I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 573

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:57 AM

Chapter 573: Shang Yejia

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Just as Lin Hang gazed at the flames of struggle that these disciples were igniting again, ten days later, Lin Hang received Ye Guangyuan's remote voice transmission and invited him to visit Ye Lao with them to the Ye family. And this time, it was the first time that Ye Guangyuan brought Li Yuluo, the Daoist he had determined, to visit. Although Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo believed that they would not be blocked by any obstacles, Ye Lao watched Ye Guangyuan grow up. It is said that he was the most important person in Ye Guangyuan’s previous life. The reason why Ye Guangyuan worked hard to cultivate and improve his strength was basically because of Ye Lao’s expectation. He expected Ye Guangyuan to rejuvenate the Ye family, so Ye Lao’s attitude was also extremely for Ye Guangyuan. Importantly, if Ye Guangyuan and Li Yu fell together to get Ye Lao's approval and consent, Ye Guangyuan would definitely be very happy.

In fact, in Lin Hang's heart, I still feel that with Li Yuluo's excellent and outstanding military background, he will definitely not be inferior to the women of those families who wanted to marry Ye Guangyuan before, and Ye Lao is in the impression of Lin Hang. Zhong has always been a relatively kind and sensible elder, and he is basically absolutely satisfied with Li Yuluo. Ye Guangyuan's move is somewhat redundant, but since Ye Guangyuan requested it, Lin Hang would naturally not say more. What? At this time, Lin Hang sorted out his outfit, and then rushed to the place that Ye Guangyuan had informed.

The place where Ye Guangyuan asked Lin Hang to gather was in a forest on the outskirts not far from Yecheng. Obviously, he was going to meet Ye Lao directly after Lin Hang arrived. Ye Guangyuan believed that Lin Hang was there, even if Ye No matter how dissatisfied there is, there will be no room for it. In this case, as long as Ye Lao meets Li Yuluo for the first time, he only needs Ye Guangyuan to make Ye Lao familiar with Li Yuluo for the rest of the day. Existence can solve Ye Guangyuan's worries.

When Lin Hang rushed to this forest, he saw Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, and his eyes lit up. At this time, both Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo had changed the exercise clothes they wore before. Instead, he changed into a dress that he would only wear when attending important occasions. Ye Guangyuan had a suit and leather shoes, and Li Yuluo rarely put on a long skirt that mopped the floor. He saw Lin Hangwang. The teasing eyes that came, even Li Yuluo's powerful heart couldn't help but flushed slightly.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Hang couldn't help but sigh Ye Guangyuan's determination. It seems that Ye Lao still caused a lot of shadow on Ye Guangyuan, and Ye Guangyuan still wanted to meet Ye Guangyuan's requirements and arrangements at any time. Every time, we have to respond in the best state.

Seeing Lin Hang's arrival, Ye Guangyuan said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you are here! Okay, let's go see my grandpa together! I have notified my family in advance, presumably grandpa also knows that I will be in these two days. When you go home, when you see his old man, you must help me talk more! Brother, my future happiness depends on you!"

Lin Hang waved his hand, stroked the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, then nodded helplessly, snapped his right hand at the same time, and then brought Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo to the door of the Yejiahui living room. .

Ye Guangyuan was very eye-sighted at this time, took a deep breath, then stepped forward and knocked on the door lightly. After a while, the door opened directly from the inside. Ye Guangyuan made a please gesture to Lin Hang, obviously. Preparing to let Lin Hang go at the forefront, Lin Hang put away his helplessness and expressions at this time, nodded, and walked in first, and Ye Guangyuan glanced at Li Yuluo behind, and the two faced each other. Nodded heavily, and then followed in the footsteps of Lin Hang, stepping into the Ye Family's living room.

After walking into the depths of the meeting room, Lin Hang saw Ye Lao sitting on the main seat of the meeting room. Seeing Lin Hang walking in, Ye Lao also stood up and said with a smile. It's Lin Hang! I thought it was my ineffective grandson Ye Guangyuan who is back! Come on, sit down!"

Lin Hang also laughed, and then said, "Lao Ye, the kid is here again! This time I came to visit you, there are two things."

After speaking, Lin Hang and Ye Lao did it together. After a few words of greeting, Lin Hang stated his purpose of coming, "Ye Lao, this time the kid came, the first thing is to give it away. Here is something for you!"

In Ye Lao's puzzled gaze, Lin Hang's fingertips showed a white liquid. The moment the liquid appeared, Ye Lao felt that the white liquid contained terrifying water. The power of the elements, if you can absorb it, then maybe the bottleneck that has troubled you for a long time can be directly broken!

When Lin Hang saw Ye Lao’s expression, he roughly understood Ye Lao’s psychological activities at this time, and he said with a smile, “Ye Lao, this object is called Xian Ruo Shui, which is formed by the heavy water of the Tianhe River after being compressed again. Shang Shen Shui is called the ancestor of ten thousand waters! This time I will give it to you so that you can break through the peak of the Yuan Ying late stage at this time and enter the God Transformation Stage!"

While Ye Lao was still in shock and hesitation, Lin Hang suddenly pointed at Ye Lao with his fingertips, and then saw this small strand of soft water in his fingertips, which was directly sent to Ye Lao by Lin Hang. In Ye Lao's body, then Lin Hang's spiritual power wrapped this slender water and ran in Ye Lao's body for a while, and then it was initially refined and absorbed by Ye Lao.

Lin Hang's decisive action also made Ye Lao not react. The rejection words that just came to his lips were also directly held back. Now it is a bit late to refuse. The delicate water that Lin Hang said to give is already It was absorbed by Ye Lao, and it was no longer possible to return it. It was useless to say anything at this time.

Lin Hang was also satisfied with the achievement of this scene. He knew that Ye Lao had some time in the late Nascent Soul stage, but it was not easy to break through to the God Transformation Stage, so Ye Lao included The old people of the original generation of the heads of major families are basically stuck in this state, and they have been unable to break through. Lin Hang also knows that Ye Lao may just lack some stimulating motivation, so he does not wait for Ye Lao to refuse. , Directly send the delicate water into Ye Lao’s body. With the stimulation and assistance of the delicate water from the ancestor of ten thousand waters, Ye Lao’s later cultivation will be more convenient, successfully breaking through, and becoming China’s third place. The monks above the spiritual stage are just around the corner.

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