I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 555

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:28 AM

Chapter 555: Meet the high priest

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After hearing Lin Hang's explanation, the high priest also nodded to express his understanding, and then stopped delaying, and said, "Well, if that's the case, then we don't want to chat, just go to the big brother Hou Lin. It just so happens that I haven't communicated with him for some time, so I take this opportunity to have a good chat with him!

And at this time, Xu Li who was next to Lin Hang had already understood Lin Hang’s arrangements for him. Although he had guessed on the road, he really heard Lin Hang say that he would let the high priest come to teach him. At that time, Xu Li was also very shocked. As a disciple of Hua Xia, although he had never been to "The Back Realm", he knew a little about the High Priest of the Hou Lin, and knew that he was the current cultivator of the entire "Hou Tu Niang Niang" line. Being the strongest, that is to say, Hou Lin’s own attainments in earth elements can definitely be called the strongest existence on Earth and Stars today. Only when Hou Lin’s personal guidance can be obtained, Xu Li understands that Lin Hang provides him What kind of huge opportunity.

Xu Li did not speak, and remembered all Lin Hang's help to him deeply. Xu Li is such a person. There are many words that will be silently remembered in his heart. Not much expression, but the enthusiasm in his heart. It is also extremely strong, not much less than those who like to express.

Lin Hang was not surprised by the result of this action. Such an event may be an unforgettable opportunity for Xu Li, but for characters like the high priest and the high priest, it is only a support for the younger generation. That's all, it won't cause them too much feeling. Only when Xu Li can truly enter their field of vision with his own power in the future, will he receive corresponding attention. In the eyes of the high priest, Xu Li just has It's just a good-talented junior and it's worth training, but that's all. After all, Xu Li's talent has not been metamorphosed to the level of Lin Hang, and appropriate help is the best they can do.

The high priest brought Lin Hang and Xu Li to the small remote room where the Pearl of Time, the heritage treasure of "Candle World" was stored, urging the energy of the Pearl of Time, calling for the high priest who was far behind in the "Back World".

After a long time, on the light map displayed by the Pearl of Time, the earthy yellow light spots representing the "Back Realm" flickered continuously, and then I saw the light and shadow of the High Priest, who was still a teenager, appeared Above the light spot, after the high priest from behind swept across the room, he smiled and said, "Sister Zhu Yue, Lin Hang, what is happening this time suddenly calling me? Why don't you see Zhou Shu ?"

The high priest kept in touch with a smile, and did not speak. Lin Hang bowed to the back and said, "High priest, this time I am looking for you. I want you to help!"

Looking at the appearance of the high priest and Lin Hang, Hou Lin understood that there was nothing urgent this time, and his expression instantly relaxed, and then smiled and asked, "Oh? Lin Hang, based on your current cultivation level. There shouldn’t be anything in the whole earth and stars that can hardly hold you, right? Why do I need my help again? It’s okay, I have been a little too idle lately, I feel a little bored, and I was planning to find Zhuyue just now. The girl still has Zhou Shu to chat! Lin Hang, just say, I will definitely not refuse to be able to help!"

Lin Hang had already guessed that Hou Li would have such an attitude, so he stopped going in circles, pointed directly at Xu Li next to him, and then said, "High Priest, this is one of my brothers, our Hua Xia This generation of elite disciples, you should also be able to feel that he also has a lot of blood power of the Houtu Niangniang bloodline in his body, so he is born with a relatively good ability to perceive the earth element. Now he is the early Yuan Ying The cultivation base, but I dare to say that the many cultivators in the middle and late stages of the Yuan Ying in "Hou Jie" may not be able to surpass his attainments in the manipulation of the earth element!"

There were originally some strange and hidden places like this in Hou Li. Apart from Lin Hang and Zhu Yue, how could an outsider appear? Now after hearing Lin Hang’s introduction, he gathered his spirit and scanned the current situation. Xu Li, after a while, Hou Lin also nodded, and then said, "Well, Lin Hang, you are right, this kid is indeed very good at the earth element. At his age and cultivation Because it is indeed very rare to have such a degree of control over the earth element! Why, you are looking for me specifically for him?"

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Well, yes, high priest, Xu Li is the elite of our generation of disciples in China, and in his current situation, we can no longer effectively help him strengthen himself. I can give him some help in some resources for breakthrough cultivation, so I want you to help! Xu Li’s goal has been determined, and the earth element will accompany him throughout his life, so strengthen his understanding and manipulation of the earth element Controlling is also a very urgent matter for Xu Li. His current combat effectiveness is indeed unable to be greatly improved, but strengthening the knowledge and information of the earth element can make his future path more long-term! So for Xu Li’s future growth, the kid wants to ask you to give him some guidance! I believe that with your guidance, Xu Li’s future path and plans will be clearer. Although he cannot directly improve his combat effectiveness, the future In the days, greater achievements will inevitably be achieved!"

After listening to Lin Hang’s words, I didn’t think about it for a long time, and he said directly, “Lin Hang, what kind of request is this? Anyway, my "Back Realm" is no better than the "Candle Realm" you are currently in. He Zhou Shu’s "Emperor Realm" does not include your Chinese people, so these daily affairs really don’t need me to worry about, and now it’s really a bit boring to live! It’s exactly what you said about Xu Li I am really interested in this kid. As for the guidance you mentioned, it depends on his own savvy! The teaching I came later on is not so easy to bear! So the ugliness should come to the front and follow me Study, you can, but you have to show a learning progress that satisfies me, otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you face to Lin Hang after a period of time!"

Lin Hang hurriedly said, "High Priest, you can rest assured that all teaching and handling are arranged according to your own arrangements. No matter what the outcome is, I have to thank you for your help!"

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