I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 560

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:23 AM

Chapter 560: "The Mirage"

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Along the way, Lin Hang's clones used his own spiritual sense to wrap him and Yudieyi. With the use of light power, Lin Hang and Yudieyi seemed to have disappeared from the perception of all monks of the ten thousand races. Among them, even a passing cultivator of the Ten Thousand Races of the Deity Transformation Stage, he walked close to his body without noticing it. Lin Hang did not show much, but he almost dropped the jade butterfly clothes on the side to death, just seeing that transformation. The cultivator of the **** stage left directly as if blind, and Yudieyi was not only surprised, she found that the combination of Lin Hang's various abilities did have a very good chemical reaction, and Yudieyi knew that the same was used. As for the abilities of "Fantasy", when Lin Hang is used in conjunction with some other abilities, it will definitely have more powerful power and effect than her.

Lin Hang didn’t know what Yudieyi was thinking. At this time, he was seriously thinking about the current situation, searching for the entrance of the monster "Phantom World". After all, he just determined a rough idea. It's only the scope, the specific entrance location still needs to be determined on site by Lin Hang.

However, the entrance of Dongtian still has relatively conspicuous spatial fluctuations, and such fluctuations naturally cannot hide Lin Hang's perception, so under Lin Hang's full exploration, the location was quickly determined. After determining the position, Lin Hang did not hesitate or delay. He directly waved his right hand at Yudie Yi's clone, and put the Yudie Yi into his "Sleeve Universe", and then sensed the fluctuation of space. After a short while, he passed directly through the entrance of the cave and entered this "mirage".

As soon as he entered the "Mirage", Lin Hang felt his sight dimmed, and after looking around, Lin Hang found that the "Miracle" was very strange in the cave, and the sky did not think that The light source exists, and what maintains the light is the luminous grasses, small flowers, and big trees scattered on the ground in the entire cave sky, giving people a quiet and deep feeling.

Such a discovery also made Lin Hang a little surprised. After all, Lin Hang had been to the three caves of the Wu clan and the "Red Feather Realm" of the demon clan. In these caves, although the environment and feelings are not particularly consistent, there are also There are some differences, but in terms of key light sources, these four caves are quite normal. There are artificial powerful light sources in the sky that provide light for the entire cave. But now after Lin Hang saw the scene of "The Mirage", he felt a little strange. Sure enough, there are everything in this world, and all the strangeness and extraordinaryness are waiting for them to discover.

With a casual wave of his right hand, he released the clone of Yudieyi from his cuffs. As soon as he came out, after Yudieyi adjusted to the environment a little bit, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. The plants glowing in the sky were not bright enough, but the huge scene gathered together still caused a strong impact on Yudieyi. Yudieyi was not Lin Hang, and had seen more winds and waves, so she was shocked for a while, but had not recovered.

When Lin Hang saw Yudieyi's appearance, he couldn't help shook his head, then snapped his fingers, which contained mental fluctuations, temporarily pulled Yudieyi's consciousness back, calmed Yudieyi, and Lin Hang spoke. Said, "Well, we don’t have much time, so this time we have to directly find the core group of "The Mirage", and then rely on the token given to us by the patriarch of the Akabane clan. It should be easy to get the mirage. Trusted by the leader of the clan! I promised to find a teacher who can teach you to be just a teacher. Naturally, I will find the best kind, preferably a mirage with a cultivation base above the immortal. In this way, you can also deepen A stronger understanding of illusion!"

Yudieyi nodded and said that he understood that Lin Hang had roughly talked to her about this arrangement before entering the "Phantom Realm", and the token Lin Hang said was when they passed by near Huaxia Ningcheng. At the entrance of "Akabane Realm", Lin Hang's clone was taken out by the way. Because all of Lin Hang's clones can be consciously shared, the clone of Lin Hang in "Akabane Realm" also understood Lin Hang's plan, so it was early in the morning. When I saw Chi Liming, he expressed his request and plan. Naturally, Chi Liming didn’t have any opinion on such a thing. He directly gave his opinion as a token of the Chiyu clan. When Lin Hang took the jade butterfly clothes through Ningcheng At that time, he directly gave the token to Lin Hang without any delay.

Since they came to visit, in order not to disturb the residents of "The Mirage", Lin Hang did not want to let go of his spiritual knowledge to search. After all, they came to ask for help, so naturally it is impossible to act so high-profile. Lin Hang would relax a little more after getting permission from the Mirage Clan.

Therefore, Lin Hang’s strategy at this time is the same as the first time he entered "Akabane Realm" before, that is, to find a member of the mirage family who is walking outside, and then explain his intention to him. In this case, it is more It is gentler and easier to be accepted. After all, in the mouths of Chi Liming and the others, the mirage clan, even the candle priest and others of the Witch clan, agreed that the mirage clan is a very easy to get along with, so Lin Hang only You need to set your own attitude, I believe it is easy to get help from the mirage clan. Moreover, Lin Hang had no intention of emptying the White Wolf for this request, but he grasped the key to the improvement of the monsters, and could be carried out as a long-term transaction, but all the specific implementation must wait for Lin. Only when Hang saw the clansmen of the Mirage Clan, he was able to quickly unfold.

In this way, Lin Hang and Li Yu landed in this huge "Phantom Mirage" searching for the existence of the clansmen of the mirage clan, but after a long time, Lin Hang still did not see a mirage walking outside. The appearance of the members of the beast clan is completely different from what he was in "Akabane Realm". At that time, Lin Hang first discovered Xiao Ling'er who sneaked out to play, and then he learned the whole " The existence of "Akabane Realm" and some information, and then met Chi Liming and others through Xiao Linger. However, Lin Hang also reacted in an instant. He met Xiao Ling'er by accident. Xiao Ling'er also ran out. If this were not the case, it might take him a lot of time to reach the Akabane. It was in the clan lands of a clan, so after Lin Hang figured it out at this time, he was no longer cautious, let go of his spiritual sense and searched.

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