I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 550

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:37 AM

Chapter 550: Arrangement of Yudie Yi

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When Xu Li silently retreated, Huazhi and Yudieyi also stood up very wittily. Huazhi and Yudieyi also looked at Lin Hang with wide eyes. They were also very curious and wanted to know Lin What kind of targeted rewards will the airline set up for the two of them?

For Huazhi’s arrangement, Lin Hang also had a draft. It was basically the same as Hu Lingfeng’s. Lin Hang would give her a six-pointed star pendant of the same space system, and then let Wang Lao accept her as a disciple. In the case of space system abilities, it is also possible to master space system spells such as "The Art of Instantaneous Body", which shows that Huazhi is basically not behind Hu Lingfeng in terms of talent in space, and it is even possible. It's even more than that, so letting Huazhi develop in this direction will also broaden the road after Huazhi. If she can understand the laws of space more deeply, coupled with Huazhi's own ability to manipulate light, she will definitely grow For a more terrifying assassin.

In front of everyone, Lin Hang didn’t mean to conceal it. After all, if Mr. Wang accepts Huazhi as a disciple, everyone will know it, so Lin Hang directly said, “Huazhi, don’t know if you Are you interested in worshipping my teacher as a teacher and becoming my junior sister?"

When Lin Hang said this, everyone including Huazhi was taken aback. Before Hu Lingfeng's surprise was over, Lin Hang gave them another heavy blow. In fact, Huazhi had similar longings and conjectures in her heart. It was speculated that Lin Hang might arrange herself in this way, but when Lin Hang made such an arrangement, Huazhi still felt very surprised. She was getting to know When she had a good talent in the space department, she had imagined that Wang Lao and other powerful space abilities would guide her, but now she suddenly reached her plan, Huazhi was very excited, even a little unaware. Taken off.

Huazhi took a deep breath, forcibly stabilized her mind, and said solemnly, "Brother Lin Hang, I am willing!"

Lin Hang laughed when he heard Huazhi's name. He was in a good mood and nodded. Then he directly took out a six-pointed star pendant and gave it to Huazhi as a way to help Huazhi improve her own space law house. way. What Lin Hang didn't know was that in later days, such a six-pointed star pendant also became the identity symbol of his disciples and Wang Lao's disciple, and in the future it also made a good reputation in the whole world.

Huazhi solemnly hung the six-pointed star pendant of this space system on her neck, and she still couldn't stop smiling. The Yudieyi next to her looked at Huazhi. She was indifferent and could not help but There was a trace of envy. The power of Yudieyi’s "Fantasy" is very unique. She can be regarded as the strongest person in the entire Yu family besides her. And these years have passed, although Yudieyi is also in her own power. It took a lot of time, but the development progress so far is still very limited, so Yudieyi also really wants a strong mentor, who can give her clear guidance in this regard, so that she can walk on the road in the future It's smoother, but until now, Yudieyi has searched the collections of the Witch tribe and many predecessors of the Witch tribe, but still has not found a powerful predecessor of illusion and related books, so it is more helpless.

Although Lin Hang did not speak, but seeing Yudieyi's appearance, he also roughly understood Yudieyi's thoughts. At this time, he directly said, "Yudedie, do you also want to have a teacher who matches your own abilities? Can you always teach you how to progress in cultivation, so that your cultivation path can grow more steadily and quickly?"

Yudieyi didn't expect Lin Hang to guess her inner thoughts, but Yudieyi didn't have any big surprises, nodded, and then said, "Well, you are right, but I do. The idea is that I have asked all the three big caves of the Witch clan. No senior is good at this aspect. After all, our development in China is still relatively small. The entire high-level combat power can surpass mine in terms of illusion. Only my grandfather is left, so I don’t know who else can become my teacher. What good arrangements do you have?"

Lin Hang knows that what Yudieyi said is not a lie. Among the three big caves of the witch race in the present world, there is indeed no great master who is good at illusionism. Many witch races in "Back Realm" are good at manipulating earth elements. "Emperor World" has extraordinary space and speed capabilities, while "Candle World" is more special, because the ability of time is a bit too abnormal and difficult, so even these witch races in "Candle World" have The blood of the Jiu Yin Ancestral Witch, but many of them do not have the ability of time. Only some talented people such as the high priest Zhu Yue and the master Zhulong can make good progress in time. And talent, and this situation has caused many of the predecessors of "Candle World" to take different paths. Everyone chooses what they want according to their own preferences and characteristics, or what they are good at. So from a very early time, there have been many different genres, and countless bizarre side-door spells have been born. But because it is really not very compatible with illusion, it is also very regrettable. In the development of "Candle World" for so many years, there has not been a real illusion master, so every time Yudie Yi thinks about this time All felt very sorry, she could only rely on her own efforts to study her own abilities, and the road was still quite difficult when she started.

Lin Hang chuckled at Yudieyi, and then said, "Yadeeyi, you are right. Among the three caves of the Wu Clan, there is indeed no senior who takes the path of illusion, but about this I must have different channels for this point! You have briefly understood before that, above the earth and stars, in addition to the twelve caves of the witch race, there are nine caves of the demon race. So far I have only visited one place. The Yaozu’s "Red Feather Realm" is only, one of my clones has always been in the "Red Feather Realm". During a chat, I accidentally discovered that the Yaozu is in the other eight caves on the earth and stars. , There is a cave sky called "The Mirage", which belongs to a tribe called the mirage. The mirage is also a large family that has been passed down for a long time, and is born with unparalleled illusion talent!"

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