I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 546

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:39 AM

Chapter 546: distribution

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After Wang Feiyu took the black ball and looked at it carefully, he also understood the role of this small ball due to his unique induction of special abilities. After listening to Lin Hang’s introduction, Wang Feiyu also had a sense of sudden realization. The creator of the improvement of the Lingbao Fusion technique, of course he noticed the problems mentioned by Lin Hang early, but there has been no particularly good solution for the long time. The only way to improve the precision of each Lingbao refining is to ensure After the fusion is suitable, the magic black ball material provided by Lin Hang can help him easily complete this trouble, and with this magic material, Wang Feiyu is confident that he can fuse more spirit treasures without There was a feeling of being uncontrollable, this could be regarded as a direct increase in his combat power and the width of the road afterwards. Wang Feiyu had been burying his thoughts in his heart, and at this time there was also a hint of joy on his face.

Seeing that Wang Feiyu was very satisfied, Lin Hang also let go of his heart and smiled and said to Wu Bufan, "No, your situation is special. When you are fighting, abilities are very important for you. I know that you are also trying to change this problem. , But at this stage the ability is still yours, so the reward I give you is for you to strengthen your own ability!"

While Lin Hang was talking, Wu Bufan also received the special-shaped small box sent by Lin Hang. After Wu Bufan opened it curiously, he saw a bulging green pill lying in it. Lin Hang’s voice was also timely. The ground sounded, "I asked a senior of the Wu Clan to refine this pill. The main material is the tentacles on the head of the "Mengyi Clan" among the ten thousand clan! It’s not like you have been in the Earth Star for so long. "Mengyi" should not be unfamiliar, right? You should also know that the talent of "Mengyi" is called "Omen". It is a very powerful talent for predicting danger. In some respects, it is similar to your " The abilities of Somatosensory "have good things in common, and the talent of this "Omen" also has the ability to predict future disasters, so overall it is very good. This pill will not have any other people taking it. The effect is that they cannot obtain the "Omen" ability similar to their "Mengyizu", and there will be no increase in spiritual power, but you are not the same. I am sure that after taking this pill, Your "Somatosensory" ability will be greatly improved. It is still unclear how much it is improved, but it can free you from the limitation of having to fight in close combat to perform the ability. Attacks from a distance can also be easily avoided by you. ! In this case, you will be able to survive in a more complex environment in the future, which will also greatly enhance your life-saving ability! Maybe you will also get part of the predictive ability, in this case, for us Huaxia Words are also a great gospel!"

Wu Bufan didn’t quite understand it at first, but after listening to Lin Hang’s description, he felt that this kind of reward is very suitable for him, and it can enhance the effect of the ability. It still makes Wu Bufan very happy. As Lin Hang said, he is still relatively Relying on the help of the abilities, the abilities will not be affected by any illusions and scenes and his subjective consciousness. They can save him at the most critical moment and can enhance the abilities. Wu Bufan is still very satisfied at this stage.

After the sixth place Wu Bufan and Wang Feiyu gave out the rewards, it was also the turn of the fifth place Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye. The relationship between these two people and Lin Hang was not very good, but these years have passed. The gap has also widened. Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye have grown up, and the things of the year have been left behind. The goal now is to improve their strength and make efforts for China and its future. .

The characteristics of Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye are relatively obvious, so for the two of them, Lin Hang has set the rewards from the beginning. Lin Chengye and Liu Tianqi are both representatives of the element system. Lin Hang considers to strengthen They have the control and power of the elements they are good at, but Lin Hang's hands have just such materials and methods to help them.

Lin Hang took out the azure thunder deer horns and said with a smile to Lin Chengye, "Chengye, this horn is called thunder deer horns. It is the antler on the head of the congenital thunder deer born in the thunder. Thunder Deer belongs to, so every Thunder Deer horn contains extremely rich and pure thunder power. The most important thing is that these thunder powers have a trace of innate thunder attributes. If you absorb the thunder in it, After slowly transforming it into its own power, the power of thunder will be further strengthened, and the power will be more explosive! Moreover, after the power of thunder contained in it is absorbed, the horns of this thunder deer will return It can be used as an excellent lightning attribute refining material, and if you refine it into your own life spirit treasure, the level of the spirit treasure will also be greatly improved, and the potential for future growth will be even greater! Come, in the days to come, with this Thunder Deer Horn, your strength can also be improved on multiple levels!"

Actually, without Lin Hang's introduction, Lin Chengye, who got the horns of Thunder Deer, could directly feel the infinite and violent thunder power contained in it. After learning the origin from Lin Hang, Lin Chengye also showed an expression of ecstasy. The power of thunder is very explosive, and he is good at attacking, and this horn of thunder deer can further strengthen the strength of his fundamental method thunder, which naturally surprises Lin Chengye, and it may improve his life spirit in the future. Lin Chengye knew in his heart that after he digested this thunder deer horn, his strength would explode!

After finishing Lin Chengye’s side, Lin Hang also took out a ping-pong ball-sized fiery red bead and threw it to Liu Tianqi, then introduced, "This bead is called Earth Fire Bead, and it’s only in the heart of the earth. A strange thing that may be born. Tianqi, I have watched your test battles and found that your flame power has always been at a relatively embarrassing level. When facing the same level, it can’t achieve much power effect. So I think your primary task now is to increase the power of your own flames! This Fire Orb also contains very pure flame essence. Wearing it by your side for a long time, you can slowly increase your flame power invisibly. When the final effect is the strongest, it should be able to increase your current flame power by about twice! And it can also assist your cultivation in normal times, which is also a very good auxiliary treasure!"

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