I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 564

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:21 AM

Chapter 564: Mirage*Ming

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Lin Hang’s current strength is trapped at the peak of the Tribulation Period, and he has been unable to break through ascending immortal for a long time. Therefore, his cultivation has basically stagnated, especially his spiritual strength cultivation has directly stopped, but his physical cultivation and spiritual strength It’s useless to stop because of this. Although due to the limitation of the realm, it is impossible to break through to the situation after ascending to the immortal, it is not simply the level of the late stage of the tribulation. Therefore, Lin Hang can detect this phantom tree. The real situation of the forest is not very surprising.

In this way, the Mirage* star led the way forward for ten minutes. The three of them finally saw an area with densely populated houses. Lin Hang and Yudieyi instantly understood that this is the Mirage. The central area of ​​the family land is now located. It's just that the density of houses here is relatively speaking. In Lin Hang's view, it is not as large as one of the small villages of the Wu people. It is really extremely scarce!

It's just that there is nothing strange about this kind of scene in the eyes of Mirage* Star. After all, he himself has lived here for so much time, and he has long been accustomed to the style of their entire mirage family. In the most central position of this complex of buildings, there is the largest house. Lin Hang doesn't need to ask to know that this is where he is going.

Sure enough, the Mirage*star led the way and introduced Lin Hang and Yudieyi into the largest house in the center. As soon as he entered, Lin Hang felt a few powerful breaths coming over it, obviously All of them are of advanced cultivation base, and they are all above Lin Hang's cultivation base, so they must be the high-level mirage clan who has successfully ascended to immortality.

Looking into the room, there were four mirage orcs waiting for Lin Hang and Yudieyi in the room. After the mirage*star reported it, he returned to the team and stood behind these four. The middle-aged mirage orc man standing in the most central position, holding the Chiyu order from Lin Hang in his hand, said, "Old man mirage*ming, two human friends, we don’t know what you have. Purpose and thoughts, but since you came to the door with the Akabane order from the Akabane clan, we will still give the Akabane clan some face and respect, and will welcome you seriously! But the old man also wants to know, what are you looking for with us, and How did you enter our "Phantom World"?"

When I just got this red feather order, the patriarch of the mirage clan, mirage*ming, was actually a bit daunted. After all, their nine monster clan Dongtian hadn’t contacted these years. After a long time, it’s unavoidable to remember these years. It’s agreed, but the Mirage* is a patriarch who has existed for a long time. He was already the patriarch in that era, so it can be regarded as the token of these contacts he personally agreed with other major races, so there is no After a while, Mirage* clearly wanted to understand the origin and purpose of the Akabane Order, but after understanding it, immediately followed by more doubts. After all, the Akabane Order is the highest-level token of the Akabane clan. According to the report, it was actually two human monks who came to the door with the Akabane order. This situation is obviously not normal, but now that human monks have entered the "Phantom Realm", the mirage* clearly understands. The catastrophe that the ancestors once said is about to come!

After a standard salute, Lin said with a smile, "Honorable patriarch of the Mirage Clan, hello! I am a human race above the earth and stars. This time I am looking for you. I have something to ask you for help. Regarding this request , We can talk about it later, now that I'll talk to you about Akabane Order first, you must be very puzzled!"

Seeing the Mirage* Ming nodded, Lin Hang opened his mouth and continued, “The Mirage* Chief Ming, I also entered the "Red Feather Realm" where the Akabane clan is located by a coincidence, and then reached an agreement with the Akabane clan. A long-term cooperation treaty, and this cooperation treaty is about the future catastrophe!"

Lin Hang just said the four words of Heaven and Earth Tribulation, Mirage*Ming and the other three older Mirage Orcs all flicked, obviously they knew what was going on, but Mirage*Star was. With a dumb face, obviously he hadn't heard of this thing.

Lin Hang knows such a thing, the Chiyu clan can understand, the mirage clan naturally also knows him, Lin Hang, a human monk can also enter the meaning of "The Mirage", that is, the world is a little loose, they "The Mirage" "The passageway can accommodate outsiders.

After pointing out the Great Tribulation, Lin Hang talked about himself and the Akabane clan, "At that time, the Akabane clan and I were based on such a contract, and also reached some terms of cooperation, and I also helped the Akabane clan resolve it. After understanding some of the problems they faced, they got the friendship of the Akabane clan, and the relationship with the Akabane clan is already relatively close! The existence and location of "The Mirage" was also informed by the Akabane clan, and they knew that I had something to ask for help. At the time, I also gave the next Chiba order to ensure that I can see you face to face. Now it seems that the help of the Chiba clan has really achieved results!"

Lin Hang's words are relatively general and simple, so I didn't say the details, but Mirage*Ming and others also keenly felt the hidden meaning in Lin Hang's words, and were able to maintain such a close relationship with the Akabane clan. , Even the tokens of the Akabane order level were directly used to help Lin Hang open the way, indicating that the one in Lin Hang's mouth solved the problem of the Akabane clan. It is definitely not a small problem. It must be of great help and improvement to the Akabane clan, otherwise If this is the case, it will definitely not reach such a level and effect. However, although the Mirage*Ming and others had speculations, they did not think about the direction of the auxiliary spirit treasure-"Spirit Orb", on the one hand because they did not expect it, and on the other hand, he was Because of the particularity of the mirage clan, their clan is sparsely populated. Although this branch of the mirage clan is also a humanoid monster clan, there is absolutely no shortage of the "Spirit Orb" within the clan, and it is not as nervous as the Akabane clan. Lin Hang also understood this matter, so this time he came here to ask the mirage clan for help, and he didn't want to use this "Spirit Orb" to achieve his goal. Lin Hang had his own way.

Lin Hang did not go into details, Mirage*Ming and others did not follow up, but some have already understood the relationship between Lin Hang and the Akabane clan. They no longer doubt about Akabane Ling's affairs, and focus on Lin. Hang has come to the purpose of "The Mirage".

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