I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 535

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:24 AM

Chapter 535: Cooperate

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Li Yuluo didn't guess wrong. After Yudieyi and Huazhi in the dark looked at each other, they had already determined the next attacking rhythm. Just like before, let Yudieyi attract Li Yuluo's attention. Containing Li Yuluo's movements and behaviors, she created an opportunity for Huazhi who was preparing to gather momentum in the dark. It's just that within the range of the power of wind and thunder, if Li Yuluo and Yudieyi are singled out, they will basically have the upper hand in the crushing. If it is not for Li Yuluo's attention, most of the flowers have not appeared yet. With a little bit of means and price on Zhi, Li Yuluo has the ability to directly defeat Yudieyi, and Huazhi also understands this. When she does not find a suitable opportunity, she can always endure the delay. This puts a potentially huge pressure on Li Yuluo, and at the same time reduces some of the burden on Yudieyi, allowing her to hold on for a longer period of time in this fight with Li Yuluo.

Li Yuluo fought Yudieyi like this for a few minutes, and still did not wait for Huazhi, who was in the dark, to take a shot. Huazhi seemed to be patient with Li Yuluo. At this time, Li Yuluo saw the Yudieyi on the opposite side retreat a few steps, and then the natal Lingbao jade flute in his hand suddenly shined, and then this jade flute with powerful spiritual power fluctuations directly faced Li Yuluo bombarded, Yudieyi was going to work hard!

Li Yuluo knew that Yudieyi’s powerful attack was actually giving Huazhi a signal and creating a chance to make a move. However, because Yudieyi’s move did not leave any hand, Li Yuluo had to fight. A twelve-point mental response, because this can be regarded as the last blow of Yudie Yi at this time. It is naturally extremely powerful. If you don’t deal with it properly, it may be planted in the hands of this trick. .

Just as Li Yuluo also raised the feather fan in his hand, it also condensed spiritual power and summoned a large group of wind and thunder fusion energy, and directly collided with the jade flute emitting light from Yudieyi, and the two collided. When Li Yuluo was shaken back a dozen meters away, Yudieyi was even more miserable. He was knocked down and flew out, half kneeling on the ground, adjusting his breath. With his own spiritual power fluctuations.

At this moment, when Li Yuluo retreated uncontrollably, a palpitation flashed in Li Yuluo's heart. The feeling of palpitations made Li Yuluo understand immediately and waited a long time in the distance. Huazhi finally found such an opportunity and directly launched an offensive. At this time, Huazhi had already sneaked close to Li Yuluo’s position in these hours through his own stealth characteristics, only one step away. It's time to enter the area of ​​wind and thunder fusion power set by Li Yuluo. Now that Li Yuluo was attacked by Yudieyi, a flaw was blasted. Huazhi, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately seized this opportunity and quickly flew towards the place where Li Yu must go backwards. Hua Although Zhi did not practice the short-term teaching method such as "The Art of Translation" that Yudieyi was good at, but Huazhi itself was a monk in the Yuan Ying period, so if he could fly across the sky, it was not. Li Yuluo can easily limit it. At this time, a defensive area generated by the power of wind and thunder fusion around Li Yuluo's body was attracted most of the attention of the previous Yudieyi, and basically the attack was also attracted by Yudieyi. It has passed, so at this time Li Yuluo is not only in an uncontrollable retreat, but also a rare gap in the defense around him!

Huazhi has always been a top assassin on China’s side. Naturally, she will not give up such a good opportunity easily. Especially this opportunity is that after she discussed tactics with Yudieyi, she attracted attention in the early stage, deliberately for the flower. The opportunity that Zhi created, Hua Zhi must seize this opportunity. And how clever Li Yuluo is, he can roughly guess the idea of ​​Huazhi and Yudieyi, but although Li Yuluo can roughly detect it, there is no way to prevent Huazhi and Yudieyi from spreading their plans. After all, In order to create opportunities for Huazhi, Yudieyi's actions and attacks were desperate. With this state of Yudieyi, Li Yuluo had to separate most of his mind to deal with it, otherwise it was very likely. It was directly injured in Yudieyi’s hands. This is where Li Yuluo was at a disadvantage with one enemy and two at this time. Huazhi and Yudieyi could implement their plan well and easily contain Li Yuluo’s Attention, and then another person launches a surprise attack. This is basically a plan laid out on the bright side. Everyone understands it, but Li Yuluo has no way to deal with it. He can only watch Huazhi and Li Yuluo spread them out.的Layout.

At this time, Li Yuluo was temporarily bombarded by Yudieyi’s attack. Although she desperately wanted to alleviate the situation, it took time to completely stop her figure, but Huazhi was already in midair. In the middle, looking for a gap in the attack of the power of wind and thunder, there was no trace of attack, and he flew directly behind Li Yuluo. The dagger in his hand exuded a burst of cold light, which obviously contained the powerful spiritual power of Huazhi Yuanying Yes, although Huazhi was facing her friend Li Yuluo, she didn’t have any hands left at this time. Although Huazhi’s life spirit treasure was only at the level of the foundation stage, she herself was the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying stage. Compared to Ye Guangyuan, Huazhi's offensive power was insufficient, but at this time the body was only Li Yuluo in the late Jindan period, and he could not easily resist Xia Huazhi's attack.

Just when Huazhi's dagger was about to touch Li Yuluo, both Huazhi and Yudieyi who adjusted her breath in the distance showed smiles. According to this situation, Li Yuluo had no room to escape. Under the circumstances, facing Huazhi's long-charged offense, it would basically fall under Huazhi's attack. But just when Huazhi and Yudieyi thought that the battle was about to end, and they were about to win, a sudden change occurred! At this time, Li Yuluo, who was retreating, did not have the slightest worry on his face, but a smile on the corner of his mouth. Just when Huazhi's dagger was about to touch Li Yuluo's body, the position of Li Yuluo suddenly issued. After a burst of intense light, and then the light flickered, Li Yuluo disappeared in place, and replaced by Ye Guangyuan, who had almost lost his combat power!

Facing the sudden change, Huazhi was shocked in her heart, but before her thoughts flowed quickly, she made the most correct decision at this time, and put more spiritual power into the original dagger, and directly pierced this time. Ye Guangyuan in front of him.

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