I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 565

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:04 AM

Chapter 565: Make a request

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Mirage* Ming, as the patriarch, nodded to indicate that he understood and accepted what Lin Hang said about the Akabane Order. Actually, without Lin Hang's explanation, the human race who can come to the house with Akabane Order is definitely from the Akabane clan. Close friends, there will be no accidents. After all, if you want to visit your own mirage family with the Chiyu Token, you must know the role of the Chiyu Token in order to know the nine monsters. These traditions in China, so the chance of accidentally getting the Akabane Order is originally very slim. It is impossible to know the Akabane Order by accident and know its function. So in the beginning, it was actually a member of the Mirage Clan. These senior executives have no doubt about Lin Hang's identity and origin.

After Mirage*Ming and others understood this, the patriarch Mirage*Ming personally asked, "Well, Lin Hang, we now know that you are a friend of the Akabane clan! It is also because of this, if your request is not special If it is difficult, we should be able to promise you in terms of the face of Akabane's friends! So now you can say, what is it that you want us to help?"

The mirages* clearly have other senior members of the mirage clan, and they are also very confused. It stands to reason that their mirage clan does not participate in any battles all the year round, and the number of resources and powerhouses is not comparable to other races, Akabane. The relationship between the clan and Lin Hang is so good, Lin Hang is fully qualified to receive the great help of the Akabane clan, but Lin Hang not only did not let the Akabane clan help, but also let the Akabane clan connect with him, which made the mirage * Ming etc. People have to guess a lot. My own branch of the mirage clan is very thin, and it is destined not to participate in any combat-oriented help, and the rest that can provide help is only the characteristics of the race.

After hearing the mirage*ming’s question, Lin Hang also officially talked about the real purpose of this time, “It’s true that I’m going to visit you this time to ask you to teach a disciple of our clan and guide her in illusion. Cultivation above!"

With that, Lin Hang let out the Yudieyi behind him, and Yudieyi also entered the sight of Mirage*Ming and others because of this. Originally, Mirage*Ming and others were only paying attention to the cultivation base. Gao Lin Hang only paid attention to the existence of Yudie Yi for a while, but he didn't pay attention. Now Lin Hang suddenly said that this time the door-to-door request was only for this late Jindan disciple, which made the mirage beast. *Ming and others had to carefully observe Yudie Yi.

However, Yudieyi’s "Fantasy" ability also has a talent for illusion, which is not so easy to see from the surface, so the mirage*ming and others can only feel the spirit of Yudieyi The force seems to be relatively strong, but apart from this, nothing can be seen.

When Lin Hang saw the gaze of Mirage*Ming and the others, he took the initiative to explain, "Everyone, the disciple I want to ask you to teach is named Yudie Yi. She has a very powerful talent for illusion. This does not require me. Introduce more, you will be able to find out her talent after checking it yourself. This cannot be faked and hidden. The reason why I want you to teach it is because although she is very talented, she cannot find one. A suitable mentor can guide her on the right path step by step. We also understand your accomplishments in illusion, and have been operating the illusion system for many years, and we must have a very good training for the follow-up disciples’ teachings. The method, and this is what our disciple lacks, so I sincerely hope that I can get help from the nobles!"

After hearing Lin Hang's request, the mirage was speechless in his heart. He originally thought that the human elite came to the door, and he was holding the incomparably precious Chiyu order from the Akabane clan. There must be something great, but he did not expect Lin Hang made such a simple request! You know, in terms of illusion of their mirage clan, every member of the clan can be called a master, so Lin Hang's request is completely okay to him.

Mirage* had no hesitation, nodded and said, "Okay, no problem! Regardless of whether the disciple you mentioned has a talent for illusionism, we can teach her, this is not very difficult for us. Matter! Star, this disciple of the human race will be handed over to you to teach, so let's put aside your recent investigation work for now, stay at the core of the race and teach this disciple of the famous race with peace of mind!"

The mirage*The mirage behind Ming* Xing just prepared to answer, but Lin Hang first said, "The mirage*Ming patriarch, sorry, this time I am going to the door, not simply to find one for this disciple Teacher, I want the mirage seniors who climbed the fairyland to teach. If this is the case, I will be grateful!"

After Lin Hang's extra conditions were exported, the many mirage orcs present frowned, especially the mirage* star who had just been assigned a mission. There was also a hint of gaze in Lin Hang's eyes. Annoyed, in his opinion, Lin Hang did not have much friendship with their mirage clan. Lin Hang brought the Chiyu clan's Chiyu order and made such a request. Their mirage clan agreed on the face of the Chiyu clan, but Unexpectedly, Lin Hang turned his head and made an even more exaggerated request. Mirage* had nothing to say, but Mirage*star, who had a slightly impulsive temper, couldn't help it.

Mirage Star stared at this human monk who had the same cultivation base as himself, and said, "Lin Hang, we treat you as a distinguished guest of the Akabane clan, so we can receive you so well, and agree to your request, how can you get an inch? Do you know what the concept of the Dengxian monk is? That is, our ethnic group has developed in peace for so many years, and has never participated in every war, recuperated for a long time, but there are less than ten Dengxian monks! Everyone is there! It can be called the foundation of our mirage clan, where can you have time to teach a little baby of your human clan?"

Such a remark is really a mirage*xing who said the most true feelings in his heart. He is such a person, and his inner thoughts have never been hidden. In his opinion, The patriarch on his side already gave the Chiyu clan a lot of face. No matter what contribution Lin Hang made to the Chiyu clan, he actually had nothing to do with their mirage clan and could provide Lin Hang with a ferry. The teacher in the later stage of the robbery is already very good.

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