I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 53

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:44 AM

Chapter 53: Dark King Reappears

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Ten minutes later, Lin Hang and Tian Dayong were a bit unable to support them, and Lin Hang also slowly lost the blessing of "Beastmaster Madness" and restored to his original appearance. Just when Lin Hang thought he was completely planted this time, suddenly, the six killers on the field were all fixed in place, motionless. After Lin Hang observed carefully, he discovered that there were many black tentacles under everyone's feet, restraining them from moving.

Looking at these black tentacles, Lin Hang felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he exclaimed in surprise, "Uncle Zhao! Is that you, Uncle Zhao!" Compared with Lin Hang, Tian Dayong looked a little bit different. Confused, don't know what happened.

At this time, a hearty laughter came, and a figure slowly emerged. Seeing this familiar face, Lin Hang exclaimed happily, "Uncle Zhao, it really is you!"

Zhao Kangping came over and patted Lin Hang on the shoulder, and said, "Xiaohang, not bad! I haven't seen him for a few months. Not only did his cultivation reach the late stage of forging, he also stood out from the younger generation and won the Rising Stars Championship. He deserves to be a shocking son, he can also feel very relieved!"

Seeing Zhao Kangping, the elder who led him to get started, Lin Hang was very excited for a while and asked, "Uncle Zhao, did you come to the capital after you left Huicheng last time?"

Zhao Kangping nodded and said, "Yes, I had some things to come back to do at the time, and I just stayed here for a few months. After you came to the capital, I have been sending people to follow you, and today I really found out I think about the people who are against you!" After finishing talking, Zhao Kangping turned to look at these assassins and said, "You "Black Nest" are so courageous! You dare to shoot against my people! Your big leader should not send you It’s your own idea to do such a low price thing?"

The leading killer obviously recognized Zhao Kangping, his eyes widened, and said in horror, "The Dark King! Why are you here!"

Zhao Kangping sneered and said, "It's no use saying anything now! Since you take the order privately, I will teach you the rules for your big leader!" After finishing talking, Zhao Kangping shook his right hand and the tentacles under the six killers. It started surging crazily, and soon wrapped them all. At this time, a burst of energy suddenly spread from their bodies, as if to pull them into another place. Zhao Kangping snorted and waved his left hand, directly cutting off the connection with "Black Nest", and the tentacles continued to swallow them slowly In the end, nothing remained, all was swallowed up.

After finishing dealing with these people, Zhao Kangping said to Lin Hang, "These people are the killers of "Black Nest". I have some friendship with their big leader. He shouldn't take on such an errand. This time it should be them. Several people took the orders privately, but they didn't know who was looking for them."

Lin Hang was a little puzzled, and asked, "Then Uncle Zhao, why don't you keep them for a while and interrogate them? Also, when I was in Huicheng before, I was attacked by a killer. Later, I heard sister Yan say , The killer who attacked me also came from "Black Nest", so it seems that they had thoughts about me very early."

After hearing what Lin Hang said, Zhao Kangping frowned and said, "It would be like this! It seems that "Black Nest" is no longer so innocent, but I just couldn't ask them what they said. Everyone of the killers of "Black Nest" has been used by the big dragon head. If they want to disclose information, they will be dragged into the dead "Black Hell" without me, and they will never stand up! This one I will ask someone to find out after the incident, there must be no such threat by your side!"

Lin Hang nodded, looked at Tian Dayong who was silent, and said with a smile, "Big Brother Tian, ​​don't stand there. Let's go to the airport and return to Huicheng. There is nothing wrong this time."

Tian Dayong hasn't recovered yet. The military also has information about the Dark King, but today I saw the real person and still didn't react. And Lin Hang coveted Zhao Kangping's abilities, hehe said, "Uncle Zhao, you think we have finally met again this time, do you think you let me play with your abilities?"

Zhao Kangping looked at Lin Hang in front of him and asked with a smile, "I'm fine, why, now Xiaohang, you have the ability to replicate my ability?"

Lin Hang nodded, and did not shy away from Tian Dayong, put his hand on Zhao Kangping’s shoulder, and said, "Uncle Zhao, don’t resist later." Zhao Kangping nodded, Lin Hang mentally entered Zhao Kangping’s dantian. Bringing out a trace of psychic powers, using the "Clone" ability to create a clone of Zhao Kangping with early acquired strength.

Lin Hang stepped back a few steps. The avatar of Zhao Kangping opened his eyes and felt the avatar. He couldn’t help but sighed, “Xiao Hang, your power is indeed amazing! I feel that your future life will become more and more exciting. The richness of the power world is waiting for you to experience it slowly!"

Lin Hang scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and said, "Uncle Zhao, don't make fun of me, I am still far away!" He copied the power of Zhao Kangping's clone, feeling the extra mental space. "Elements-Darkness", Lin Hang suddenly felt satisfied, he had coveted Zhao Shu's ability for a long time, and now he finally got what he wanted, and he was still very happy.

After fulfilling this wish, Zhao Kangping and Lin Hang talked a few more words before turning around and disappearing into their vision. Lin Hang looked at Tian Dayong and couldn't help laughing, "Brother Tian, ​​it's okay. Now let's go to the airport first. It has been delayed for a long time. Brother Guangyuan should be waiting in a hurry."

Tian Dayong was a bit hesitant to speak, but he hesitated for a while before he asked, "Lin Hang, don't blame me for talking, your powers seem to be more than what you said, just like the "Psychic Stick" you gave me. And the "Clone" you just cast, what exactly is your ability?"

After these days of getting along, in fact, Lin Hang already trusts Tian Dayong very much, so copying Zhao Kangping’s ability today did not avoid Tian Dayong. Lin Hang smiled and said, “Brother Tian, ​​my ability is not "Controlling Time and Space" is not "The King of Elements", nor is it today's "Psychic Stick", "Clone", etc. My power is "Copy"! In other words, as long as conditions permit, I can be any stranger!"

Although Tian Dayong had some guesses, he couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard Lin Hang's words. He was indeed shocked. No wonder Wang Lao accepted Lin Hang as his disciple as soon as he met and defeated Lin Hang's powerful enemy of this generation. There is no doubt. Lin Hang’s ability is simply perfect. Against different enemies, Lin Hang can adopt different tactics, all of which can perfectly restrain opponents. And as Lin Hang gets deeper and deeper into the power world, his ability will only stronger.

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