I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 540

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:58 AM

Chapter 540: Reverse

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Lin Hang smiled on the side, but did not respond to Zhuo Sheng's words. At this time, from the scene, Li Yuluo did behave impeccably. He just grasped the point that Huazhi must attack, and under the heavy arrangement, the scene was completely completed. Controlled in his own hands. However, Lin Hang clearly saw Huazhi’s face, and it also showed a look that he had anticipated. With such a realization, it is not difficult for Lin Hang to guess that Huazhi also guessed how Li Yuluo would arrange it, so With precautions in advance, would Huazhi really be so simple to be calculated to death by Li Yuluo? Lin Hang didn't particularly believe it. He faintly felt that Huazhi would not be defeated so easily, and there was still a good show to watch!

Lin Hang didn’t say what she thought in her heart. He nodded and said with a smile, “Brother Zhuo, you’re right, I also look forward to the way Li Yuluo grows up, with her temper and behavior style, It is completely possible to bring up a large team. In the days after China, many fighters may still rely on Li Yuluo's ability to manage. If Li Yuluo can persist in the formation, use her With her talent and personality, I firmly believe that she can find her own way. Even if she can surpass me in the future, it is not a particularly unexpected thing!"

Zhuo Sheng listened to Lin Hang and praised that Li Yuluo might surpass him, but he just laughed. He still didn't believe it, because Li Yuluo did very well, but the distance from Lin Hang was still very long. Yes, after all, although Li Yuluo has brought them a lot of surprises, compared to the deeds of Lin Hang's rise to the present, it also seems a bit ordinary. Zhuo Sheng believes that Li Yuluo will be able to become the pillar of China after he grows up, but if he wants to be comparable to Lin Hang, there is still no way to convince Zhuo Sheng.

Lin Hang took a look at Zhuo Sheng and realized that Zhuo Sheng did not take his words to heart, and then he stopped explaining. In Lin Hang's heart, if Li Yuluo can continue to develop like this in the future, it will be for the entire China The role and help will definitely be able to match or even surpass Lin Hang, because Lin Hang is a representative of strong personal strength, and can also provide China with various resources to support, so that each of China's disciples can have the best environment to practice and improve themselves. , But what Lin Hang can provide is only the external environment, but Li Yuluo’s performance can lead a large number of people to advance together, and if there is no accident in the future, Li Yuluo will become an extremely powerful formation. Master Dharma, the future master of formation is different from the present. If Li Yuluo can reach the level of crossing the catastrophe and deploy a large-scale formation with all his strength, there is a certain possibility that he can compete with Monk Dengxian! Therefore, at the critical moment, Li Yuluo can play a very comprehensive role, being able to protect the existence of an entire ethnic group, which is unmatched by Lin Hang alone.

After a brief exchange between the two, they refocused their attention on the light curtain. In Zhuo Sheng's heart, under the arrangement of Li Yuluo at this time, Huazhi must have no room to escape. After coming down to bear the blow Li Yuluo prepared, even if he is not eliminated directly, he should have received a heavy blow. Then Li Yuluo can continue to control the power of the formation and gather a large amount of wind and thunder fusion power against the flowers. Zhi carried out an all-round bombardment. Under such a designated range of attack, Hua Zhi had no room to dodge, and could only accept the fate of being eliminated.

And just when the wind and thunder fusion power energy sword that Li Yuluo reserved on the head of the original position was about to fall on top of Huazhi's head, something that surprised everyone appeared. Huazhi's figure suddenly disappeared in place. The violent wind and thunder fusion power energy sword directly landed in the empty space, and the other subsequent attacks also all landed on the ground, all losing their targets. At the same time, Huazhi's figure suddenly appeared behind Li Yuluo, and the dagger in his hand was directly pointed at Li Yuluo's younger generation. This time, there was more and more domineering in the dagger. Huazhi wanted to win this match directly with this move!

This time, Huazhi used a lot of spiritual power and spiritual power and cost to forcibly communicate with space, and once again launched the "Simulation Technique", flashing directly behind Li Yuluo, launching this blow, and directly turning passive into Taking the initiative, not only escaped the trap that Li Yuluo originally carefully laid out, but also approached Li Yuluo, who was originally far away from her. This time Huazhi was very sure that Li Yuluo had no conditions to perform the "Replacement Technique" again, so Hua Zhi's attack used almost all of her spiritual power. She wanted to directly crush Li Yuluo with the huge and pure spiritual power of her Nascent Infant stage, and then win this competition, and Li Yuluo was originally He was still distracted and manipulated the formation of attacking Huazhi. At this time, he noticed that Huazhi had come to his back. The situation had become very critical!

But what kind of person is Li Yuluo? When Huazhi was dealing with Ye Guangyuan before, he had used the flashing "Simulation Technique" before. Although Li Yuluo was not sure that Huazhi could use this technique again, he still paid attention in his heart. Li Yuluo took the initiative to lure Huazhi into the game and set up an extremely perfect trap. How could he not take Huazhi's powerful spatial technique into consideration?

Therefore, just after Huazhi thought that she was finally relying on forbearance and calculation, and was about to eliminate Li Yuluo, and won the final victory of this competition, a burst of blue and purple suddenly burst out of Li Yuluo's back. The strong rays of light, these rays not only resisted Huazhi's powerful attack, but also directly sent Huazhi away. Huazhi wanted to solve Li Yuluo with a single blow, so she didn't have much left. This blow used almost all of his spiritual power, and this blow was directly blocked, and not only his spiritual power was almost lost. , Was also hit by the shock this time, and suffered serious injuries.

Huazhi was shocked and flew aside, half kneeling on the ground, looking up at the location of Li Yuluo, she saw that Li Yuluo was unscathed at this time, her full attack was all given by Li Yuluo's sudden burst of blue and purple light. It was blocked, but Huazhi could clearly feel that the "Wind and Thunder Transformation" in the sky, which had put her under great pressure, had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. Seeing this scene before her, as a personal experience, Huazhi also vaguely had some answers in her heart.

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