I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 568

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:01 AM

Chapter 568: promise

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At this time, the Mirage*ming suddenly remembered the Chiyu Order brought by Lin Hang, and he had some understanding in his heart, why Lin Hang could easily get this Chiyu Order from the Chiyu clan, with the speciality that Lin Hang showed. See, it is not difficult to get the friendship of Akabane clan. Thinking of this, Mirage*Ming had already made a decision from the bottom of his heart. After having exchanged glances with several elders who climbed into the fairyland around him, everyone in the Mirage family also unified their opinions in the process. .

The mirage* made a straight look, then coughed lightly, and said, "Lin Hang, our mirage clan cannot accept these gifts of yours with such peace of mind! And to be honest, we really want to get what you have. The materials and resources provided, but there is no way to accept it directly, so we decided to agree to your request. I will personally teach the younger disciple you brought, so that she can receive the most systematic and comprehensive knowledge and perception of illusion. , There is no guarantee that she will get a lot of things, but she will definitely get some good results! If you don’t know such conditions, can you accept it?"

Lin Hang saw that he had achieved his goal. Although he had expected it, he would still be very happy when it was actually completed. At this time, he waved his hand and said, "Mirage* Patriarch Ming doesn’t need to be like this! I know you mirage clan The rumors about you are naturally very trustworthy for your credibility. Since you have already said that you have agreed to my request and you have to personally teach the disciples I brought, I would like to thank the patriarch Ming! It’s just me and you. To be honest, these materials are actually not very difficult for me to get. If you don’t mind, when our disciple is here to accept your guidance, I hope I can stay here too. Here you can also learn about my abilities in detail!"

Regarding Lin Hang’s request to stay here, Mirage* had no intention of rejecting it. After all, Lin Hang’s stay here would not cause them any loss, and he was also very impressed by Lin Hang’s follow-up ability. Interest, Mirage*Ming also wanted to know how Lin Hang could easily obtain these rare materials.

The reason why Lin Hang wants to keep this clone in "The Mirage" is because Lin Hang is also very interested in the change of the mirage family's talents and supernatural powers. Just now, Lin Hang demonstrated his value. Finally, everyone in the mirage clan accepted the conditions he proposed and agreed to use the mirage*ming, the cultivator of the fairyland, to teach Yudieyi himself. But this is only Lin Hang’s first goal in "The Mirage". In fact, Lin Hang hopes that Yudieyi can learn this powerful magical power from the mirage*ming. This It was the broad road that Lin Hang prepared for Yudieyi, and Lin Hang himself wanted to be able to obtain such a magical power to enrich his own tactics. It’s just that this change of virtuality and reality is the foundation of the mirage clan. It is even more important than their own illusion. It is impossible to hand it over so easily, so Lin Hang wants to help Yudieyi and himself master this. A magical power of, it must have a deeper relationship with the mirage clan, and to achieve this, in addition to the necessary investment of resources, time to get along is also very important.

The people of the current mirage clan only vaguely felt Lin Hang’s specialness, and didn’t know that Lin Hang’s own powerful and perverted copying ability existed. Lin Hang was going to get along with this mirage clan for a while, and waited until he felt a little real. After passing the habits of the mirage clan, when it was determined that there was no threat, Lin Hang was ready to show some of his abilities to these mirage clan appropriately, and then relying on the simple friendship with the mirage clan to try to see if he could exchange it. This is the same way to learn a magical power, which is also the most correct way that Lin Hang believes. In fact, Lin Hang can secretly find a lone mirage in a remote area outside the Phantom Tree Forest, and then secretly copy this talented supernatural power directly, which is not a difficult task for Lin Hang. But Lin Hang didn't want to do this step. He was able to rely on exchanges and friendships. Lin Hang didn't want to use these secret methods.

The mirage* nodded clearly and said, "Well, no problem, our mirage clan welcomes friends very much! In the central area of ​​the Phantom Tree Forest, you can choose a location to build a residence at will, or we can arrange a location for you. Yes, but I don’t know how long you are going to stay in our "Phantom World"?"

Lin Hang has already had an idea about this issue. Now the final plan of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races outside is also entering the final chapter. Lin Hang believes that there should be a result in a short time. At that time, Lin Hang cannot say. The big plan to go to the Ziwei Emperor Star to experience will be launched. At that time, Yudieyi was naturally a member of this plan. At that time, her clone naturally could not stay in this "Miracle World". In the middle, so Lin Hang's cry was to stay as long as possible. Before setting off for the experience, try to let Yudieyi follow the mirage*Ming to learn the magical power of virtual and reality that fits Yudieyi's ability.

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Mirage*Ming Patriarch, as to this time, I am still not sure about the specific time, so I will disturb you for a longer period of time! However, the rest place is not needed anymore. , We only need a room for cultivation!"

The mirage* clearly heard Lin Hang’s reply and nodded, but a trace of doubt arose in his heart. I don’t know why Lin Hang didn’t need to rest. Could it be that the two of them even had time to rest to improve their cultivation. Should they be omitted? Although they were able to adjust their state without sleep in the later stages of their cultivation, they still needed rest after the unnecessary cultivation. Lin Hang's words caused some shocks in the mind of the mirage*ming, and some felt Lin Hang 2 People are diligent. It’s just a mirage* What I don’t know is that Lin Hang and Yudieyi are just clones at this time, and when these clones are usually studying, they will pay more attention to them, and let the clones play freely at other times. That's fine, and because of the composition of the clone, there is actually no need to rest. This is also one of the main reasons why Lin Hang asked the clone of Yudieyi to come and study. Only in this way can he make perfect use of time and accept the mirage. The teachings of the beast.

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