I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 571

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:58 AM

Chapter 571: Reasonable

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The reason for not adopting this kind of thinking is that after years of progress and development, after experiencing more things, Lin Hang is no longer the boy he used to be. Before doing things, he will carefully consider the possible pros and cons. . And if all the witches and monsters above the Earth and the stars are opened one by one, then there is a 90% chance that Lin Hang can get the last few materials he wants in the warehouses of these forces. After all, some The function of the material is quite special. For example, the Golden Phoenix Feather is very precious to the Akabane clan, and it is impossible to survive, but it can be preserved in the hands of the Bai clan. The last few things that Lin Hang needs The materials are almost in a similar situation. There are too many caves and sky left, and Lin Hang still has a very high probability of being able to obtain the remaining materials completely.

If Lin Hang achieves such a goal, it means that Lin Hang is already able to set up the ancient magic circle that can open his own "The Gate of the Immortal Road". With the help of the magic circle and Lin Hang's long-standing accumulation , Lin Hang is very likely to break through the shackles in one fell swoop, smash the "Gate of the Fairy Road" in front of him, successfully embarked on the "Road to Climbing", reached a new realm, and became a character in the realm of Climbing. This is Lin Hang. There are some benefits that can be gained behind visiting the many remaining caves. If Lin Hang breaks through the current realm and becomes the first monk of Huaxia to climb the fairyland, it is also very meaningful for Huaxia's current development and can have greater confidence to stand firm. However, behind this huge benefit, there are still disadvantages, because Lin Hang visited many earth, star, cave and sky, and made them all reappear. The previous high priests and elders also warned him. If too many caves are re-emerged, it is likely to have an intensified impact on the current situation. In other words, the catastrophe, which may have been for a while, may come early!

After experiencing so many things, Lin Hang's vision is not as narrow as before. The fact that Earth Star can choose between these powerful branches of the Witch Race and the Monster Race at the same time shows that Earth Star is definitely not as simple as it seems. It has its special features, and the future earth star will definitely not be an ordinary place in this time of heaven and earth catastrophe, it is likely to become the key to the catastrophe, so the situation of earth star can be maintained. It’s better to keep it as long as possible. Although this will temporarily delay Lin Hang’s entry into the Immortal Realm, it can leave a relatively longer development time for the future. It is very worthwhile in the long run. After all, even if Lin Hang is in The current stage has entered the realm of ascending to immortals, but if the catastrophe comes early, the time for Lin Hang to continue to ascend will also be shortened drastically. A cultivator of ascending to the realm of immortals cannot change anything. It is easy for the entire Huaxia to fall into a difficult situation, and can only rely on the witch clan, looking forward to relying on their witch clan to survive the catastrophe, life and death are not at hand, this is obviously not what Lin Hang wants to see Circumstances, and if you give up this short-term gain, you can continue to maintain the current situation, so that the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth can really come later. In that case, Lin Hang’s time to enter the Immortal Realm will be slightly behind, but Can retain a lot of time for improvement in the future, so that Lin Hang can have the opportunity to enter a higher realm. Only this way can make Lin Hang confident and confident that he can survive the catastrophe. My own strength, to protect and hold my entire Chinese people.

And the most important thing is that Lin Hang does not actually need to wait much time. After all, the plan of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance on Earth and Stars is also the final key. I believe that they will achieve their goals in the near future, and at that time, Wan The Clan Alliance will no longer stay on Earth Star, Lin Hang will be able to go to Ziwei Emperor Star again with peace of mind. As long as he can get the last few materials he wants on Ziwei Emperor Star, Lin Hang can still knock open. "The Gate of Immortal Road" will not have too many opportunities at night, and Ziwei Emperor Star is also a bigger stage. Lin Hang is looking forward to having greater experience and development in Ziwei Emperor Star after ascending to the immortal. Lin Hang's own improvement will not be too slow, because among the big caves of the Wu Clan in the Earth Star, the strength of the Wu Clan is actually faintly surpassed compared to the three powers above the Ziwei Emperor Star. Yes, but because of the relationship between Lin Hang and them, the real battle effect cannot be achieved, especially Lin Hang itself is special, so that he is basically invincible in the battle of the same level, and it is even possible. You can face multiple opponents at the same time and still achieve a crushing situation, so the complex environment of Ziwei Emperor star instead allows Lin Hang to get the effect of experience more effectively. After reaching Ziwei Emperor star, if Lin Hang can quickly As far as Dengxian is concerned, the monk who is in the realm of Dengxian will have even stronger self-protection ability among Ziwei Emperor.

So now that these junior disciples have been arranged, Lin Hang is also very much looking forward to the ten thousand race monks on Earth and Stars can step up their plans, regardless of whether their plans this time, Lin Hang and others can blend in. Lin Hang hopes to end soon, he is already very yearning for the Ziwei Emperor, and he also feels the call of the higher realm for him.

The reason why Lin Hang hurried over to witness Wang Lao accepting Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi as named disciples was also Wang Lao's own orders. Although Lin Hang did not need to do anything, Wang Lao had to let him take the disciples. The big brother Lin Hang was present. After witnessing the apprenticeship ceremony just now, Lin Hang directly threw Hu Lingfeng and Hua Zhi to Wang Lao for his own teaching, and he himself returned to his residence. While resting, He had to wait for Ye Guangyuan’s news. After all, he agreed that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo would go to Ye's house to help them out. It consumed the extra requests of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. Lin Hang was naturally very concerned about this matter. Yes, it must be done.

In this way, ten days after the mutual help duel was over, Lin Hang still did not wait for the news of Ye Guangyuan, but after thinking about it carefully, Lin Hang also understood the reason. After this competition, many disciples were immersed in it. After this time of competition, I digested the rewards suitable for their own development from Lin Hang. Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were no exception, and naturally they couldn't fall into this matter temporarily.

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