I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 549

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:37 AM

Chapter 549: Kraken Core

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As for Huazhi, Lin Hang hasn’t decided to invite her right now. Lin Hang is ready to send out the invitation when all the rewards are over. For now, we still have to give out the third place Xu Li and Lu Sanjin’s due. reward.

Under Lin Hang’s gaze, Xu Li and Lu Sanjin took a few steps forward and came to Lin Hang. Lin Hang saw that these two former partners, especially Lu Sanjin, had grown to where they are today, still Very happy.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Xu Li, Sanjin, your performance is also very good! Looking at the audience, you actually have the best chance to defeat the combination of Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan, but it is a pity that you still stand with them. On the other side, but your performance can also be called very brilliant! And for you two, I actually don’t have a particularly good direction to improve, because whether it’s Xu Li’s manipulation of the earth element or the development path of the Sanjin, I think that at this stage you are basically doing the best you can do! So I don’t know if you have any ideas of your own, as long as it is not particularly difficult, I think I should be able to satisfy you all of!"

Xu Li said directly at this time, "Lin Hang, the spirit stone you just said you want to give us, I think it is already a very good reward! And you have said it yourself, we are at this stage, more The important thing is to improve our strength and realm, these things are not so necessary for us to add to the cake!"

Lin Hang really felt from the bottom of his heart that Xu Li's current manipulation of earth elements has reached a perfect state. There is no need to increase the strength of their respective elements like Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye did. Xu Li has already used his own efforts and talents. It’s done very well, and using similar treasures will not improve Xu Li’s strength much, and Lu Sanjin’s situation is actually very entangled, because he can see that Lu Sanjin’s original abnormal ability "Shunfeng Er" has been rarely used, and its effects can't keep up with Lu Sanjin's getting stronger. This is not to say that this ability is useless. On the contrary, in the direction of investigation and exploration, this ability is still extremely powerful. It’s just that the current head-to-head battles can’t bring any increase to Lu Sanjin. He was originally assigned to the team’s role as an auxiliary personnel for exploration. Fighting is not what he is good at. It’s just that this time Lu Sanjin is fighting with Xu Li. Ability, I deliberately learned the "Golden Seal of Forbidden Air" to further strengthen Xu Li’s advantage and achieve good results. Therefore, in this competition, Lu Sanjin still played a supporting role, and also when facing the battle. Did not play a role.

Thinking of this, Lin Hang suddenly realized something. Before Lu Sanjin had spoken, he suddenly said, "Three pieces, wait a moment, I think I know what rewards I should give you!"

As he said, a small blue bead appeared in Lin Hang's hand with a flash of light. It was sent to Lu Sanjin and said, "Sanjin, your power is "Shunfeng Er", which can be far away. The place perceives the fluctuation of sound, which shows that you have an extraordinary talent for sound! This bead is the core spiritual orb of the sea monster clan in ancient times. The sea monster is a natural master of sound manipulation. The core abilities are all behind this core spirit orb. Take it back and try to figure it out. Maybe you can find a new path for your own cultivation. Sound is also a broad and profound path. If you can be on this path After discovering his own talents, he may not be able to become a strong man alone in the days to come!"

Lu Sanjin’s original idea was similar to that of Xu Li, but he thought that he was already very satisfied with the rewards that Lin Hang had previously given to him for the purple gold cold iron and the opening spirit stone. These two treasures could already greatly enhance their strength. , I never thought of other gains. It’s just that the core spirit orb of the Sea-Monster clan that Lin Hang took out at this time, as well as Lin Hang’s words afterwards, also provided Lu Sanjin with a new direction. The development of abilities can be considered very ground-breaking, but due to vision and insight, it can only continuously strengthen one-sided ability, but after all, Lin Hang is well-informed and knows the development potential that Lu Sanjin may have, so it is directly Taking out the core spirit orb of the Sea-Monster clan, to give Lu Sanjin a chance to try, also surprised Lu Sanjin very much.

After properly arranging Lu Sanjin’s rewards, Lin Hang was even more embarrassed about the remaining Xu Li. He had no way not to give Xu Li rewards. After all, so many disciples in front of them received appropriate rewards for their needs. Xu Li's sudden refusal here is obviously unreasonable, but Lin Hang's heart is still very entangled. For the moment, he really does not have anything in his hand that greatly improves Xu Li, and the scene fell into silence for a while.

When Lin Hang was silent for a short time, Xu Li said, "Lin Hang, don't embarrass me! You also said that my current strength has basically reached a good level, so don't bother! But I still have some doubts. What was it that you told me at that time to be after the end of the competition?"

Hearing Xu Li's reminder, Lin Hang suddenly woke up, and suddenly felt that he was thinking too much. Lin Hang had originally arranged the road for Xu Li, so why did he suddenly forget it! Lin Hang decided to introduce Xu Li to the high priest of "Back World" and let the high priest personally teach Xu Li's earth element training. This is a relatively large opportunity for Xu Li, which is related to the improvement of his core ability. Than, all the rewards are nothing. Originally, Lin Hang planned to ask Xu Li to find his avatar at the end of the competition, and ask the avatar to take Xu Li to find High Priest Zhuyue, and then Zhuyue would lead the contact back, but now he is about to announce the reward for Xu Li. , Lin Hang made a new decision.

Just do it when he thinks of it, Lin Hang directly said, "Oh, Xu Li, you reminded me! I thought of the reward for you! I didn't ask you to find my clone after the test, and let him take you to find the big Priest? I don’t need it now. After I arrange all the rewards in a while, you can wait a while, and I will take you there myself in a while!"

Although Xu Li didn't know why, he nodded and stepped aside, not saying anything.

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