I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 553

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:32 AM

Chapter 553: Love is supreme

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Although Lin Hang thought from the bottom of his heart that Ye Lao wouldn’t blame Ye Guangyuan for anything happening, but Lin Hang also thought of Ye Guangyuan’s parents who had died early in these years. They had always grown up under Ye Lao’s care, so Ye Lao is in Ye Guangyuan's heart status is very different. And Lin Hang also realized that he could not judge Ye Guangyuan’s thoughts from his own perspective. Maybe Ye Lao treated him differently from Ye Guangyuan. Ye Guangyuan always followed Ye Lao’s words, and this time for his life. The big event was the first time that there was some conflict with Ye Lao, so it was normal for Ye Guangyuan to feel a little frustrated. Now that Ye Guangyuan has said it all, Lin Hang didn’t mean to refuse any more, so he nodded and agreed to Ye Guangyuan’s request, but Lin Hang felt a little helpless in his heart. The great monk who was at the peak of the catastrophe was about to enter. The immortal person who proposed such a reward was directly used by Ye Guangyuan's request, and Lin Hang suddenly felt that he had no cards.

At this time, only one wish reward for Li Yuluo was left. Lin Hang opened his big eyes and stared at Li Yuluo blankly, hoping that Li Yuluo could give a good wish and be able to satisfy it. Lin Hang's thoughts.

However, Li Yuluo shook his head directly, and then said, "Lin Hang, after receiving the soul crystal you gave, I am already very satisfied, and now I have no other ideas, I I also want to ask you a good time. I am going to visit Ye Lao with Guangyuan. For this visit, the results are very important for me and Guangyuan. So I hope you can help me and Guangyuan to make this One thing is done!"

Lin Hang is already a cold line at this time. Not only Ye Guangyuan, but also Li Yuluo, who has always been very reliable, also behaved like this. Lin Hang couldn't help but secretly complain. The two are separated. Prudent and reliable, both of them are very trustworthy elite disciples of the younger generation of Huaxia, but after the two became Taoists, they felt a little like no one else. Now they provided such a good opportunity, but they were ruthlessly separated. Rejected, it's really shameless!

Lin Hang's face twitched, and then nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you, when you return to the Ye family to meet Ye Lao, will I go with you? Say something nice for you in front of Ye Lao. Never let your peerless marriage be broken! It’s just that you have to wait for some time. Although this mutual help duel is over and the rewards have been determined, some follow-up rewards have not really been issued. I must You have to handle all these things before you can go back to Ye's house with you, so you have to wait for me for some time."

Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo also nodded. They also knew that Lin Hang still had some disciples to arrange, whether it was Xu Li’s unknown reward, or Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi were about to worship Wang Lao as their teacher, or Yudieyi’s " The trip to "The Mirage" requires Lin Hang to be busy, and they can understand, and they are not in a hurry when they return to Yejia to meet Lao Wang, waiting for Lin Hang to handle everything properly. I can accompany them back to Ye's house with peace of mind.

At this time, the rewards for all 16 players in the top eight have been determined, so after Lin Hang said a few more words, the many disciples in the field and Zhuo Sheng and other military personnel also gradually left this place. On a high platform, only Xu Li, Hu Lingfeng, Huazhi and Yudieyi were left.

Lin Hang looked at the crowd, thinking about the order in which he would take them to their respective chances. After a while, Lin Hang did not speak, and then saw that two clones were separated from Lin Hang, both of them were in the late stage of the Tribulation.的修为.

After Lin Hang summoned the clone, he said, "Xu Li, wait a while, I'll take you to a place myself later!"

Then Lin Hang turned his gaze to the other three people and continued, "Ling Feng, Huazhi, and one of my clones will take you to see my teacher, and then my teacher will accept you as registered disciples. Before the robbery comes, you should follow the teacher to practice! I also look forward to how far your spatial talents can be developed after you receive the appropriate teaching!"

Huazhi and Hu Lingfeng looked at each other and nodded. No matter who brought them to meet Lao Wang, as long as they had Lin Hang's recommendation, they believed that there would be no problem. Just as Lin Hang said, they They are also very much looking forward to following Wang's cultivation career. They all have very good spatial talents, and this time they are finally able to be better taught, so neither Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi have hidden their inner excitement.

After Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi made arrangements, Lin Hang turned his attention to Yudieyi, and then said, "Dieyi, the location of the Mirage World, the patriarch of the Chiyu clan has already told me, but Although I heard the Akabane clan say that the mirage clan is very gentle, after all, I have never seen it with my own eyes, so if I go there for the first time, I think I should be more cautious! I'll make a clone for you later, and let me The clone takes your clone to visit this "mirage world." In this way, your safety can be guaranteed. Moreover, if your consciousness is mostly placed in the clone, the mirage clan agrees to teach you , The effect of clone learning is the same as that of the deity, and when the clone is receiving knowledge and information, the deity of "Candle World" can also practice it on its own, and it is impossible to achieve better results!"

Lin Hang made such a decision, although it was a little conservative, but it was the most appropriate and safe way. You must know that he knew the existence of "Phantom World" was only learned from the Akabane clan, although he would not doubt that Akabane clan would Deceive him, but at this critical period, the necessary security measures must be in place, and if the clone enters, it will not affect the effect, but can greatly improve the security, which is the most appropriate method.

After hearing Lin Hang's arrangement, Yudieyi thought for a while and found it very reasonable. Then he nodded and said, "Well, Lin Hang, you are very thoughtful. I have no problem. Just listen to your arrangement. it is good!"

After everything was determined, Lin Hang also gave a big sigh. With a wave of his hand, the two clones left with Hu Lingfeng Huazhi and Yudieyi each, leaving only Xu in the field. The deity of Lihe Lin Hang.

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