himself and Ye Guangyuan was not destined. Huazhi had the chance to defeat Ye Guangyuan alone. And if Huazhi wins the battle with Ye Guangyuan, she will instead eliminate Ye Guangyuan. At that time, no matter how much her condition is left, she can support Yudieyi without hindrance. Of course she is in Yudieyi. Still insisting on the situation. This situation, on the contrary, brought the chance of victory for both sides to a level, and perhaps it was the best chance for them to win.

After making the decision, Huazhi no longer hesitated, and instantly put aside the matter of Yudieyi and Li Yuluo in her mind, and concentrated on dealing with Ye Guangyuan, who was using the water element to entangle her at this time.

Ye Guangyuan, who was fighting against Huazhi, felt the change in Huazhi's state at this time. The look in Huazhi's eyes and the belief in Huazhi's heart made Ye Guangyuan's expression serious. When Ye Guangyuan made a plan to give Li Yuluo and Yudieyi a chance to fight alone, he also imagined a concentrated situation, and at this time Huazhi's choice was the most difficult situation Ye Guangyuan expected to deal with.

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