I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 525

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:32 AM

Chapter 525: Soft persimmon?

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This is also because Huazhi’s life spirit treasure is not high. If the dagger in Huazhi’s hand is a soul treasure that matches her cultivation base, Ye Guangyuan will lose his combat effectiveness if he survives this blow. That's why Lin Hang said that it was a pity, otherwise Huazhi's amazing performance could be regarded as the best person among all the Yuan Yingqi disciples who appeared on the stage.

However, Huazhi’s "Shimmering Technique" is different from the previous "Blink" ability. Generally speaking, it is very energy-consuming for the monks in the early Yuan Ying period, so Lin Hang is not sure about the flower at this time. Shiba's ability to continue using this technique is related to the direct result of the subsequent battle. However, when Lin Hang's gaze swept across Huazhi at this time, he clearly saw a trace of regret, as if he was not at peace because he was not able to drop Ye Guangyuan in one second. Lin Hang also understood that after all, Huazhi had not been in contact with "The Art of Instantaneous Body" for a long time, so not only was she not proficient, but also could not be used continuously. This time, a sudden blow could not directly take Ye Guangyuan and Hua Zhi knew that she would still have a hard fight next.

The good news, however, is that Huazhi’s attack using the "Simulation Technique" was not completely ineffective. Ye Guangyuan’s state at this time, the serious injury coupled with the greatly depleted spiritual power, was already suppressing the scene. I can’t help Huazhi. After all, as a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, Huazhi can fly in the air and strike Ye Guangyuan quickly. Ye Guangyuan can only maintain a defensive position, but it is no longer possible to defeat Huazhi by his own strength. , And although Huazhi could no longer use "The Art of Instantaneous Body", she did not lose her perception of space. That is to say, her sensitivity to space would make Huazhi’s trajectory more elusive, while Ye Guangyuan would Even more restrained, if you continue to face Huazhi one-on-one, sooner or later you will fall into defeat. It's just that although Huazhi had the conditions for victory, with Ye Guangyuan's firm defense, it was impossible for Huazhi to directly win in a short time. Huazhi also understood Ye Guangyuan’s plan at this time. Ye Guangyuan was ready to use all means to hold Huazhi, waiting for the battlefield between Li Yuluo and Yudieyi to decide the outcome. If Li Yuluo can intervene in the battlefield between Ye Guangyuan and Huazhi, the final result is still uncertain. Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo still have the hope of final victory.

Huazhi and Ye Guangyuan share a common understanding. Whether Huazhi wants it or not, in her heart, she agrees with Ye Guangyuan's thinking, and believes that Yudieyi will not be Li Yuluo's opponent, especially in the current one-on-one battle. in the case of. Therefore, although the battle between Huazhi and Ye Guangyuan at this time is an absolute advantage, but in the case of unable to win in a short time, Huazhi still has some anxiety in her heart. If she does not solve Ye Guangyuan before , Yudieyi was defeated ahead of time, and based on her understanding of Li Yuluo, in the next two-to-one situation, Huazhi's own situation would become very dangerous. However, now Huazhi has no other choice. She forcibly eliminated her worry about Yudieyi's battlefield, and focused her attention on the current battle with Ye Guangyuan. Huazhi is also doing her best. She does not want to play. As a result, it was the best way to plunge into the unknown and master her own hands. Therefore, Huazhi was also cruel and wanted to solve Ye Guangyuan more quickly. Because of Huazhi’s performance, Ye Guangyuan’s pressure at this time increased greatly. Gradually some of them couldn't support it. However, even so, Ye Guangyuan exerts the powerful defense and recovery abilities of those with water element ability, and it will not be a problem to persist for another ten minutes. Under the current situation, it depends on whether Huazhi defeated Ye Guangyuan first, or whether the battlefield between Li Yuluo and Yudieyi first decided the victory.

Lin Hang instantly understood the situation on the field at this time. He knew that although the situation on Huazhi and Ye Guangyuan was clear within a short time, Huazhi lacked a finishing blow and could not expand the advantage in a short time, so Ye Guangyuan was able to support it. A long time. After Lin Hang understood this, he set his sights on the other side of the battlefield between Li Yuluo and Yudieyi, knowing that this side was the key to the final decision.

In Lin Hang's heart, I have seen Li Yuluo's six games, and almost every one of them has brought surprises to everyone. For this time Li Yuluo and Yudieyi's singles, I also feel that Li Yu It’s because Li Yuluo has too much knowledge at this time, and the "Resistance" ability that has been painstakingly trained at this stage can perfectly restrain Yudieyi's "Fantasy". "", and Yudieyi’s ability is all in this "Fantasy" ability. After losing the help of the ability, he is a little bit behind Li Yu in other aspects. Under the overall situation, it is not a little bit. The gap between the two will form an obvious unbalanced game.

Don’t look at Huazhi and Ye Guangyuan seem to have been fighting for a long time. In fact, they stopped Huazhi from Ye Guangyuan and refused to let her support Yudieyi. It was only a while after Huazhi suddenly used the "Simulation Technique" to hurt Ye Guangyuan to grasp the situation. Only time. Now that Huazhi and Ye Guangyuan are in a stalemate, Li Yuluo has actually just arrived at the position of Yudieyi under the support of Ye Guangyuan's clouds. Li Yuluo's eyes glow, and the power of the soul is released, calmly After passing through the illusion, he looked directly at Yudie Yi who also didn't move much afterwards.

Yudieyi was also looking at Li Yuluo at this time, knowing that the illusions he had set up now were nothing but nothing to Li Yuluo, so he waved his hand and dispelled all the illusions, and then directly stared at Li Yuluo. . Yudieyi also understands that under the current situation, everyone, including teammate Huazhi who has been with each other day and night this month, certainly does not believe that he can beat Li Yuluo. After all, Li Yuluo's previous performance was too amazing. Now, although her Yudieyi has weird and powerful abilities, she just happened to run into Li Yuluo, who was now turning into a butterfly, and naturally she would not be optimistic. However, Yudieyi is also a very proud person in her heart. She never thinks that she will lag behind others. Although she has been carrying out the hunting plan on the planet in these years, she has not wasted her time, just like many disciples before, the same is Mastered other abilities besides her own abilities, but she never showed it. This time, Yudieyi faced Li Yuluo who was favored by everyone. She didn’t have any words. She just wanted to prove it with actual actions. Not a soft persimmon that can be pinched at will!

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