I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 575

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:54 AM

Chapter 575: Ye Lao's attitude

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After a long time, Elder Ye sighed and said softly, "Guangyuan, Yu Luo, come and sit down!"

When Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo heard what Ye Lao said, they also hurried over and sat opposite Lin Hang, waiting for Ye Lao's next series of questions.

Ye Lao said to Ye Guangyuan, "Guangyuan, I finally understand why you were so resistant to the blind date I arranged for you before, but if you have your own thoughts and certain hearts in your heart, you can Tell grandpa directly! Although grandpa has been in charge of you for so many years, he has never restricted your own choices, right? Besides, how could grandpa be dissatisfied with an excellent girl like Yu Luo? If you have been enamored with people, and told your grandpa earlier that grandpa can also fight for you, but seeing how you look now, grandpa is already very satisfied. In the days to come, you will get along well with Yuluo. , You must treat others well, but don't expose your wicked temper in front of others, otherwise I can't spare you!"

Then Ye Lao put on a rather kind face, turned to Li Yuluo who was aside, and continued, "Yuluo! I don't know what you fell in love with our kid Guangyuan! On your terms And talent, Ye Guangyuan really picked up the treasure! Don't worry, you two will do well in the future. If he dares to bully you, you will directly tell your grandpa to see how grandpa cleans up him!"

Ye Lao’s attitude also greatly relieved both Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, especially Li Yuluo. In Ye Guangyuan’s description, Ye Lao was not acting like he is now, and now after the real contact, Discovering how exaggerated Ye Guangyuan's previous introduction and description was, Li Yuluo couldn't help but complain about Ye Guangyuan silently in his heart, and it really made her nervous too. Li Yuluo was still very confident in himself. With a good military background, coupled with the extraordinary talent that has now shown a sharp edge, it should be said that he has reached one of the best female disciples in this generation. Look at this time. There are only three women among the sixteen disciples, she is also among the top three, right? Ye Guangyuan had no confidence in her. After being treated with gentleness by Ye Lao now, the big stone in Li Yuluo's heart also fell.

Hearing what Ye Lao said, Li Yuluo hurriedly replied, "Ye Lao, don’t say that, Guangyuan is very good to me, and the two people’s contributions are necessary in a relationship. Since I firmly choose to be with Guangyuan, no matter how difficult the road in the future is, I will go hand in hand with him! You can rest assured in the days to come, I didn’t choose Guangyuan for a while. With Guangyuan's existence in the days to come, I will also be full of motivation and confidence, and there will be no regrets at all!"

With that, Li Yuluo glanced at Ye Guangyuan who was aside, his eyes were full of affection, and then Ye Guangyuan was also moved by Li Yuluo's words, and he stretched out his hand to directly pull Li Yuluo into his arms.

Ye Lao didn't expect the two of them to be like no one else in front of him. He couldn't help but cough slightly. Ye Guangyuan let go, and then said embarrassedly, "Grandpa, you know why I don't want this. Do you know in advance? I know that if you speak to the military, with your status, face and Lin Hang's help, I may be able to directly complete the marriage specified above with Yu Luo, but such a designation is also It is definitely not a place I am willing to accept. In that case, I would feel that it is unfair to Yu Luo. As a talent cultivated by the military, she will certainly not oppose the above arrangement. In this case, even if she has a good impression of me , It can’t hide that I deprived her of the right to choose! So before I notify you, I have to try to rely on my own efforts to see if I can be with Yuluo without any other factors, and be together naturally. Although Lin Hang’s help was achieved, the process was real. The relationship between Yu Luo and I did not inject any influencing factors. The current situation is the scene I have been looking forward to. You can agree with me. I am very happy with my own opinion and satisfaction with Yu Luo! Grandpa, thank you for your understanding and acceptance!"

Ye Guangyuan's words at this time were also from the bottom of his heart. Ye Lao was very moved, but Ye Lao also heard what Ye Guangyuan said. This time, Ye Guangyuan was able to express his thoughts with Li Yuluo successfully. Lin Hang's assistance and arrangements were indispensable, which made Ye Lao a little surprised.

Ye Lao couldn't help but said, "Lin Hang, could it be said that this mutual help duel you held is for the personal affairs of this kid Guangyuan? Is this kid too naive? How can such a thing be like this? It’s like a child’s play. If the disciples who participated in the competition knew what happened this time, shouldn’t you let them arrange it behind your back and affect your reputation?”

Lin Hang knew that Ye Lao did not know the impact and depth of this mutual help duel, so he explained, "Ye Lao, at the beginning, the original intention of this mutual help duel was really to help Brother Guangyuan and Li. Yuluo and her have a long time alone, so that Brother Guangyuan can express his feelings in front of Li Yuluo, and create opportunities for their feelings to run in. The mutual help duel match is indeed at my discretion. It’s just a form of choice. However, during this mutual help duel match, I discovered that these disciples include Brother Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. Regarding the seriousness of this competition, you have been in Yecheng. , I don’t know the schedule and results of this mutual help duel? This time, the mutual help duel is divided into eight groups. Each group has a disciple from the Yuan Ying period and a disciple from the late Jindan period. The eight groups are selected and discharged. At the beginning of the battle sequence, from the eighth place to the seventh place, the winner challenged step by step, until the final victor appeared. Do you know which combination is the eighth place that will fight at the beginning ?"

Ye Lao knew that if the eighth group member named by Lin Hang was unfamiliar, he would definitely not ask it. He also tentatively asked, "This is the first in the eighth rank. It's the combination of Guangyuan, Yu Luo and the others?"

Lin Hang nodded, and then said with a smile, "This is ranked eighth. The first team to play is the team of Brother Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, and the final result, guess what?"

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