I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 528

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:30 AM

Chapter 528: Situation progress

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Yudieyi learned a method similar to melee combat in order to enrich his fighting style. He didn't want to stare at him when his abilities were offset. Although there are not many such cases, Yudieyi still doesn't want to have any shortcomings in her own. While not giving up her own powerful "Fantasy" powers of cultivation and exploration, Yudieyi has set aside time to get in touch with other battles. The way, while enriching his own knowledge and methods, he is also looking for ways to strengthen his own abilities to make up for his shortcomings. Now, Yudieyi has also found some good results.

Li Yuluo was standing in a group with Yudieyi at this time, and in such close combat, the fighting level of the two was not much different, and Li Yuluo was not sure of victory in a short time. At this time, Li Yu Luo noticed the battlefield between Ye Guangyuan and Huazhi in the distance. Huazhi leaped continuously in the air, and carried out uninterrupted blows to Ye Guangyuan. Ye Guangyuan could only maintain a defensive position due to being injured and insufficient spiritual power. Under Huazhi's fierce attack, Ye Guangyuan's consumption was actually more than Huazhi's. If Huazhi and Li Yuluo's offensive power were also insufficient, Ye Guangyuan might have already lost. But even so, Li Yuluo can see that Ye Guangyuan's defensive position is becoming more and more inadequate. If this continues, Ye Guangyuan's defeat will be a matter of time, and now there is not much time, Li Yuluo knows that he The current stalemate with Yudieyi must be changed. Otherwise, if Ye Guangyuan loses, he will face the siege of Huazhi and Yudieyi. If this really happens, then he too There is no need to pray for a miracle to happen, just to meet the failure. Therefore, in order to win the final seventh game, Li Yuluo's heart was overwhelmed and he had already made a decision.

It’s just that before Li Yuluo had started, Yudieyi had already moved a step ahead of time. Li Yuluo could see the battlefield of Huazhi and Ye Guangyuan in the distance, and Yudieyi could naturally detect it, so she also understood. Since his teammate Huazhi has the absolute upper hand, as long as his side can hold it, after Huazhi defeats Ye Guangyuan, he can basically declare the victory of the competition. Although Yudieyi also wants to rely on her own ability to defeat Li Yu, and then take a more determined step on her own path, this time, after all, it is a team competition with Huazhi, and Yudieyi does not want to let it go. My own emotions affect the competition, especially since it has reached the last match of this mutual help duel, and the winner is the champion this time. Being able to join forces with Huazhi, and then win more safely, is naturally the best way Yudieyi feels after he has eliminated personal emotions. Therefore, when Yudieyi saw such a scene, it was not difficult to guess that Li Yuluo was going to change the current situation and use some means that could break the game. Yudieyi was also prepared for the singles with Li Yuluo. Naturally It’s not going to make Li Yuluo so simple as he wished, so just before Li Yuluo used the means, he launched his own special action in advance to keep Li Yuluo trapped in the battle with himself, and then give Hua Shiba's victory continues to create time.

The situation on the field became weird in an instant. The field became two distinct battlefields. Originally, Ye Guangyuan and Huazhi were the entangled parties, waiting for the battle between Li Yuluo and Yudieyi to separate first. Victory, but because of Yudieyi’s unexpected performance, and Li Yuluo did not distinguish the outcome, now it becomes Yudieyi to hold Li Yuluo, and let Ye Guangyuan and Huazhi fight first. negative. Therefore, the situation on the field is changing every moment, especially when Li Yuluo and Yudieyi’s hidden methods have not yet appeared, including Lin Hang, everyone can no longer predict the direction of the competition. It depends on which side of the two battlefields will decide the winner first. It’s just that, relatively speaking, the battle situation between Huazhi and Ye Guangyuan has become clear. Ye Guangyuan’s defeat has become an established fact. Now it’s up to Li Yuluo to defeat Yudieyi and support Ye Guangyuan before Ye Guangyuan’s defeat. It was Yudieyi who could bite Li Yuluo and even defeat Li Yuluo, and then won the competition with Huazhi.

At this time, Li Yuluo and Yudieyi met in midair, then each retreated, and then stopped fighting at a distance of 20 meters. When Li Yuluo raised his hand and was about to do something, he saw Yudieyi chuckling at her, then tapped his hands, and then Li Yuluo was surprised to see Yudieyi disappear in front of her. The trail, replaced by a few weird spirits floating in the air, launched an offensive against Li Yuluo, and no matter how Li Yuluo used his abilities at this time, he could not find it by releasing his own soul scan. With the breath of Yudieyi, the scene in front of him is constantly changing. For a while, it is an extremely hot magma cave, and another is an extremely cold icy and snowy ground. It is not only visual but also real in all aspects of touch. It was the spirits that suddenly appeared, and launched an attack persistently against Li Yuluo.

While resisting the attacks of these spirits, Li Yuluo couldn't understand how he could not understand that he was trapped in the illusion created by Yudieyi. If he did not break this illusion, he would be trapped forever, although not There was a big threat to him, but when he couldn't go out to support Ye Guangyuan, waiting for Huazhi to win, he and Ye Guangyuan really had no chance at all. However, Li Yuluo is still very strange, why is Yudieyi's illusion, which was originally ineffective to him, suddenly has an effect again?

Although Li Yuluo had some unforeseen and anxiety about the situation in his heart, Li Yuluo still didn't have a mess and was still analyzing the situation on the field. Although Ye Guangyuan's situation at this time was getting more and more dangerous, Li Yuluo Still forced herself to calm down, because she knew that if her side was disrupted and acted randomly, she might not need Huazhi to take action, she would be defeated by Yudieyi alone, which was unacceptable to the proud Li Yuluo. thing.

After the spirits in those illusions attacked for a while, Li Yuluo had already thought of the key to the matter. Her "Resistance" ability could make her immune to most of the negative effects of the same level. The illusion of Yudieyi was affected, so there was only one explanation. The intensity of Yudieyi's illusion was temporarily higher than the previous level, so it was able to affect Li Yuluo.

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