I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 543

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:56 AM

Chapter 543: Li Yuluo broke through!

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After listening to all of Lin Hang’s analysis, Zhuo Sheng, including these participating disciples, understood Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo’s plans, and realized that at the beginning, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan had already decided how much. After participating in several battles, everyone thought of Lin Hang's special performance at the end of the first game. Lin Hang specifically asked Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan if they would take a rest for a while, and personally took action to restore their exhausted spirit. Obviously from that time on, Lin Hang had guessed Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo’s plan. At that time, he intervened to give them a boost. Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan were also determined and insisted on continuing. After seven arduous battles, after winning the final victory, Li Yuluo also achieved a breakthrough in his realm under the explosion of accumulation. Although Ye Guangyuan did not break through the realm, he still has a lot of insights and gains, which is much better than normal retreat. There will be more things in the year.

Looking at Li Yuluo, who was breaking through with his eyes closed, Lin Hang secretly made a decision in his heart. Before taking these disciples to the Ziwei Emperor Star for the next time, this kind of competitions can be held frequently, so that many disciples can understand. It is very helpful to understand your own characteristics and deal with a variety of different opponents. In addition, Lin Hang felt that the effect of his attempt to use "War Simulator" this time was very good, allowing many disciples to be able to defend themselves when competing, without being too restrained, but also able to experiment with some more dangerous techniques. The law and fighting style will not have any impact on the body, so Lin Hang decided to make more "War Simulators", and the scale should at least allow these elite disciples to have one manpower, and then together with a huge spiritual space. , There are many different environmental arenas, which can allow these elite disciples to fight in different environments, be familiar with different tactics and enemies, and lay some foundation and preparations for subsequent experience.

Thinking of this, Lin Hang couldn’t help but smile. The original intention of this mutual help duel was because he wanted to help Ye Guangyuan and give him a chance to get close to Li Yuluo. Under Liu Ruyan’s suggestion, he proposed to hold it. Although I knew that this mutual help duel match would not be so simple, it would also have some positive effects on these elite disciples of China, but I never expected it would reach the current level, but after thinking about it carefully, Lin Hang It can also understand the reason. These disciples of Huaxia were selected and carefully trained in "Candle World" for decades, and then they were sent to the Earth and Stars to carry out the hunting plan, although they were hardened and cultivated. There is no shortage of experience, but there is a little opportunity to learn from each other, and this mutual help duel proposed by Lin Hang is the first time for them to compete with each other, and they can show what they have really mastered over the years. These disciples Although they have grown and developed slowly under the cultivation of Huaxia, they are still in harmony with each other, but everyone is a genius, and naturally they will have a comparative mind. Such a mind is a calm person like Xu Li. It is also inevitable that they all want to fight for a better position, and this mutual help duel match really gave them this opportunity!

Throughout the seven matches of this duel match, many disciples who did not show up before show that they have worked hard to master and cultivate in these years, whether it is Sun Xi, Wang Feiyu or Yue Yuanwu, etc., all gave Lin Hang and the high-level staff a big surprise, so that they could understand that their investment in resources over the years was not in vain, and that these disciples had completely exceeded their expectations and developed very well. Li Yuluo is just the best performer among these disciples. In fact, if Li Yuluo's light wasn't too dazzling, the performance of Wang Feiyu and other disciples would be enough to satisfy Lin Hang. After all, many disciples had already started Fumbling for themselves to stick to the road of cultivation, this is the most critical step for them to become strong in Lin Hang's view. Although there will be many obstacles and troubles on the road, if they can keep on going, their future will be It is also limitless. What Lin Hang has to do is not to point out their paths for these elite disciples, but to provide them with all aspects of support, so that they have enough time and energy to study their own paths, so as not to give up directly after hitting a wall. , And this has always been Lin Hang’s leadership education policy, which is to allow these disciples to only develop, and they only provide resource support for progress, so that the disciples trained will not be the same model, and they can have their own thinking and likes. The choice of the road in the future, the chance to be a peerless powerhouse in the future will be even greater.

Lin Hang's thoughts floated back, and he saw that Li Yuluo's spiritual power change had slowly ended. At this time, Li Yuluo also fell on the ground again, opened his eyes and looked at the surroundings. Everyone laughed softly.

No one knows the state of Li Yuluo at this time. She successfully digested the gains of these few competitions at this time. With this moment of insight, she perfectly broke through to the level of the Nascent Soul Stage! Although Li Yuluo had just made a breakthrough, based on Li Yuluo’s performance in the previous competition, everyone agreed that among the disciples of the Yuan Ying stage on the scene, Li Yuluo’s combat effectiveness was definitely not in it. For the bottom position, if the formation can be arranged with the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period, in the case of other Yuan Ying period disciples, Li Yuluo even has the ability to have one enemy and many! Therefore, at this time, Tian Dayong Huazhi and other disciples of the Yuan Ying stage looked at Li Yuluo’s gaze, in addition to congratulations, there was a hint of dignity. Li Yuluo’s strong rise in this mutual help duel also gave them a lot. A lot of pressure, if you continue to stagnate, let’s not say whether it will be surpassed by Li Yuluo, and even consider the situation of being pulled further and further by Li Yuluo. Many disciples of Yuanying stage including Ye Guangyuan. They were all stimulated by Li Yuluo. There was no depression or depression. They all ignited greater fighting spirit. They acknowledged Li Yuluo's talent and strength, but they would never admit that they were inferior. Will put in more effort and will not allow myself to fall behind.

The disciples in the Yuan Ying stage can still maintain their own minds, but the other disciples are still in the late Jindan stage, and the changes in their hearts are indeed upsurge. The five flavors are mixed, and Li Yuluo's breakthrough has caused them a greater impact.

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