I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 567

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:02 AM

Chapter 567: The shock of the mirage family

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Looking at the expressions of the Mirage Clan and others, Lin Hang was obviously very satisfied with the effect. After releasing hundreds of spirit stones in an instant, Lin Hang finally put away his cuffs, and then put them on the ground. These spirit stones were pushed to the front of the Mirage Clan and others, and they said, "Miramus*Clan Chief Ming, these spirit stones will be given to you as my tribute to the Mirage Clan! I know that there are more than one hundred pieces. Lingshi is nothing, so I didn't intend to use it to get you to agree to my terms, but prepared more things!"

After Lin Hang finished speaking, he opened his cuffs again without waiting for Mirage*Ming and others to answer. This time, what appeared from the cuffs was a batch of diamond-shaped crystals. Lin Hang glanced at the jade butterfly clothes behind him. I recognized it, it was clearly the soul crystal that Lin Hang gave to Li Yuluo that could continue to promote the growth of divine consciousness! And the size and quality of these soul crystals are very good. In other words, they can support the use of a long period of time when they are supplied to the cultivators during the Tribulation Period. This is only the effect of a soul crystal, but it has been released continuously from Lin Hang. Judging from the momentum of the release, the number of these soul crystals will definitely not be less than the opening spirit stones released before.

And this is not over yet. When the number of soul crystals reached a certain level, new things appeared. Upon closer inspection, it was some cold iron glowing with purple light, which felt like a piece of cold iron came out. The mirage clan and others were shocked. The mirage* understood the refusal words on his lips and swallowed it abruptly.

Lin Hang knew that he had no friendship with the mirage clan, and it was very difficult for the mirage clan to send out the background of the fairyland to teach the jade butterfly clothes just by relying on the face of the Akabane clan, so Lin Hang did not think this time. Simply getting help, but thinking about directly using a transaction to close the relationship with the mirage clan. Lin Hang understands the mirage clan’s habits and indifferent nature, and is unwilling to participate in fights. The development of the group is their top priority. , So Lin Hang thought about giving some rare resources to the Mirage Clan, and then let the Mirage Clan agree to his request with this name. This was the best way Lin Hang could think of.

What kind of person the mirage* is. After Lin Hang’s series of actions, he already understood what Lin Hang meant. At this time, I looked at the three piles of hills piled up in front of me. They were white crystal clear spirit stone hills and glowing. The green hill of soul crystals and the last purple hill of purple gold cold iron, the mirage *ming fell into contemplation.

Mirage*Ming of course understands the value of these items, and it can even be said that he was also shocked by Lin Hang’s great handwork, because none of these three things is so easy to get, so let’s say this spirit stone. There is only innate existence, and the day after tomorrow cannot be born, so if you use one, you lose one. In ancient times, this thing became a rare product because of excessive use, let alone now, and Lin Hang just took out a hundred. Using a piece of spiritual stone as a meeting ceremony, this kind of handwriting really shocked the mirage.

But this hundred or so pieces of spirit stone is not the most unacceptable for the mirage *ming. After all, if Lin Hang accidentally finds a primary mineral vein of the spirit stone, there is still a chance to get so many spirit stones, but this last one. The purple gold cold iron and the soul crystal are acquired, and they are not easy to produce. The large amount of pure soul power contained in the soul crystal is acquired through compression. Such a simple piece of soul crystal needs considerable The cultivator's soul power at the peak of the ten Tribulation Period can condense! Therefore, in general, the soul crystals circulating outside are very rare, and there will not be so many divine soul soul power generated by the cultivators during the catastrophe period. Lin Hang can have such soul crystals because he has mastered the duplication of the soul power fountain. The method is to further compress and compress the spring water of the spring of soul power to obtain such soul crystals, and then the process becomes very simple. You only need to copy the soul crystals to obtain a lot.

As for the final Zijin cold iron, it is necessary to process the Wannian cold iron through multiple processes to complete the transformation, and the ten thousand catties of the Wannian cold iron can only be extracted from one catty of the purple gold cold iron. Scary! Wannian cold iron is a very rare and rare material for refining, and its own grade is not low, it is enough for refining spirit treasures, so most people will not use such a huge amount of Wannian cold iron To refine the purple gold cold iron, so although the purple gold cold iron is a hundred times more effective than ten thousand years cold iron, because the value does not meet expectations, the output is very scarce, and the purple gold cold iron hill that Lin Hang just released with a simple action will be roughly estimated. Yu Baijin, this is already a huge output.

For Lin Hang, these rare materials just require him to spend some time and energy to obtain a large amount of inventory by relying on his copying ability, so it is not very important, but the mirage *ming and others are. I don't know Lin Hang's metamorphosis ability, so at this moment, seeing the three hills that seem to be worthless, they can't control their expressions.

The Yudieyi behind Lin Hang looked at the expressions of Mirage*Ming and others, and remembered that she had asked Lin Hang about the plan and arrangement of visiting the Mirage Clan before she came. In her opinion, it was not very good. Lin Hang waved his hand and said, “It’s not easy? Yudieyi, you still don’t know me. Since we don’t have friendship with this mirage clan, then I let them have to and I have friendship, and I actively want to befriend me! When you see them, you just have to look at them!"

When the scene now appears, Yudieyi understands in her heart that the shock of these people of the Mirage Clan is only temporary. Facing the impact of these rare resources, even the indifferent Mirage Clan can’t ignore it, you know. These resources can help their descendants of the Mirage Clan to develop more rapidly, and will have a profound impact on the future of their Mirage Clan. Therefore, the Mirage Clan must not push Lin Hang’s kindness away, because Lin Hang’s careless attitude can also It can be seen that these resources are not the limit of Lin Hang, so if they can maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with Lin Hang, the development of their ethnic group will inevitably be faster. The mirage* clearly does not know Lin Hang’s special ability, but Intuition tells him that the potential of Lin Hang is far more than these three scarce materials. The energy contained in Lin Hang alone may be able to create infinite value for their mirage clan!

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