I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 579

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:51 AM

Chapter 579: Ye Lao's potential

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It's not that Hu Lingfeng and Xu Li are strong enough to defeat Ye Lao at this time, but Ye Lao is surprised at the talents of these two people. You must know that Ye Lao is a water element, although the cultivation base has reached Yuan Yuan. In the late stage of the infant stage, but the understanding of space is only just beginning. Compared to Hu Lingfeng, who is not blessed by nature, he naturally understands the power of mastering space at this stage, not to mention the earth element. Ye Lao and Xu Li's grandfather are also Old opponents, knowing the advantages and difficulties of the earth element, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo can still win despite the advantages of their opponents. No matter how humble they are, the result also shows their absolute excellence.

Ye Lao said with emotion, "Guangyuan, Yuluo, I did not expect that the level of the participants in the mutual help duel this time is so high. You two can also wear seven to win the final championship under such circumstances. It really makes me It’s shocking! But don’t be proud of both of you. The days to come will be long. Don’t stop because of the results in front of you! Those opponents who have been temporarily defeated by you will not stop, although you can’t. I always promise to lead them, but this kind of belief in my heart is indispensable. I also believe that your talents and abilities will definitely become the pillars of China in the future. Don't waste your talents and ethnic support!"

Ye Guangyuan nodded. In front of Ye Lao, Ye Guangyuan would naturally put away the usual lightness and excitement after victory, and said more seriously, "Grandpa, don't worry! Yu Luo and I can reach the point where they are now. Not to mention anything else in my heart, the belief to become stronger and the motivation to sustain it are indispensable, let alone an unsurpassable goal like Lin Hang on top of our road ahead. What makes us Can you not work hard to cultivate? So grandpa, don’t worry about me anymore. I hope that your cultivation level can always be ahead of me as before and now, so that grandson will be more motivated to move forward. Up!"

The idea that Ye Guangyuan said was not without a chance. After all, in Ye Lao’s era, Ye Laoke was also an outstanding genius, even a genius even better than Ye Guangyuan, otherwise it would not be possible to survive under such external conditions. It was a breakthrough to the innate realm. If it were not for the limitation of cultivation ways and methods, the lack of follow-up techniques, and the inheritance cut off, Ye Lao might have reached the current realm long ago, so even though Ye Lao is practicing Qi to Yuan Ying In these stages, because of the profound accumulation before, the breakthrough was extremely fast, and the corresponding experience and running-in were lacking. In this respect, it was not as good as the feeling that Ye Guangyuan's disciples slowly cultivated.

However, after the transformation of the gods, chances become very important. If talents are not particularly abnormal to the level of Lin Hang or Wang Lao, every step up will be more difficult, but this is also the case when chances are ruled out. If Ye Lao resolves his own ties, he may not stay at Earth Star forever. Maybe he will join Lin Hang’s follow-up plan to enter the Ziwei Emperor Star. In such experience, Ye Lao might The fate is profound, and there will be opportunities for rapid progress. Such a situation is not impossible, but it is very possible. After all, things like chance are completely unpredictable.

This situation is not limited to Ye Lao alone. Those old people who are at the same time as Ye Lao Wang Lao are now basically at the level of the Yuan Ying stage, and the progress is relatively slow. Ye Lao is about to enter the God transformation stage. It is already the fastest among them, and when these old people were trapped in the innate, most of them lost their enterprising spirit and didn't think about breakthroughs. But under the current conditions, they too They have rekindled their interest in making breakthroughs. After all, their age is not very big compared to their current age. They are still just young people on the path of cultivation. So as long as their mentality can change, absolutely It is also in line with the conditions of the Ziwei Emperor Star Experience Plan formulated by Lin Hang, and Lin Hang naturally knows the potential and personality of these elderly people, and will definitely be very happy to include them in the plan, so in the future plan, Perhaps with the participation of these old people, the pressure on the younger generation of disciples such as Ye Guangyuan will definitely increase.

At this time, Ye Lao’s mentality is very different from before. After the Ye Family’s development is getting better and better, Ye Guangyuan has already found his very suitable life-long partner at this time. The **** in Ye Lao’s heart is already It’s not as tight as before, and with the support of Lin Hang, Ye Lao is about to break through to the stage of transforming gods, as the third stage of God’s breaking through by China. Master, it is definitely impossible to say that there is nothing in Ye Lao's heart for future prospects, so after hearing Ye Guangyuan's words, Ye Lao's heart has been hidden for a long time, and it was directly inspired by Ye Guangyuan.

Ye Lao laughed, and then said, "Guangyuan, I know what you mean, don't worry! Your grandfather, I am not a person who succumbed to the status quo so easily. Since Lin Hang has spared no effort to help our Ye family, He came here to give me the precious delicate water. Obviously he still has big expectations for my future development. I can't live up to Lin Hang's trust! Guangyuan, in a few days, grandpa can It is a monk in the transformation stage. The distance between you and me has become a whole realm! If you don't work hard in the future, you will always be left behind by grandpa! I heard Lin Hang has a plan to go to the Ziwei Emperor Star in the future. After I break through to the transformation stage, I should be able to catch up with the plan this time. At the moment of the catastrophe, I can't stay out of the situation. I have to improve my own. Strength, prepare for the future catastrophe!"

In this way, Ye Guangyuan, Li Yuluo and Ye Lao had been chatting happily. Lin Hang had already left here at this time and returned to his residence. In the days that followed, Lin Hang did not. I'm idle, because in addition to Hu Lingfeng, Huazhi, Xu Li and Yudieyi, the four have the teacher's teaching, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan don't need the guidance of their seniors for the time being. Many other disciples need Lin Hang to look after them from time to time. Solving the puzzles and doubts in their cultivation, so that they can avoid detours, and once such a day passes, a whole year has passed.

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