I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 566

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:03 AM

Chapter 566: The impact of the spirit stone

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Originally, after the Mirage*Star heard the instructions of the Mirage*ming, he was also ready to teach Yudieyi a bit, and would not be perfunctory, but at this time Lin Hang made even more excessive demands, even asking them The background of the mirage family, the monk Dengxian came forward to teach, which made the mirage*star very angry, and it also contained a trace of shame. He himself had to cross the peak of the catastrophe to teach a human race in the late Jindan period. Monk, no matter how abnormal the talent of this human monk is, after all, his current realm is not enough, and he definitely has the qualifications to teach the mirage*star. Now Lin Hang means that it is not just to show that he does not look down on him. Beast*star? This feeling made Mirage* Star even more angry.

Mirage*Ming didn’t want to treat Akaba’s friends in this way, but Lin Hang’s request seemed to him too much. So when Mirage*star accused Lin Hang, Mirage*Ming didn’t say anything. Stopped, but he was looking at Lin Hang, wondering what kind of confidence he had to say such a request. In the eyes of Mirage* Ming, Lin Hang, as a cultivator at the peak of the Tribulation of the Human Race, was able to It would not be an arrogant way to obtain such a deep friendship from the Akabane clan, and he also wanted to know what Lin Hang was backed by.

Lin Hang glanced at the mirage*star and mirage*ming, and then said a little apologetically, “I’m sorry, it’s abrupt in the next! I just hope that the disciples I brought this time can be better taught. Only then will such a request be made, and it did not mean to offend the Mirage*Star! However, I mean it will not change. Please also Mirage*Clan Chief Ming, you can agree! In return, I will give you a response. Compensation!"

The Mirage* Star saw Lin Hang's attitude rather resolute, and said, "Lin Hang, we know you didn't mean to offend us, but the Dengxian monk in our clan is really not that free, let alone taking time to train disciples for your human race. Now! As for the compensation you mentioned, our mirage clan doesn’t lack anything, and I’m afraid I can’t use it! I advise you to dispel this idea earlier, so that I can still accept this task!"

For Lin Hang’s compensation, many mirage orcs, including the patriarch Mirage*ming, were a little unconcerned. In their opinion, although Lin Hang is a good friend of the Akabane clan, with his own energy, What good things can be used as compensation? It was impossible for the Akabane clan to share the treasures in their own race treasury with Lin Hang, so they just listened to Lin Hang's compensation, and they didn't care about it.

Regarding such a scene, Lin Hang was already prepared before he came, so there was no accident or irritation. He still smiled and said, and the words revealed a strong sense of confidence, "Yes, for everyone I also understand the situation very well, and I also understand the importance of Brother Dengxian, so the compensation I propose this time will definitely not let you down. I wonder if you have heard of the spirit stone? "

"Opening the spirit stone?" When I heard the name of the opening spirit stone, Mirage*Star had no reaction for a while, while Mirage*Ming and others all changed their expressions. Obviously, they had heard of this spirit stone. The name, after all, the magical spirit that can transform acquired power and transform a trace of innate aura, it will definitely get more attention.

The mirage*ming said with a tone of confirmation, "Lin Hang, what are you talking about is the magic stone that can reverse the acquired nature and forcibly produce a trace of innate aura? You have such a spiritual thing in your hand? But I am curious. , With such a spiritual object, why don’t you use it for the younger generations in the ethnic group? If you exchange it, it’s not worth it! After all, with only one piece, there can be no quantitative change, at most it can improve the qualifications of a younger disciple. , We don’t really need it, so even if you have a spirit stone you want to exchange, we won’t agree!"

After the initial shock, the mirage* clearly deserves to be the chief patriarch of the family, and instantly understood some of the bends. The opening of the spirit stone is indeed a **** of the born creatures, but it only increases its potential. , There is no blessing in other aspects, it still requires the unremitting efforts of the used creatures to be able to exert the effect of this innate energy, and if there is only one piece, it seems that some are too tasteless and cannot be mirage to them. What qualitative change occurred to the younger disciples of the beast clan did not have much transaction value.

Lin Hang naturally calculated the reaction of the mirage clan in his mind. Lin Hang had already predicted what the mirages* said clearly, and Lin Hang had already thought out the countermeasures for the next response.

Lin Hang did not answer directly, but chuckled lightly, then stretched out his right hand, under the wide open cuff, only a shining irregular stone emerged from it, and a flash of innate aura was very intense. The ground attracts eyeballs and proves to others that it is a genuine spirit stone!

Lin Hang’s move made everyone in the mirage clan a little confused. They all expressed their attitude with Lin Hang just now. Although the spirit stone is very precious, it is still far from the conditions for exchanging the teachings of the Dengxian tribe. Lin Is it just to vent anger? Just when everyone was puzzled and puzzled, Lin Hang's opened cuff did not put it down. The next moment I saw something coming out of it again, and everyone from the mirage clan stared at what came out of Lin Hang's cuff. My eyes widened in an instant, and I saw a steady stream of items that were exactly the same as the one before! Actually all are Kai Lingshi! In just such a short time, the spirit stones that appeared did not stop in the slightest. Within a short period of time, the people of the mirage clan could find that the number of spirit stones was still exceeded. It's a hundred!

The family of mirages has a long tradition. The birthplace of mirage*star is relatively late, and many things have not been experienced. However, mirage*ming and others are knowledgeable people, such precious things as Kai Lingshi, he also did not It’s not that I haven’t seen it before, so even though he was surprised when Lin Hang took out one, he didn’t lose his mind. It’s just that Lin Hang showed them over a hundred spirit stones in an instant. It really made the Mirage*ming’s worldview a little bit shocked. Could it be that they have been trapped in this "Phantom World" for too long, so they can't keep up with the times? Has this extremely precious Kai Lingshi become a commodity?

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