I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 527

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:31 AM

Chapter 527: Choice of different roads

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For such a question, different monks will give different answers, and this time Huazhi and Yudieyi, who encountered this problem at the same time, chose different paths.

Huazhi’s fighting style is a complete assassin. Face-to-face fighting is not what she is good at. After encountering the problem that her abilities cannot play a big role in many situations, Huazhi still does not want to change her fighting style. , Still want to walk on the road of assassins. And after consulting some seniors of the Wu clan with advanced cultivation, who also took the assassin route, Huazhi also had her own answer. Huazhi discovered that the three witch tribes of the three witch tribes in the cave sky, the witch monks in "Emperor Realm" have more assassin practitioners, and this is related to the talents of everyone in "Emperor Realm" and has room for manipulation. Ability, illusory, naturally more suitable for the assassin's path, including Wang Lao when he did not become a big climate in the early years, he was also the most outstanding assassin agent of the Chinese military, so that all the supernatural powers of other countries were frightened. Old but unique and powerful spatial ability is inseparable. Huazhi also understood that no matter what she is now, if she wants to go on the road of the assassin, then the understanding and control of space is essential.

It is precisely because of this that Huazhi studied a lot of books on introducing space when she was in the Golden Elixir period, which also laid the foundation for her future path of space perception, and only then can she practice in the Yuanying period. Huazhi’s magic technique "Simulation of the Body" is even more exciting. If this technique can be mastered in the Nascent Soul Stage, with her ability, she can completely become a top level no less than Hu Lingfeng. assassin! Huazhi kept this technique firmly in her heart, and according to the method in the book she saw, even when she was on the mission of the earth and star experience, she still constantly felt the power of space. Hope to have some results. Naturally, these efforts were not in vain. Before Huazhi entered the Nascent Soul Stage, she really made her feel the power of space! This was originally an impossible thing, but if Huazhi had this talent, it would not be unexplainable. After entering the Nascent Soul Stage, Huazhi began to exercise this technique. However, time was limited. Soon she returned to "Candle World" under Lin Hang's arrangement. After that, it was the grouping of the mutual help duel. Huazhi was within this month, except for the Yudieyi After being familiar with the tactics, they spent all of their time studying this technique, and the effort paid off. At the end of one month, Huazhi really succeeded in practicing this extremely difficult technique! This also made Huazhi excited while secretly grateful that she did not choose the wrong path. That trace of spatial talent confirmed that Huazhi was able to go further and further on the path of the assassin, and it also made her firmer. Ideas and development paths.

However, Huazhi is also a special case. Many people who encounter similar problems choose to stick to their choices like Huazhi, but most of them are unsuccessful, although they have also put in a lot of effort. But the facts are also very cruel. The path chosen may not be the path suitable for their development. The farther you go on this road, the deeper you will be trapped and unable to extricate yourself. It will be too late when you finally wake up. Going other ways is already too weak. Many people with outstanding talents will not be able to move forward unless they make mistakes in their perceptions and path choices. They waste their talents and become a pity in the cultivation world.

Of course, in such a bottleneck situation, although there are many people like Huazhi who insist on his own path, compared with the huge base, it appears to be very small. There are more of them, but they choose to try other roads instead of hanging on a tree. Yudieyi and Li Yuluo both chose this way.

Although Li Yuluo’s "Resistance" ability can make her immune to most of the negative effects, and has an absolutely calm fighting mind, it has no bonus to her own combat power, so Li Yuluo also understands Taking advantage of his lack of offensive ability, he began to look for ways to improve his offensive means. After many readings and attempts, Li Yuluo finally chose one formation. Of course, this was not chosen by Li Yuluo arbitrarily. With her calm thinking and judgment, she easily realized her affinity and talent for the formation. She herself was very interested in it, so she directly chose this. A path. It's just that after the path is determined, it doesn't mean that everything is going well. It also requires you to devote a huge amount of time and effort to this path. This is the case for Li Yuluo. During the decades of practicing in "Candle World", Li Yuluo was basically soaking in the library of the Witch Clan, learning from the introductory knowledge of the formation, until relying on his own strength to set up the first simple formation, and slowly he has now He has mastered the layout of hundreds of formations, so that Li Yuluo can deal with different scenarios and opponents, and he can choose different formations to deal with, without being restrained. After that, Li Yuluo finally Get rid of the previous dilemma, incarnate as the true core of this team, you can use your own tactical core layout to deal with the existence of various types of 10,000-race monks. It's just that Li Yuluo has always been relatively low-key, so these skills are only understood by everyone in her team. It was not until this mutual help duel match that she was finally shown in front of everyone, and she immediately amazed everyone, that endless array. The method is truly invincible.

Compared with Li Yuluo, those who can accurately find their own suitable development direction are still in the minority. Most people walk along all roads until they find a path that really suits their development. Yudieyi is still in On this road of exploration. This is the reason why Li Yuluo couldn't help but admire after fighting against Yudieyi, because in Li Yuluo's view, Yudieyi's own "Fantasy" ability is very powerful. Most opponents can give them a very headache, and it is normal that they can't achieve good results in the face of restraining their own enemies. This is not to give up their own "Fantasy" abilities and learn other ways. reason. The only explanation is that Yudieyi didn't give up his strong ability, but chose to try other road choices in order to increase his comprehensiveness!

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