I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 574

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:56 AM

Chapter 574: show

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Ye Lao had no choice. After sighing, he said, "Lin Hang, I don’t say anything. I have become accustomed to accepting your help for so many years! Guangyuan was like this before, and later on to the Ye family The same is true, how do we repay it in the future!"

Lin Hang waved his hand, and then said solemnly, "Lao Ye, I have told you before. Don't say anything like this in the future! When I was in Yecheng alone and helpless, I even faced the Zhou family and the Liu family. When malicious, it was you and the Ye family who came forward and saved me directly, and if you hadn't given me a chance to enter the training camp, my future development would not have been so smooth. So, these years are your atmosphere. If you have me, then why don’t I do some help as much as I can now? Not to mention that my cultivation level is now where I am now. You also know my abilities, these precious things, for me It’s just a little spiritual effort! But such a weak effort can help you a lot. I don’t need to say more about how to make and choose. Besides, the improvement of your strength is for our entire China It’s also a good thing. This will also enable China’s top combat power to rise faster. No matter what, there is no harm in my actions like this! Ye Lao, the times are different. , You don’t need to feel that you owe me anything, I have always regarded you as the most respected elder, so what is the relationship and reason for respecting the elders? You can accept these meager salutes with peace of mind!"

Lin Hang’s words are exactly what Lin Hang said from the bottom of his heart. During this period of time, when Lin Hang was sorting out his own cultivation path, the bits and pieces that had been in Huicheng also appeared from the depths of his heart. This experience is also very important to him, not only because he met his lifelong partner Liu Ruyan here, but also because this is the starting point of his cultivation path, so in the starting point of Huicheng, What Lin Hang missed most was undoubtedly Liu Ruyan's companionship and Ye Lao's selfless help to him. At that time, Lin Hang was just a hard-fought child who lost his parents’ news, but Ye Lao was able to fulfill his promise to Lin Jingtian and spared no effort to take care of Lin Hang. This kind of help Ye Lao never thought of getting a trace of return. Ye Lao doesn’t care about these, so now Lin Hang naturally doesn’t want Ye Lao to care about him a lot, especially the things that Lin Hang provides are obviously helpful to Ye Lao and the Ye family, but they don’t need Lin Hang to pay. A lot of price, so Lin Hang hopes that Ye Lao can not regard him as an outsider, and can accept his gift with comfort and magnanimity.

Ye Lao also felt Lin Hang’s strong wishes from Lin Hang’s words, and he couldn’t help but feel infinite emotion and gratification. He actually maintained a trace of awe for Lin Hang’s current powerful strength. Ye Lao recognized the respect for the strong, but Lin Hang's performance has made Ye Lao understand that although Lin Hang's strength has reached the point where Ye Lao can look up, but he respects and respects Ye Lao. However, his attitude has not changed a bit. At this time, Mr. Ye has already accepted all the contributions that Lin Hang has made to the Ye family before and now, because just as Lin Hang said, Lin Hang regards Mr. Ye as his best Respected elders, why didn't Ye Lao treat Lin Hang as his own child? Therefore, for the help and support that Lin Hang may come in the future, Ye Lao no longer has that much pressure, and he is already able to accept it with a calm mind.

After confirming his heart, Ye Lao wanted to have a few more words with Lin Hang, and then immediately began to retreat, digesting the soft and soft water that Lin Hang gifted, and then tried to break through the realm of the transformation stage, but at this time I remembered that when Lin Hang entered the door, he said that there were two things to find him. The first thing to give soft water is already agreed, and Ye Lao is also a little curious about the second thing Lin Hang said. what exactly is it.

After Ye Lao and Lin Hang said a few more words, they asked their doubts, "Lin Hang, when you came, you said that you had two things to do with me. I know the first thing, and the second thing. What is it that makes you so mysterious?"

Lin Hang laughed, and finally said his purpose, "Lao Ye, it's true that this time, besides coming over to give you that delicate water, there is a more important purpose!"

Just as Ye Lao waited for Lin Hang's exit to explain, Lin Hang temporarily stopped talking. Instead, he made a move with his right hand and never entered the main hall. Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, who were waiting outside, walked in side by side. Although Ye Guangyuan disclosed his relationship with Li Yuluo in front of many people for the first time, under Ye Guangyuan’s request and intentional control, he did not let this news reach Ye Lao’s ears, which means that until now So far, Ye Lao didn't know about Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. At this time, seeing Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo coming with him, Ye Lao had already guessed the whole story after a thought in his mind.

At this time, Mr. Ye also remembered that from the beginning of the mutual help duel match to the present, the major forces and families who had previously said to Mr. Ye that they were considering marrying were all tacitly informed of his previous request. The marriage information stopped immediately. Originally, Ye Lao was still quite confused and puzzled about this situation, but seeing Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo who appeared together at this time, Ye Lao understood everything in his heart.

But at this moment, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo did not speak, but Lin Hang continued, "Lao Ye, this is the second thing I want to tell you when I came here today! Congratulations to Lao Ye, Brother Guangyuan found it. The woman who can accompany him for life is the military Li Yuluo whom you have met before. I believe you have some understanding of Li Yuluo’s excellence, right? And now I have observed that they are together. It is definitely a benign thing. The two can promote each other's continuous progress. Mr. Ye, your long-term wish has ended. How do you feel now?

After Lin Hang finished speaking and pointed out the meaning on the surface, the scene fell into silence for a while. Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan did not speak either. Lin Hang also watched this scene, waiting for Ye Lao. Accepting such a thing in his heart, Ye Guangyuan looked at Ye Lao nervously, expecting Ye Lao to have a positive reaction.

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