I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 522

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:34 AM

Chapter 522: not afraid

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In Ye Guangyuan’s original plan, when Li Yuluo found Yudieyi to single out, Huazhi would inevitably choose to protect him. At this time, he would stop Huazhi, and Huazhi might forcefully break through her restraint. And when he chooses to join Yudieyi, Ye Guangyuan will increase his offensive strength at this time, and will join Li Yuluo after Huazhi forcefully breaks through. In the end it is still two-on-two, but Huazhi will Because of the previous choice of actions and the loss of state, the odds of the two of them are greatly improved. And if Huazhi defends with peace of mind, waiting for the battle between Yudieyi and Li Yuluo to end, Ye Guangyuan can also wait with Huazhi. After all, he has a million trust in Li Yuluo in his heart. Ye Guangyuan, who knew something about Zhi, knew that Huazhi would not choose this way.

In addition to these two situations, there is the last situation that Ye Guangyuan doesn't want to see. Huazhi doesn't care about anything, but chooses to confront him. This is also what Ye Guangyuan is the least able to grasp. There was a situation. Although Ye Guangyuan didn’t want such a situation to happen, Huazhi had already made a choice. Ye Guangyuan didn’t have the idea of ​​avoiding the battle in his heart. After winning the previous six consecutive games, Ye Guangyuan not only got it. He gained a lot of insights, and accumulated an invincible confidence and aura in his heart. Especially in this one-on-one match with Huazhi, Ye Guangyuan did not believe that he would lose to Huazhi, although he and Huazhi Zhi has also fought in a friendly nature, and there have been losses and losses, but in today's situation, Ye Guangyuan has no doubts about himself, and believes that he will be able to defeat Huazhi!

Ye Guangyuan looked at Huazhi with a focused expression, and there was a rush of pride in his heart, but he didn't say what he said in his heart, "Come on! After losing Yuluo's support, let me see my real combat power now. Let’s see if I, Ye Guangyuan, have reached a new level after these six trials that can be called difficult trials!"

The thoughts flashed in his mind, Ye Guangyuan suddenly ended the previous restrictions on Huazhi, but changed to a more fierce storm! At this time, Huazhi had always been surrounded by Ye Guangyuan’s water element because of her previous actions. Before that, because Ye Guangyuan only wanted to drag and restrict Huazhi’s movement, these water elements had not yet displayed high levels. Attacked, but at this time, under Ye Guangyuan’s strong control, all showed extremely strong offensive power. Huazhi suddenly felt more powerful pressure, and had to increase the spiritual strength of the body surface again. Resist Ye Guangyuan's water elemental attack.

Now that she has decided to compete with Ye Guangyuan only by relying on her own strength, Huazhi will naturally not keep her hands at this time. Huazhi understands Ye Guangyuan’s strengths and weaknesses. The advantage is the endless water element attacks, not only attacks. The distance is extremely far and the range is huge, there is no room to dodge at all. However, compared to Ye Guangyuan’s advantage, his disadvantages and weaknesses are even more obvious, that is, the offensive power of the water element is far inferior to other attributes, which has also led to Ye Guangyuan’s consistently deadly attack method, unlike Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye's attributes are relatively explosive, which can play a great threat to the enemy. Once they attack the opponent, they can cause great blow and damage to the opponent, and they are extremely aggressive. Ye Guangyuan also knows his shortcomings in this area, and has made some changes over the years. The method of turning water into ice is the result of Ye Guangyuan’s painstaking research. Ye Guangyuan’s water element defense and recovery capabilities are very good, but it is also After losing the strong offensive ability, and turning the water element into ice, although it is still inferior to the offensive ability of other elements, it is already much better than the original. Ye Guangyuan has demonstrated his research results in this area in the previous competitions. At this time, as long as Ye Guangyuan is willing, the many water elements that envelop the flower mushrooms can be turned into ice in a very short period of time. Huazhi formed a large-scale attack. Although the one-time offense was not very sufficient, the scope was so large that it was no longer an attack that Huazhi could easily handle.

Thinking of this, Huazhi reacted in an instant, bursting out spiritual power immediately, and instantly freed from the **** of the water element. Huazhi understood that although the spiritual power burst this time has lost a lot of spiritual power, if it continues to This water element is entangled with Ye Guangyuan, which will gradually increase Ye Guangyuan’s battlefield advantage, just like Xu Li in the previous game. Under the blessing of his own suitable ability environment, he can play a level that exceeds his own strength. fighting. Therefore, in order for Huazhi to have a chance to defeat Ye Guangyuan, she must break away from Ye Guangyuan’s fighting rhythm at the beginning. Otherwise, if she keeps following Ye Guangyuan’s rhythm, she can only see tricks. Passive, if it continues, it will even lose the opportunity and ability to resist, so Huazhi directly uses the general characteristics of the Yuan Ying stage to float directly in the air, get rid of Ye Guangyuan's rhythm, and truly stand on the same level as Ye Guangyuan.

When Huazhi lifted off to leave the huge water elemental river below, the entire river suddenly became ice under Ye Guangyuan's manipulation! If it weren’t for Huazhi to take off quickly, Ye Guangyuan’s attack would definitely be a bit cruel. Although he wouldn’t be eliminated directly under the squeeze of the ice, an offense of this level is already capable of fighting. Huazhi’s safety is threatened. Huazhi is very fortunate that she has acted decisively. Otherwise, if she is trapped in the river below and squeezed by the ice, it will not be as simple as losing some spiritual power. It is likely to be a direct injury. The situation of muscles and bones. At this time, Huazhi’s combat literacy and ability to judge the situation are reflected. Huazhi is also the leader of an experience team. In these years of training, Huazhi has also developed a very tricky vision. Ye Guangyuan wanted to use it. It is completely impossible to eliminate Huazhi by such a technique.

Every monk will automatically obtain the ability to float in the air after reaching the Nascent Infant Period. This is a rule of heaven and earth. After reaching the Nascent Infant Period, it will be automatically obtained without any restrictions. This also makes many early melee fierce players a little weaker when they build the fund pill period, but after entering the Yuan Ying period, they will become stronger again.

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