I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 569

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:11:00 AM

Chapter 569: Yudieyi's determination

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In this way, Lin Hang and Yudieyi’s trip to "The Mirage" has already achieved their initial goals. In the days to come, it will depend on the operation of Lin Hang and Yudieyi. Whether you can get that Lin Hang is relatively confident about the secret magical powers of the mirage family. After all, he possesses a perverted copy ability. In his opinion, he only needs one and he can give you a lot of it. When the replica of, he used as the stepping stone, the three scarce materials, such as the opening spirit stone and the soul crystal, are only materials that Lin Hang believes will inevitably be accepted by the mirage family. Lin Hang believes that after some days of getting along, he must be If you can find something that the Mirage Clan wants to get, at that time Lin Hang will show his ability in a timely manner to solve the trouble for the Mirage Clan. If this is the case, Lin Hang will definitely get more attention from the Mirage Clan. The relationship between Lin Hang and the mirage family will inevitably be closer. At this time, it will be easier to propose to learn the magical power of change from reality to reality.

Lin Hang didn’t feel much about this trip to "The Mirage", which was regarded as Lin Hang’s basic operation, but in Yudie’s eyes, the process from beginning to end was never beyond Lin Hang’s control. In other words, Lin Hang has basically considered what kind of scenarios, so he has already thought out the countermeasures in advance. This also refreshed Lin Hang's image in Yudieyi's heart. Even though Lin Hang was already the strongest person in China on the report, but for these younger disciples, there is no way to think for a while. After all, Lin Hang and them can be regarded as the existence of the same era. When the difference in cultivation level is too large, it makes Yudieyi and other low-level disciples unable to intuitively imagine Lin Hang's strength and means. And this time on the trip to "The Mirage", after staying behind Lin Hang for a while, Yudieyi could clearly feel the gap between them. Lin Hang was able to talk and laugh so freely with a group of monks who climbed into the fairyland. This shows from the side that Lin Hang's experience over the years is definitely much richer than those of their disciples, and only enough experience can cultivate Lin Hang's state at this time.

And after thinking about so much, Yudieyi also had the same psychological state as Xu Li from the bottom of his heart. Lin Hang, as a disciple of their generation, is now in a unique realm. To throw away, and in turn made great help for these disciples, which made Yudieyi's heart full of pressure and motivation. She has always been a very strong person. When she lost to Lin Hang before. I have always been unconvinced and wanted to find a place, but I did not expect that the gap is getting bigger and bigger now. Yudieyi also knows that she may not be able to catch up with Lin Hang in her life, unless Lin Hang has been stuck on the threshold of climbing the fairyland. It’s too late to break into "The Gate of the Immortal", so she still has a chance to catch up with Lin Hang, but Yudieyi also knows that with Lin Hang's dazzling talent and outstanding connections, she is stuck in this state. Basically, things won’t happen anymore. Maybe it doesn’t take much time for Lin Hang to complete the breakthrough. So Yudieyi’s heart has already let go of her obsessions, and all she thinks about now is her own. As long as his strength can be improved, he might be able to help Lin Hang.

Yudieyi has also heard about Lin Hang’s next plan of the Ziwei Emperor Xing's experience, knowing that such an action plan should be started soon, and Yudieyi’s thoughts are inevitable. I went to participate, and now Yudieyi also understands that after the mutual help duel match just now, these outstanding disciples in the front row of China have been trained by Lin Hang, and they are very strong in the following period of time. There may be explosive growth. This time she was arranged by Lin Hang to come to this "Phantom World" to learn the application and perception of illusion. This is also the meaning. Of course, Yudieyi is also proud of it. Young generations are naturally not satisfied with just learning the application of illusion. After listening to Lin Hang’s introduction to popularize knowledge, plus having personally witnessed the changes of reality and illusion performed by Mirage* stars, it is almost imaginative. The endless changes also made Yudieyi's heart fascinated. In addition to learning and comprehending the knowledge of Huangshi, such a powerful magical power has also been included in Yudieyi's must-learn project.

After both parties were confirmed, the two clones of Lin Hang and Yudieyi stayed in this "mirage". Except that Yudieyi would be taught by the mirage in the days to come, Lin Hang will also listen. After all, Lin Hang’s initial path has been determined, that is, full-scale development. Although Lin Hang is not very weak in illusion, he faces the strongest mirage family in the world. There are still a lot of learning opportunities, and Lin Hang’s clone is more independent, able to learn this knowledge on his own, and can be reflected to the deity at any time, which means that Lin Hang does not need to pay too much attention. With strength, if you just let this clone play freely, you can get a very good understanding. This is also a major abnormality of Lin Hang's clone ability, that is, it can spread Lin Hang's energy into many parts. At the same time, many roads can be carried out and researched. In this way, a major problem of Lin Hang's current roads will be solved. With the same amount of time, he will be able to study more things than others.

After completing the arrangement of the Yudie Yi, Lin Hang's attention was collected. Due to the flow of time and some time wasted in "The Mirage", by this time Lin Hang's deity had already arranged it. The matter of strength is rushing to Wang Lao's residence in person.

Lin Hang’s previous arrangements for Hu Lingfeng, Huazhi, Xu Li, and Yudieyi were basically synchronized, so after Lin Hang arranged Yudieyi’s affairs, Xu Li had already fallen into the dust. Ding, Hou Lin has already begun to teach Xu Li, and on the other side of Wang Lao, a clone of Lin Hang also brought Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi to see Wang Lao. Wang Lao knew Lin Hang’s plan a long time ago. And I also admired the spatial talent shown by Hu Lingfeng and Hua Zhi. After a little test of the two, Wang Lao was quite satisfied, and he agreed to Lin Hang's request.

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