I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 58

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:25 AM

Chapter 58: "Warcraft"

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Ye Guangyuan and Ye Lao were also shocked by Lin Hang’s cudgel. Psychic weapons like the "Psychic Cudgel" of the Qi family are really not common, so Ye Lao didn’t know what would happen to the acquired realm. The change. Suddenly seeing Lin Hang on display now, he suddenly realized that the abilities developed to the later stage were unique.

Ye Guangyuan even said, "Lin Hang, your ability is too ridiculous! Although this cloud is not a big burden on me now, I can't help but knock it like this! Come on, I know you The kid is abnormal. I won't do anything with you anymore. Doing with you is just looking for abuse!"

Lin Hang was a little bit dumbfounded. He only discovered the change of the psychic stick when he was summoning. In addition to retaining the'stun' feature of the Body Forging Realm, there was also an extra'giant transformation' in the Hou Tian Realm. Attributes, this is not as simple as just getting bigger, the attack range for psionics is also much larger, so the development potential of this ability is also very good.

Listening to Ye Guangyuan's words, Lin Hang said, "Brother Guangyuan, don't do this, I haven't warmed up yet! Is this good? I don't use this "Psychic Stick", how about?"

Ye Guangyuan still shook his head and said, "Lin Hang, I think you have broken through to the day after tomorrow. You should not simply attack as before. Your abilities are very versatile. I think you should have your own tactics. And I, now There is no way to get your full shot, so you need a better training opponent."

At this moment, Ye Lao also stepped forward and said to Lin Hang, "Yes, Lin Hang, this is also my opinion. Although my old man is an age and has a lot of experience in the supernatural world, I dare not casually Point you. Because you are different from others, like we only have one power, we only need to focus on the development, understanding and improvement of our own powers, but you have too many powers, and human energy is limited. , I think you need to plan your future route."

Lin Hang knows that Ye Lao has always been very concerned about his path, and now what Ye Lao said is true. The teachers and guides who Lin Hang has experienced along the way all know about Lin Hang in terms of the knowledge of abilities. For example, Zhao Kangping pointed out that he stepped into the power world and the door of cultivation, Liu Ruyan gave him some knowledge about the power world, and Wang Lao gave him a stronger understanding and control of his powers, Ye Lao It will only answer him when he asks questions. All the people who cared about him didn't let him go his own way, but let him recognize his own abilities and characteristics, and find his own way.

Lin Hang said, "What you said is very reasonable. Before, my master also asked me to develop my own abilities, but did not make me the second Time Traveler. I will go out of my own way. Do not worry!"

Ye Lao knew that Lin Hang had always been reassuring, so now I just mention it a little bit. Lin Hang has always been more concerned about other people's opinions, as long as he doesn't let him go into a crooked road.

Ye Lao said with a smile, "Lin Hang, in your current situation, I have a good place for you to quickly adapt to your current abilities and form your own battle system. You will be familiar with the realm for two days, and then I will take you in two days. go with."

Lin Hang nodded, wondering what the magical place Ye Lao was talking about.

Two days later, Lin Hang followed Ye Lao to the basement of Ye Family Villa, and Ye Guangyuan with a smile on his face was also with him. Ye Lao pressed a button on one wall of the basement, and then the wall separated to both sides, revealing a downward passage. Ye Lao said to Lin Hang, "Let's go, just below here." After that, Ye Lao walked in first.

Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan followed Ye Lao's steps closely, and Ye Guangyuan also probed left and right, looking curiously, obviously this place was also the first time for him to see. The three people walked in this spiral passage for about five minutes. Ye Lao finally stopped. At the end of the passage was a spacious underground room with suitable temperature and humidity. Obviously, there was a special construction method.

Lin Hang looked at the facilities in this room, only two chairs were placed in the middle, and a helmet-shaped thing was placed on the chairs.

Looking at this scene, Lin Hang was a little puzzled, not knowing Ye Lao's intention. Ye Guangyuan asked even more suspiciously, "Grandpa, why did you bring us here? Didn't you say that someone helped us train today, how about you? It's not you, right?"

Ye Lao said angrily, "Just you can't hold your breath! I am your grandfather, who lived so many years longer than you, don't I know what you think? This is your training place, I promise after today You will fall in love here!"

Ye Lao asked Lin Hang to sit on the chairs separately, Lin Hang picked up the ‘helmet’ on the chairs and sat on it.

Elder Ye went on to introduce, "The'helmet' you are holding in your hands is an auxiliary spirit soldier made by a powerful refining of the illusion class in ancient times. It was won by the Ye family in a battle for relics many years ago. The treasure. Although the refining technique has not been lost, no one has attained the level of this mighty power in illusion, so no one can refine it now."

After mourning for a while, Ye Lao continued, "This spiritual weapon refined by this master is what we call the "Simulation Warfare" by the Ye family. That master is really a man of heaven and has integrated his own abilities. In the process of refining, you bring this "War Simulator", and your spirit will enter a special space. This space will generate an illusion just like you, possessing all your abilities. Fight against such an illusion, It can give you a better display of your strength, and the alternative use of illusions to your abilities can also provide you with some different ideas, you will know if you try."

After listening to Ye Lao’s description, Lin Hang couldn’t help asking, “Ye Lao, this predecessor is too good, this kind of thing is beyond the understanding of modern technology! What is the supernatural world in ancient times? Such a world, it is really desirable!"

Ye Lao smiled and said, "Indeed, the power world of today has really declined too much! The power world of ancient times is really a time of blooming, each type of power has representative characters, and There is no difference between strengths and weaknesses, and everyone is also cooperatively researching the development of abilities. Up to now, just because the early lethality is strong, let the elements be king, because the current world of abilities is pitiful because there are innate masters. what!"

Ye Lao paused, and then said, "However, our Chinese military is also very concerned about the research of abilities. As far as I know, the military and the Diancheng Jade Family are also developing similar "The machine of "It is said that it has been quite fruitful. Therefore, the progress of the supernatural world is inseparable from the discussion of cooperation. If you keep standing still, it will only gradually die."

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