I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 539

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:59 AM

Chapter 539: Layout

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Huazhi herself understands this, but she has no choice but to choose this relatively simple opportunity to attack. After all, Li Yuluo's formation is to gather the power of heaven and earth to maintain and attack. Li Yuluo only needs simple Just manipulate it, but whether Huazhi is invisible or concealing her own breath, she will consume her spiritual power, and she won’t be able to see anything in a short period of time, but over time, she can find the gap. Huazhi’s spiritual power will definitely It consumes faster than Li Yuluo, so the offensive pressure has always been on Huazhi's side. This is the helplessness of facing the formation mage. With the blessing of the suitable formation, every formation mage will almost always have a great advantage in the battle. As long as the formation is not broken, the formation is easy. Being able to get good protection and form an offense that surpasses one's own limits is also a very common way to defeat the strong with the weak.

At this time, Hua Zhi's speed exploded. From the position behind Li Yu's body, he was able to resist the attack of countless wind and thunder fusion power above his head, and quickly approached Li Yuluo's position, formed by those violent wind and thunder fusion forces. The energy pillar directly bombarded the outer membrane of the spiritual power on Huazhi's body surface, constantly consuming Huazhi's state. However, this kind of offense was still expected by Huazhi, and it was an offense that was inevitably endured. Huazhi had also considered it a long time ago, so the defensive spiritual power of the body surface was also prepared early, and it was simply the integration of wind and thunder. Although the attack of the energy pillar of the power is very fierce, but with Huazhi’s advance preparation, it is still completely resisted by the spiritual power on the body surface, and the speed of Huazhi itself is unabated, moving towards Li Yu's position. Going straight away, this distance is not long at first, and under Huazhi's full sprint, he is already about to reach the level of Li Yu's back!

It's just that Li Yuluo now looks motionless, and doesn't mean to evade in the slightest. It seems that he is shocked by Huazhi's current fierce offensive, and for a while, it is too late to defend. Huazhi was also very puzzled at this time. In her heart, it was impossible for Li Yuluo to make such a mistake, but the arrow had to be sent on the string. Huazhi’s natal spirit treasure dagger appeared in her hand, and a large amount of spiritual power stimulated it. Next, he directly pierced Li Yuluo's back!

However, as soon as the dagger was pierced, Huazhi noticed something was wrong, because the dagger didn't feel as if it had pierced the entity, but after Li Yuluo's body was pierced, it disappeared into fragments. And this turning into fragments is not the feeling of being eliminated, it is more like a method that Li Yuluo has shown before.

""Replacement Technique"?" After seeing this slightly familiar scene, Huazhi's heart already understood the truth of the matter. Seeing a new Li Yuluo reappearing in the distance, how could Huazhi not understand During the few minutes of this confrontation, Li Yu had also performed the "Replacement Technique" ahead of time. This magical technique that ignores bans and offenses can alternate between two spaces at any time and change its position. What stayed in place just now was just a spiritual power incarnation of Li Yuluo. The real Li Yuluo had already left the place and went to a safe place far away from Huazhi. Huazhi also remembered the scene where Li Yuluo used this "replacement technique" for the first time. It was in the second match, when he played against Sun Xi and Jiang Huacong's group, Sun Xi performed the extremely rare "Seal of Light". , Wanted to trap Li Yuluo, and then let Jiang Huacong seize the opportunity to knock Ye Guangyuan out of the game, but Li Yuluo directly noticed it in advance and used this "replacement technique" that ignored the ban, and went to a safe place. The position of Sun Xi and Jiang Huacong almost abolished the arrangement of Sun Xi and Jiang Huacong, and completed the instant reversal of the situation. Therefore, the powerful "Replacement Technique" that Li Yuluo mastered needs time to be performed, but if the timing is appropriate, it is also It can be a very good help, allowing Li Yuluo to have the ability to change the situation.

At this time, Li Yuluo once again used the opportunity to cast the "Replacement Technique" and escaped Huazhi's long-prepared blow, which was quite amazing. But at this time Huazhi adjusted her mentality instantly, and was not hit by Li Yuluo's outstanding performance. When Li Yuluo's spiritual power incarnation was shattered, she rushed towards Li Yuluo without a pause. Huazhi also understood the new position in an instant. Although Li Yuluo used the "Replacement Technique" to reach a new safe position, it also showed that Li Yuluo temporarily gave up the countless wind and thunder fusion power energy pillars around him. Protection, although Li Yuluo can regenerate these defenses, but it also takes time to deploy. Huazhi wants to seize Li Yuluo's unfinished gap and strike Li Yuluo with thunder, otherwise Li Yuluo once again formed the advantage of the venue.

However, when Huazhi took the first step, she felt a trace of heart palpitations. Li Yuluo in the distance lightly snapped his fingers, and she saw Huazhi’s place where Li Yuluo was standing. Innumerable wind and thunder fusion forces gathered together, and then formed a huge energy sword, directly facing Huazhi! It turned out that Li Yuluo’s arrangement was far from simple. She used her position as a bait to reveal the flaws for Huazhi to catch, then cast her "Replacement Technique" to change herself to a safe position, and at the same time mobilized the top of her head. The energy that had been prepared for a long time erupted, at this time Huazhi was equivalent to falling into the trap of Li Yuluo, seeing that it could only be directly hit by the wind and thunder fusion power energy sword above her head!

Seeing this almost impeccable series of arrangements, Zhuo Sheng in the appearance of the game couldn't help but sigh, "Yu Luo's thoughts are really meticulous! But Yu Luo also used Yangmou. At this time, Hua Zhi also had to Offensive, as long as you grasp the point that Huazhi must attack, Yuluo can understand how to set up some traps. But it is still necessary to praise Yuluo's big heart. Such time calculations should not have the slightest error, if If the "Replacement Technique" is launched a little late, Yuluo is likely to be directly torn apart by Huazhi's attack! I have to say that it possesses the "Spirit Ascending Technique" plus the "Blood Coagulation" technique. Luo, already has the confidence and ability to challenge most of the Yuan Ying cultivators, a powerful formation mage who can arrange the formation in an instant, has to make people look forward to her future development! It is really unimaginable, when it comes to Yuan Ying What kind of surprises will Yuluo bring to us during the period or even the transformation period?"

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