I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 563

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:21 AM

Chapter 563: Phantom Tree Forest

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But it was only a moment. The Mirage* star noticed that the changes in the space disappeared, and then the scene before him changed drastically. The original messy and luminous plants disappeared, replaced by a group of thick trees. A large area of ​​forest, these trees also have the characteristics of "Phantom Mirage", each leaf is fluorescing, and when they are combined to flash together, the entire forest will look exceptionally bright.

Seeing this, plus the previous feelings, the Mirage* Star, as a monk in the late Tribulation period, I still don’t understand. The human monk in the late Tribulation period in front of him, who has the same cultivation base as his own, has mastered a very high level of space. The application of force also made Mirage*star pay more attention to Lin Hang in his heart. After all, they used him as an example of the Mirage clan. Basically, there is no clansman who understands the power of space. Yes, it is very good to be able to feel the power of space, even the most basic spatial movement is not so easy to perform. The forest of Phantom Trees in front of you is also like a mirage* star, indicating that Lin Hang’s simple action just now directly led the two of them to move in space at the level of 5,000 kilometers, and it seemed very relaxed, which shows that Lin Hang is already a person worthy of attention. After all, the monks who can master the power of space are ranked in the forefront of all monks. The mentality of the Mirage Star has also changed again at this time. In the past, Lin Hang was more respected because of the command of the ethnic group, and now he is more convinced of Lin Hang's ability.

Lin Hang naturally did not expect that his simple, but normal space teleportation would cause a fierce inner fluctuation of Mirage*Star. After seeing such a forest, Lin Hang also understood that this is what Mirage*Star just said. The phantom tree forest of their ethnic group's clan land, these phantom trees trembling with the crystal clear leaves all over their body, indeed gave Lin Hang some different feelings, and the shiny feeling was also very good.

However, Lin Hang still did not forget the purpose of his trip. The waiting time for most of the day was already relatively delayed, so Lin Hang spoke to the mirage star who was still shocked by the side, "mirror star, this This is where the Phantom Tree Forest of your clan is?"

The mirage star heard Lin Hang's words, and then he reacted. He also understood the meaning of Lin Hang's words. He hurriedly said, "Yes, Lin Hang, this is where the Phantom Tree Forest of our clan is located, I This will take you to see our patriarch, he and some high-level members of the clan are already waiting for you!"

With that said, the speed of the Mirage*Star's unfolding speed entered the phantom tree forest ahead. The use of space power that Lin Hang showed just now also made the Mirage*star relieved of Lin Hang’s strength, so Unfolding his speed with peace of mind, Lin Hang smiled and used his spiritual power to wrap the jade butterfly clothes, and then the power of extreme speed unfolded, easily following behind the mirage*star, towards the depths of the phantom tree forest. Go everywhere.

On the way, while easily following the speed of the mirage*star, Lin Hang was also observing the scene in the phantom tree forest. He also found some scattered small houses on the way, and also saw Some clansmen of the mirage clan are scattered, obviously these small houses are the places where the mirage clan lives. And on the way, the ratio between the small house and the mirage orcs is not very high. It also made Lin Hang some understand that the fact that the mirages are scarce is really not a lie. Look at this scene, and the "Aka Yu The clan land of the Akabane clan in "The World" is completely incomparable. The clan land of the Akabane clan is also built in the forest, but they are some tree houses formed on the branches of the trees. At that time, it seemed like endless trees. The house also left a deep impression on Lin Hang.

At this time, the mirage star leading the way also spoke, introducing and explaining the current situation of the mirage clan for Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, this entire forest is where our mirage clan is located, you too As you can see, there are not many clansmen of our mirage clan, and the entire forest area is not very large, but the distribution of our clansmen is still very sparse. Only the people in the most central position are slightly denser. The patriarchs are in the central area. Waiting for you."

Lin Hang also knew about the arrangement of the mirage family, so he followed the mirage*star at ease, but the jade butterfly clothes behind him whispered to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, this entire forest of phantom trees seems to be A strange formation has been formed. Cultivating in it will not only improve the growth of mental power, but also have the assistance of the phantom tree. It will be easier to perform illusions. I think if my deity comes here to practice, It will definitely get even greater improvement!"

How could Lin Hang miss what Yudieyi could find, so he directly replied, "No, what you see is only the appearance. This is not the initiative of the mirage clan, but the phantom tree forest self-organizes. The formation of a natural formation, but what you feel is the illusion brought to you by this formation, which means that this forest of phantom trees is equivalent to an independent consciousness, although we are now received by the mirage clan , But did not get the approval of these phantom trees, so the wonderful effects of the phantom tree forest will not be developed for us. If you practice in such an environment, you will be misled by this formation and think that your own cultivation In order to be improved, the perception of illusion has also been enhanced, but everything is mirrored. After leaving this phantom tree forest, your cultivation level perception will not improve, and it may also affect your own previous cultivation results! So for now, keep your mind steady and don’t rush to realize it, but after we have met the top of the mirage clan, let’s follow their arrangements!

After hearing Lin Hang's explanation, Yudieyi reacted and couldn't help but feel a little upset, but she didn't feel much ups and downs. After nodding, she followed Lin Hang's actions and stopped talking.

The dialogue between Lin Hang and Yudieyi naturally did not escape the ears of the Mirage*star ahead. Lin Hang and Yudieyi didn't mean to conceal it, so when Yudieyi spoke, Mirage*star just wanted to speak. Stop it, but I didn’t expect that Lin Hang would speak first, and he directly pointed out the key points of the Phantom Tree Forest formation. There was basically no error or omission, although this formation was only superficial and not intentional. It means to hide, but Lin Hang can have such a perception, which has once again refreshed the mirage star's perception of Lin Hang.

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