I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 559

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:25 AM

Chapter 559: Xu Li's belief

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Lin Hang stepped forward and patted Xu Li on the shoulder, and then said, "Xu Li, I was just grumbling. Don't put too much pressure on it. Cultivation is not done overnight, but It requires long-term accumulation and insight. It is not an easy and appropriate thing to quickly upgrade your level in a short period of time! So in the next six months, you will learn the knowledge of the earth element with the high priest behind you here. This time learning is equivalent to broadening your horizons and follow-up path. The future benefits are immeasurable. You don’t have to keep focusing on the current situation!"

Xu Li knew that Lin Hang’s words were also very reasonable, but Xu Li remembered that at the same time, the strongest of their group of disciples was only in the early stage of Yuan Ying, but Lin Hang had already reached the threshold of immortality. Now what Lin Hang said in front of him, "It is not an easy and appropriate thing to quickly upgrade your level in a short period of time." Why does he feel that he is very owed? It’s just that Xu Li’s thoughts were flashed in his mind. Regarding Lin Hang, Xu Li also understood that this was a legend that could not be replicated. These disciples did not have Lin Hang’s talent for enchanting, so without great opportunity, It still needs the necessary perception and accumulation to be able to make the level grow faster.

Xu Li nodded, and then said in a calm voice, "Lin Hang, don't worry! I also know that you have finally won this opportunity for me, so in the next six months, I will follow. Pre-seniors learn the knowledge of the earth element well! I know that our China has developed very rapidly with your help over the years, but our current level is far from the level of sharing your worries, so there is no Before I have enough strength, I won’t ask myself to do something for you, but you have to trust us! We will not give up on ourselves, even if there are many difficulties and obstacles in the road ahead, we will inevitably one by one. Overcome these difficulties, and then let yourself be able to reach the level that is enough to help you! So, Lin Hang, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Huaxia because you have been greatly improved, in the future, Huaxia will let us Come and fight with you!"

Lin Hang didn't expect Xu Li to say such a thing to him. An emotion in his heart was a bit depressing, but Lin Hang didn't show it in the end. No matter what Xu Li said at this time, China is still far Not to the point that Lin Hang would worry about otherwise, Lin Hang and Wang Lao should be responsible for most of China’s pressure and exploration tasks. What Lin Hang is waiting for in his heart is that in addition to Lin Hang and Wang Lao, who can Only then can Lin Hang feel from the bottom of his heart that the person of Huaxia who has successfully ascended to immortality, Huaxia is already able to stand tall, and he does not need him and Wang Lao to look after him all the time, and before that, Lin Hang also reached To the extent of rest assured, I still have to bother to consider the entire ethnic group of China.

After understanding, Lin Hang nodded to Xu Li, and then left this remote room with Priest Zhuyue directly, leaving the entire venue to the light and shadow of the High Priest, and the desire of Tiheng. Anxious Xu Li.

The light and shadow behind, after Lin Hang and the chief priest Zhu Yue left, also put away their smiles. The young man's face also showed a very serious expression, his stomach and Xu Li said, "Xu Li, the next time It's left to us! To be honest, I don't think this spirit gathering magic circle is necessary, because in my opinion you may not have the ability to pass my test at all, maybe you will be directly by me in the first place Dismissed! However, since it was requested by Lin Hang, I will give you a chance. Then, you..."

After Lin Hang left the hut, when the High Priest Zhu Yue closed the door, Lin Hang looked back and looked forward to what Xu Li could gain. As for whether Xu Li could last for the past six months, Lin Hang But from the beginning, there was not a single bit of shake in his heart. With Xu Li's perseverance and calm temperament, persistence will never be lacking, and Lin Hang did not say any lie. Xu Li also has outstanding talents in the element of earth. I believe this. After a period of time, it will become clearer to realize that, if this is the case, maybe I am not willing to interrupt the teaching of Xu Li!

Moreover, as far as Lin Hang knows, although the overall strength of "Back World" is still relatively strong, there are already some signs of fatigue in the training of the disciples of the younger generations, which means that after so many years in the earth, stars, caves and sky. , The entire ethnic group is a little bit insecure and enjoys the current life of ease and retreat, so the cultivation of the disciples of the younger generations is not so earthly. Regarding this point, although Hou Lin has taken many measures, So far, the results have been minimal, and Hou Lin even has some concerns about the future of "Hou Li". Now Xu Li's appearance also gives Hou Li a good opportunity. It is not that Xu Li will become an object that Hou Lin focuses on training. It’s because Xu Li’s existence can stimulate the younger disciples of his own race, giving them a competitive mentality. After all, many of the witch races in their "After Realm" are descendants of the blood of the Houtu ancestor witch. On the one hand, losing to a mixed race, I believe that many of them will be aroused to struggle. In Lin Hang’s view, among these witch races in "The Back Realm", there are still disciples in the younger generations. Those who are less talented and outstanding are the descendants of Houtu Niangniang after all. Among them, many people who can exceed Xu Li's level are definitely there, but in the early stage, their efforts are not as good as Xu Li's in case. At this stage, I can’t compare with Xu Li, but Lin Hang also understands that as long as these people realize their problems, it’s not too late to start working hard. Lin Hang can also be regarded as a disguised effort for the younger disciples of "The Back World". The struggle has contributed.

When his thoughts were rolling, Lin Hang no longer stayed here, and returned to the original priest hall with the high priest Zhu Yue. There are still some things Lin Hang wants to discuss with the high priest.

At this time, one of Lin Hang’s clones had already quietly left "Candle World" with the jade butterfly clothes, and then went to a place in the northwestern part of the continent where Earth Star was originally located. That Yaozu’s "Phantom Mirage" is where the cave is located.

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