I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 57

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:40 AM

Chapter 57: The power of acquired realm

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After Ye Guangyuan listened to Ye Lao's words, he brought up his own abilities and closed his eyes to feel the spirit of the water element between heaven and earth. Within a few minutes, I only felt that the air in Ye Guangyuan's body became moist. Soon, a stream of water gathered around Ye Guangyuan, but the psychic energy in his body was not reduced at all! Obviously, the water flow around Ye Guangyuan was formed by direct confluence of the souls of the heaven and the earth. In such a short time, Ye Guangyuan stepped into the threshold of the power of the heaven and the earth, and he deserved to be called a genius!

Ye Lao also nodded in satisfaction, Ye Guangyuan did not disappoint him, nor did he draw down his comprehension of the family inheritance ability, so that he could successfully complete this move.

Ye Guangyuan stopped his senses. After knowing that he had succeeded, he wanted to shout, but turned his head to see Lin Hang's figure. He immediately stopped and said, "Lin Hang, you can definitely do it, I believe you!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Brother Guangyuan, I haven't started yet, why did you comfort me? Wait a moment, maybe I'm faster than you!"

Feeling the strong confidence in Lin Hang's words, Ye Guangyuan and Ye Lao were relieved and waited for Lin Hang's display.

Lin Hang calmed down and began to feel his spiritual space, touching the progress bar of the first ability he copied, "Element-Wood". Lin Hang is going to start experimenting with the ability of "Element-Wood". This is the first ability he copied and the ability that has accompanied him for the longest time. Lin Hang is also very familiar with this ability, so this After an acquired induction, Lin Hang also started practicing from "Elements-Wood".

After touching the progress bar of "Elements-Wood", Lin Hang immediately felt that the spirits of wood between the heaven and the earth became extremely active in his induction, and Lin Hang tried to mobilize these spirits , One of the spirits in between is like a seed, absorbing the energy of the surrounding spirits, and slowly germinates until it grows into a young sapling, and then continues to grow into a ten-meter-high tree.

In the field of vision of Ye Guangyuan and Ye Lao, Lin Hang just closed his eyes and raised his right hand, and a big tree slowly took shape. If it weren't for the psychic energy still full of Lin Hang's body, the two would definitely think that Lin Hang was a big tree formed through his own psychic energy. Because it is so fast! It's incredibly fast, as if the process of gathering souls does not take time.

After this experiment, Lin Hang understood that his copying ability hadn’t changed much in the acquired realm. With the kind of ability, he could sense the kind of souls in the world, but Lin Hang changed his mind. With the enhanced type and other types of abilities, he couldn't help asking Mr. Xiang Ye with some doubts, "Lao Ye, what would happen if it was an enhanced type of abilities at this stage?"

Ye Lao replied, "I just wanted to tell you about this problem. Because of the characteristics of your abilities, you should also know the direction of the strengthening system. Generally, the strengthening of the strengthening system in the acquired realm is also very huge, and they will also Comprehend the spirits between heaven and earth, and then temporarily replenish these spirits into the body, and borrow the energy of these spirits, their abilities will be greatly strengthened. So don't think that the strengthening system is very weak."

Lin Hang nodded and took a short rest before experimenting with Jiang Huacong’s "Beastmaster Madness". Lin Hang carefully felt the difference between this and the bodybuilding period. Soon, he felt the spirit of heaven and earth rushing in madly. His body, the body strengthened by the ability, swelled again, feeling the power of the explosion in his body, Lin Hang roared and slammed a fist against the big stone aside. The stone obviously could not withstand Lin Hang's fist. Power, was directly beaten to pieces.

While watching Ye Guangyuan's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, and said loudly, "Lin Hang, how could you be so strong? I was really lucky if Jiang Huacong didn't kill me that day, too abnormal!"

Ye Lao was also a little surprised. It was really too exaggerated. Ye Lao asked, "Lin Hang, what kind of power are you? The power is a bit too strong, you just broke through the day after tomorrow!"

Lin Hang had anticipated it, smiling and replied, "Lao Ye, this ability is the ability of Jiang Huacong, a player in the military's competition this time, called "Beastmaster Madness". This ability does not perform well during physical training. It is conspicuous, but now after breaking through to the day after tomorrow, the power really shows. If Jiang Huacong breaks through the day after tomorrow, his power will definitely be 20% stronger than me. This ability is tailored for him!"

Ye Lao was a little surprised, and said, "Lin Hang, you have a very high evaluation of this Jiang Huacong. It seems that this kid must be an extraordinary person. I can't imagine that he has been in the army for all these years without showing up!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "I think Jiang Huacong is the best talent in this generation of the military. It's just that the characteristics of the previous powers have not been played out, and the light is covered by the dual-powered Hu Lingfeng. From now on, with their influence. The promotion of Jiang Huacong’s talent will slowly show, and he can be called the absolute king in close combat!

Although Ye Lao also had some conjectures, he did not expect Lin Hang to give Jiang Huacong such a high evaluation. He also remembered Jiang Huacong in his heart, and the Ye family will also pay attention to this person's development in the future.

Lin Hang said to Ye Guangyuan, "Brother Guangyuan, the two of us haven't discussed each other for a long time. Now that we have both broken through the day after tomorrow, why don't we take advantage of this opportunity today and let our brothers compete?"

Ye Guangyuan said, "Okay! Although I know that I am definitely not Lin Hang's opponent, fighting against you is still very helpful for my improvement. Come on!"

Looking at Ye Guangyuan, who was full of warfare, Lin Hang's heart burned. He found that he was still very eager to fight. It seemed to be a habit rooted in his bones. During this period of time, he had been practicing indifferently, and it was really boring. .

Ye Guangyuan let out a loud cry, driving the psychic energy in his body and between the heaven and the earth, and instantly formed a huge cloud covering the two of them, and it started to rain. By the day after tomorrow, Ye Guangyuan used to use this trick as the ultimate ultimate. Now it is very casual, and the power is not comparable to before.

After all, Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan's competition was not like the first one, so he wouldn't use the water system's ability, otherwise it would be too boring. Lin Hang used Hu Lingfeng's "Total Strengthening" ability, feeling that this ability had become more powerful, and quickly rushed to Ye Guangyuan's side, gathering this "psychic stick" in his hand. With the infusion of psychic energy around, this psychic stick slowly grew bigger, until it reached nearly ten meters in length, Lin Hang shouted, swiping the psychic-powered stick, and directly hit the clouds in the sky. Scattered!

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