I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 536

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:24 AM

Chapter 536: "The Art of Interchange"

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After this period of rest, Ye Guangyuan has already recovered some spiritual power. Facing the strong pressure of Huazhi, Ye Guangyuan reluctantly turned into a ball of water element, trying to resist Huazhi’s powerful attack, but Huazhi had already It was determined that Ye Guangyuan had to be dealt with directly with this blow, so the dagger in his hand was undiminished, and it even more fiercely hit the water element range that Ye Guangyuan had transformed. A person with water element ability like Ye Guangyuan, after being transformed into a water element, can offset most of the physical attacks, but at the cost of a large consumption of his own spiritual power. In this way, Ye Guangyuan understands that Hua Zhi also understands it. Now that Huazhi knew that Ye Guangyuan’s spiritual power was insufficient, she chose the best way to eliminate Ye Guangyuan. That was to directly crush Ye Guangyuan’s spiritual power with her own spiritual power to offset Ye Guangyuan’s remaining spiritual power. The method will directly lead to a deadlock in normal times, and there is no way to go further, but it is just right to use it at this time. Ye Guangyuan lacks spiritual power, but barely uses the means to transform into the water element. Huazhi is confident and relying on herself. This powerful blow was already enough to directly eliminate Ye Guangyuan.

And the fact is exactly as Huazhi thought. The water element form of Ye Guangyuan’s incarnation was not supported for a long time in Huazhi’s spiritual blow. In just a few seconds, it could no longer be supported. Staying, unable to maintain the elementalization of water, regained the original body, but Huazhi did not stop, retracting the dagger and piercing it out again, hitting Ye Guangyuan’s heart, and powerful spiritual power erupted in Ye Guangyuan’s body. After coming out, Ye Guangyuan turned into a burst of white light and disappeared directly into this spiritual space. Ye Guangyuan was actually eliminated under Huazhi's continuous attack!

After Huazhi decisively eliminated Ye Guangyuan, there was no trace of joy on her face, because Ye Guangyuan in this state would not be proud of being eliminated, and there was a slight regret in Huazhi's heart. She felt that she still had some concerns that were not comprehensive enough. She and Huazhi only considered Li Yuluo who was able to control "The Wind and Thunder Transformation", but Ye Guangyuan, who was in a bad state, did not consider it. It seemed that such Ye Guangyuan could no longer have any influence on the battle situation, so he left Ye Guangyuan aside. In the current situation, although Ye Guangyuan was easily eliminated by Huazhi, Huazhi also knew that Ye Guangyuan had completed his final mission and won the last chance for Li Yuluo, and Ye Guangyuan was going to leave the field. People, at this time, have played a bigger role. And if Huazhi had spent a little bit of effort to eliminate Ye Guangyuan when Yudieyi entangled Li Yuluo at the beginning, there would not be so many things afterwards, and Li Yu would fall into the joint of the two of them. With calculations, there will inevitably be flaws, and at that time, without Ye Guangyuan's protection, Li Yuluo had almost no hope of victory.

It's just that the matter is over, Huazhi no longer thinks too much, the situation suppresses this trace of regret in her heart. After Huazhi eliminated Ye Guangyuan, she glanced in the distance and saw that the distance originally belonged to the area where Ye Guangyuan sat and rested. Li Yuluo was looking at her with a smile. Seeing such a scene, how could Huazhi still not? Understand, although she didn't know what Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan's methods were, the result was already obvious. Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo activated a mysterious spell in an instant, forcibly swapping their positions. , At the price of Ye Guangyuan being eliminated, Li Yuluo was forced to resist the attack, and he also directly changed Li Yuluo to a safe position. In this case, although Ye Guangyuan was eliminated, Huazhi and Yudieyi's original plan was not fulfilled. After Li Yuluo escaped their long-planned attack, it is already very difficult to find such an opportunity. After all, after Li Yuluo has preparedness, some of the arrangements will be directly useless. What's more, Yudieyi at this time is already in a great loss in order to create opportunities for Huazhi. He has almost lost combat effectiveness and can no longer fight. Huazhi cooperated and played the previous operations.

Although Li Yuluo has changed his position, the "Wind and Thunder Transformed Array" that she previously urged has already enveloped all the scope of this spiritual space in mid-air, so now Li Yuluo has not only changed his position. Arriving in a safe place, and her offensive ability has not been weakened at all. At this time, Li Yuluo still has the confidence and strength to rely on this "Wind and Thunder Transformation Array".

Li Yuluo and Huazhi faced each other. Both sides did not attack rashly, but were waiting for the final attack. Everyone knew that now is the final critical moment, and neither side is sure of victory. If you want to control the next victory, you have to look at the performance and reaction afterwards, so now Li Yuluo and Huazhi are looking at each other, and there is already a strong fighting spirit between the two.

When Huazhi and Yudieyi communicated quickly in a low voice, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan were not idle either. Ye Guangyuan knew that he was in a state and could no longer support such a battle, so he took the initiative to propose such a tactic. It is to use the "Swap Technique" to provide the last protection for Li Yuluo's safety. This swap technique needs to be cast in advance, and the spirit power entanglement that can communicate with each other is cast on both sides, and then Ye Guangyuan acts as the caster , Has been investigating the situation on the field. When Li Yuluo was forced into desperation by Yudieyi and Huazhi’s plan, he waited a long time in the distance, and Ye Guangyuan, who had recovered some spiritual power, decisively launched "The Art of Change" connected the spiritual entanglement left on Li Yuluo's body in advance, and then directly swapped positions with Li Yuluo, blocking this almost mortal blow for Li Yuluo. At this point, Ye Guangyuan’s mission was directly completed. He didn’t have any combat effectiveness. At this time, being able to block a key blow for Li Yu was already the best he could do. Ye Guangyuan also resisted symbolically, and accepted the ending of being eliminated by Huazhi. Ye Guangyuan also believed that after he blocked this crucial fatal blow for Li Yu, the follow-up test Li Yuluo would be easy. Many are no longer at an absolute disadvantage, and can fight against Huazhi and Yudieyi's bad state at this time.

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