I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 554

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:29 AM

Chapter 554: See the high priest

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Lin Hang smiled at Xu Li, then said, "Okay, everything is arranged, Xu Li, now only you are left!"

Now there are only Xu Li and Lin Hang on the court. Xu Li finally wants to ask his inner doubts. This has made him strange for a long time, "Lin Hang, I'm really curious, what you said before What is the opportunity to give me? Didn’t you say that my current combat effectiveness and understanding of the earth element basically have no room for improvement? I can’t think of any more ways to strengthen myself now, so don’t you I don’t need some external assistance. I still want to improve my combat effectiveness!"

Xu Li was afraid that Lin Hang didn't know what reward to give him and directly gave him some foreign rewards, such as high-level spirit treasures, one-time powerful treasures, etc., to make up for Xu Li's regret that he was able to receive rewards. It’s just that in Xu Li’s heart, he has already determined his own path of ascension. He doesn’t need a lot of help from foreign objects. He just wants to develop the earth element to the extreme. In this way, he himself is very strong, except for him. In addition to his own life spirit treasure, Xu Li didn't want to be assisted by other foreign objects, only wanted to immerse in the ocean of earth elements.

Lin Hang is very satisfied with Xu Li's current state. Only those who have determined the goal in this way can go further on this road. Moreover, seeing Xu Li's appearance, he is very firm on his own path. Such conditions are also Xu Li. One of the foundations for power to reach its current state.

Lin Hang laughed, and then said, "Well, Xu Li, I don't know you yet! This time I want to give you a big opportunity, for your future, not for short-sighted improvement. Your current combat power doesn’t make any sense! Don’t worry, for you elite disciples, I don’t even think about pulling out the seedlings and fostering them. It will only pave the way for you in the future. Have you seen the rewards given to other people before? Which one is not to enhance their potential? So, don't doubt me, just follow me!"

After Lin Hang finished speaking, Xu Li nodded. He actually knew that with Lin Hang’s current vision and realm, he would not be able to do things like doing nothing but the last, but Xu Li cherished his own path and was strict. So I don’t want to involve a little bit of external force, but Lin Hang also said that this time the opportunity is mainly to increase his future potential. Xu Li is also very interested. If he can increase his potential, the future path will also be taken. It's smoother.

Lin Hang snapped his fingers softly, and the next moment Lin Hang and Xu Li came to the gate of the High Priest’s Priest’s Hall. Lin Hang didn’t want to delay, and planned to contact the High Priest directly to talk about letting the high priest teach Xu Li. Thing.

Lin Hang did not wait long outside the hall, they saw the main hall door slowly opened. Obviously, the high priest among them also knew of Lin Hang's arrival. Lin Hang waved to Xu Li, and then led Xu Li together with a smile. Entered the priest's hall.

After entering the main hall, Lin Hang saw that the high priest with the same style was still sitting on a chair deep in the main hall, and Liu Ruyan, who had returned early in the morning, stood quietly behind the high priest, also looking with a smile. With Lin Hang and Xu Li.

After Lin Hang and Xu Li bowed their salutes, the high priest smiled and asked, "Lin Hang, I heard Yan'er say that your China’s mutual help duel this time is not just over. Instead of arranging their rewards, you will run. Have you come to me? And seeing that you brought a younger disciple over, could it be said that the reward you promised him is still related to me?"

Lin Hang asked Liu Ruyan to come back ahead of time because he wanted Liu Ruyan to tell the high priest about the situation first, so that Lin Hang wouldn't be particularly abrupt when he spoke at this time.

Lin Hang laughed, then nodded and said, "Priest, you are so insightful! It is because you need your help that I brought him here! This disciple is named Xu Li, you look carefully After a while, I can find that his body has a very strong bloodline power of the Houtu ancestor witch, so what is shown in his body is the strong affinity of the earth element. I have also carefully observed it. At this stage, including the many disciples of "After Realm", I have not seen one who can surpass him in the mastery of the earth element! So with such a talent, I naturally do not want to delay his future development, so I I would like to ask you to help me contact the high priest of the "Back World", let him teach Xu Li himself, and build a firmer path to the earth elements after Xu Li. I wonder what you think?"

Originally, when Lin Hang and Xu Li entered the door, the high priest had already briefly checked Xu Li next to him. At this time, hearing Lin Hang's reminder and introduction, the high priest checked more carefully and checked. After a while, it was indeed discovered that Xu Li was unusual. The high priest himself is also familiar with the descendants of the Houtu ancestor witch family. After all, they were almost equivalent to living together before the establishment of the Twelve Caves. Therefore, they have a very good understanding of the witches and their peers in the "Hou Jie". Yes, in her impression, although the many witch races in "Back World" are born with the ability to manipulate earth elements, they have very different talents, and most of them are not particularly outstanding, only a few people It can be well developed, so after a simple investigation, the high priest has already understood that what Lin Hang said is true. Xu Li’s situation can be seen in the eyes of the high priest. The strong spiritual power in his body makes the big The priest also nodded secretly, she felt that even when the high priest was in this state, it was not as strong as Xu Li!

After the high priest had a plan in his heart, he nodded and said, "Well, Lin Hang, you are right, Xu Li is indeed very talented, I also understand what you mean, I want him Can get better growth, so I agreed to your request, I can find you big brother Hou Lin. There is just one thing I don’t understand. Since you have already figured out a method, why not go directly to "Hou Jie" Looking for Big Brother Hou Lin, because of your speciality, it doesn’t take much time to go to "The Back World", right?"

Lin Hang knew that the High Priest must have such doubts, so he smiled and explained, "The High Priest, the method you said is indeed feasible, but the time flow rate of "Horse Realm" is different from "Candle Realm", I think If Xu Li stayed in "Candle Realm", he would also have more time to receive teaching, so he did not choose to visit the high priest in "Back Realm" directly!"

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