I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 547

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:38 AM

Chapter 547: The gift of a six-pointed star pendant

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When Lin Hang introduced during the talk, Liu Tianqi nodded in agreement, obviously agreeing with Lin Hang's statement. When he was fighting Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan before, Liu Tianqi's fire ability could not exert anything. Function, there is no way to fight Ye Guangyuan’s water elemental ability. This is because his cultivation is not as good as Ye Guangyuan’s, but more importantly, Liu Tianqi’s own flame power is too small, just an ordinary level, not to mention the water that restrains the flame. Elemental, even a monk with a relatively ordinary defense like Li Yuluo can easily deal with Liu Tianqi’s attack with his own spiritual power, and when he later saw the amazing performance of Yue Yuanwu, who was also a flame ability, Liu Tianqi wanted to say that there was no envy in his heart. It’s impossible. Yue Yuanwu’s Nether Fire is indeed very powerful, and it is not comparable to Liu Tianqi’s ordinary flames. So now, after hearing that this earth fire bead by Lin Hang can enhance his flame power, Liu Tianqi really feels This item is the best reward for him.

After carefully collecting the ground fire beads, Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye stepped aside contentedly, and Lin Hang also began to focus on Hu Lingfeng and Yue Yuanwu, who won the fourth place in this competition.

For the group of Hu Lingfeng and Yue Yuanwu, the losers were actually quite aggrieved, especially Hu Lingfeng. His best space ability was restricted by Li Yuluo's use of "Space Blockade", and he did not show anything at all. The big effect was that Yue Yuanwu, who was Hu Lingfeng's teammate, gave everyone a big surprise. However, the other teams on the scene also understand that Hu Lingfeng’s abilities are very tricky. If it weren’t for the perverted Li Yuluo, the other teams would not have been his opponents. See Huazhi only mastered one " "The Art of Instant Body" can understand how terrifying the monks who are in contact with the perception space at this stage, so Lin Hang saw Hu Lingfeng who was still very calm, and nodded in his heart. Hu Lingfeng's current state showed that he was not affected. When it hit, the heart is still firm. Yue Yuanwu also stood silently by Hu Lingfeng's side, but compared to Hu Lingfeng's calmness, Yue Yuanwu looked very energetic, after all, it was when he was full of spirits.

Lin Hang picked out a group of white viscous liquid from the pile of materials in front of him, and handed it to Yue Yuanwu, and said directly, "Yuanwu, this is your reward, named-- Slim and soft water! This water is the supreme divine water that can be formed when the heavy water of Tianhe is condensed to the extreme. It can be called the king of the water! The reason why I give you this soft water is because of your newly awakened black inflammation, your awakened black inflammation It is called Netherfire, a kind of sacred fire with great reputation in ancient times. It has a trace of water in its own flame, so it is very tenacious and difficult to extinguish, so after I give you this delicate water, you must absorb it well. Introduce its characteristics into the Netherfire of your own talent. If you operate it properly, your Nether ghost should evolve and become more difficult. It can even resist the water elemental attack of higher-level monks. Live it! The power and prospects of this Netherfire are very far-reaching, but it must be controlled, otherwise it can only hurt others and yourself! Yuan Wu, do you know?"

When Lin Hang's words came to the end, they seemed extremely serious and serious. Yue Yuanwu also put away his smiling face, and after putting away the delicate water properly, he solemnly said, "Well, Brother Lin, don't worry! I know it myself. What is the characteristic of this so-called Netherfire, I will definitely control it! I will make good use of the delicate water you gave me, and I will never disappoint your expectations of me, and I will work hard to grow up!"

Lin Hang was very satisfied with Yue Yuanwu's attitude and words. He stepped up and patted Yue Yuanwu's shoulder encouragingly, and then said to Hu Lingfeng who was beside Yue Yuanwu, "Ha, as for you, Ling Feng, I have already thought about it!" , Lin Hang directly took a six-pointed star pendant from his neck, shining with silver light, and handed it to Hu Lingfeng's hand.

Hu Lingfeng looked at the pendant in his hand and was a little puzzled. He didn't know why Lin Hang gave him what he still wore.

Lin Hang laughed and said, "Ling Feng, this pendant is a treasure that my teacher gave me a long time ago for self-defense. It was processed by the teacher with his own space ability, so it can stabilize the surrounding space. , And then let us still be able to use our own space abilities in some space-blocked environments! At the beginning, it was only applicable to my physical training level. Later, after my step-by-step strengthening, it was able to conform to my own The level of use of it, now I can’t use it anymore. I am also very happy to see your talent in space, so after further strengthening it, I decided to give it to you! The current six-pointed star pendant It is a treasure of the **** transformation stage, which contains a large number of space laws, which can not only stabilize the space for you within a certain range, allow you to perform your own space abilities, but also strengthen your space laws to a certain extent. The perception of, enhances the power and level of the space system's abilities. Under subtle influence, your perception of space will become deeper and deeper. In general, it is a long-term auxiliary item that can be used for a long time. Up!"

Lin Hang gave Hu Lingfeng this six-pointed star pendant because it was too uncomfortable to be restricted by Li Yuluo’s "Space Blockade" when he saw him playing against Li Yuluo. After all, Hu Lingfeng just relied on a simple His "Blink" ability is just to enhance his perception of space, so the understanding of space at this stage is still a bit jerky, so it was easily restricted by Li Yuluo. At present, Hu Lingfeng's most powerful and dependent ability is this powerful space ability. Therefore, Lin Hang gave him this pendant that can stabilize the space and enhance the perception of space, which will provide Hu Lingfeng for his future training and battle. Some substantial help.

It is Hu Lingfeng who is calm and steady. After getting Lin Hang's personal pendant, he couldn't help showing his joy. He knew his family affairs, although Li Yuluo's record cannot be copied at will, it can only be done in this way. The effect can only be achieved in the battlefield within the specified range of the sphere. If it is in the wild, even if Hu Lingfeng is faced with a space-limiting method like "Space Blockade", he can directly avoid it without fighting. It will not fight like before. Time is so difficult.

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