I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 551

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:36 AM

Chapter 551: Special rewards for champions

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When Lin Hang said this, Yudieyi's eyes slowly lit up. As a monk who developed the first line of illusion, how could she not know the name of the ancient mirage? This mirage stands at the pinnacle of illusion. Yudieyi also roughly understands Lin Hang’s thoughts. If she is asked to go to "The Mirage" and the mirage family to learn various applications and applications of illusion. The advanced technique is indeed able to make Yudie Yi's comprehension of the illusion art series reach a new level.

Lin Hang knew that Yudieyi had already understood a little, and continued, "Ha, Yudieyi, you must have guessed it too? I asked the patriarch of the Akabane clan, knowing that this mirage clan is a natural pacifism. They have very mild temperaments. Although they have very powerful strength, they have never participated in wars. This is why their clan came to Earth. And their research on illusion is just like our daily routine, so If you can enter "The Mirage" and study illusions with them, they will be very willing. After all, you may be able to provide them with some new thinking directions. So, I am preparing for you My reward is to send you to "The Mirage" to learn some knowledge about illusion and advanced skills from these mirages. I wonder if you want to?"

Although Yudieyi has never entered the cave of the monster clan, he still feels a little frustrated with the legendary existence of the monster clan, but since Lin Hang has said that the fantasy mirage clan is a peaceful monster clan, and has a very gentle temperament. , Yudieyi no longer hesitated, and said, "Okay! Lin Hang, I believe your arrangement, I am ready at any time, if you have time, you can take me to the mysterious "mirage world" at any time. I am also very much looking forward to the charm of the illusion in the later period!"

Lin Hang nodded, feeling very satisfied. Yudieyi and Huazhi are also relatively strong players. Under this arrangement, the strength of the two of them will inevitably grow even greater. Lin Hang is also very satisfied. It is looking forward to seeing how these Huaxia disciples grow up.

After the second place Huazhi and Yudieyi were arranged, only the teams of Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan who won the last seven were left. Lin Hang looked at Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan, who were clenched with both hands and ten fingers now. He couldn't help but laughed softly, and said, "Brother Guangyuan, you are the champions of this mutual help duel. Logically speaking, you should get better. It’s not easy for your champion to come. It’s exhausted to play against seven different opponents at a time! So, besides the rewards I originally wanted to give you, you can also propose to me A condition, as long as I can meet it, I will try my best to satisfy you!"

When Lin Hang said these words, after Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo looked at each other, Ye Guangyuan fell into a dilemma. In fact, in Ye Guangyuan’s heart, this time the mutual help duel match had not even started, he already felt very Satisfied, he only wanted to become a Taoist companion with Li Yuluo. Now he has fulfilled his wish, and this final championship is just a surprise to him. Although it is also very excited, but It's not as good as getting Li Yuluo's heartfelt feeling, so at this time Lin Hang said that he would give them a special reward, and Ye Guangyuan didn't know what to say for a while.

Looking at the silent Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, Lin Hang also knew that they had no special thoughts for a while, so he laughed and said, "Okay, then I will give Let's give out your rewards! After you have seen it, proceed from your own strength and situation to see what needs to be reinforced, and then put forward your requirements in a targeted manner!"

As he said, Lin Hang took out a bunch of white liquid, handed it to Ye Guangyuan, and said, "Brother Guangyuan, the reward for you is also this delicate water, it can be called the ancestor of ten thousand waters. The existence of the supreme water! If you can digest it, not only will it be strengthened, but also your own water element strength and manipulation ability will be further enhanced, so it can be said to be a growth for you Exploding treasure!"

Ye Guangyuan was also enthusiastic when Lin Hang gave Yue Yuanwu the soft water. After he understood the characteristics of this soft water, there was a trace of desire in his heart. Lin Hang really rewarded him with this soft water at this time, Ye Guangyuan He is also very happy in his heart. As a water element capable person, his perception of this delicate water is naturally extremely strong. He also understands that what Lin Hang said is not a lie. In this small white liquid, it is indeed It contained the ultimate energy. He knew that even if he brought this group of delicate water around, he would get a very powerful increase. If he could completely digest and absorb this group of delicate water, Ye Guangyuan could predict it. At that time, his power and the manipulation of the water element would reach the point. After the delicate water was collected, Ye Guangyuan also had a little more hope for the future in his heart.

After fixing Ye Guangyuan’s side, Lin Hang also looked in the direction of Li Yuluo. In fact, Lin Hang was a headache for Li Yuluo’s arrangement, because Li Yuluo was a person who knew her own situation very well. Knowing where his shortcomings and strengths are, he will be able to improve himself in a targeted manner. That is to say, in the eyes of Lin Hang, Li Yuluo actually does not need him to give some rewards, because Li Yuluo himself is entering After the Yuan Ying period, he will inevitably have detailed and clear plans for his future development, and Lin Hang also understands that these plans must be made after Li Yuluo’s calm thinking, so it is very suitable for Li Yuluo’s development path Yes, Lin Hang felt that it was not appropriate for him to rush into Li Yuluo's promotion route at this time.

However, although he could not make some route suggestions, Lin Hang knew that there was a reward that would never be wrong. Lin Hang said to Li Yuluo, "Li Yuluo, I know that your spiritual talent is very good, and the power of the soul is also very strong. This is also one of the keys to your breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Stage this time, so for you As a reward, I decided to let you further strengthen your mental power! I can't interfere with your future path, but it can make your future path go smoother and faster!"

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