I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 580

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:50 AM

Chapter 580: A year of leaps and bounds

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During the whole year, Lin Hang was also very busy. His own cultivation level was temporarily unable to improve quickly, so he focused on those younger disciples and helped these younger disciples choose their paths. Planning, and then solving some of the problems that bothered them, this kind of day is also more interesting to Lin Hang. It can not only help these disciples understand their own cultivation situation, but also allow Lin Hang to carry out various aspects of his cultivation and abilities. Some sorting out and further understanding. In such a process, Lin Hang has gained more knowledge and understanding of the countless abilities he has mastered. Although his realm has not improved, the actual gains are also very good. So big.

With the help of Lin Hang, these disciples naturally gained a lot. Not to mention the Yudieyi who is working hard in "The Mirage", the other seven gold cores who participated in the first mutual help duel. The later disciples, all because of the feelings of this competition, broke through to the stage of the Yuan Ying stage. They were not far from this state. Under the collision of excellent disciples in various fields, and the stimulation of Li Yuluo's breakthrough It’s not a difficult thing to understand that these already outstanding disciples broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage, especially since Lin Hang gave each of these disciples rewards that are most suitable for them at this stage, so they can reach Lin Hang is very pleased with the achievements now, and those Ye Guangyuan, Hu Lingfeng and others who were already in the Nascent Soul Stage, for the time being, there is no one who has the middle stage of Nascent Soul. It is indeed out of hard practice and accumulation. It is also very important. Lin Hang felt in his heart that before these disciples went to the Ziwei Emperor Star to experience, they should not have a presence in the middle stage of the Yuan Ying by virtue of penance, but Lin Hang would also be discouraged, just take it. The current cultivation is the savings before the breakthrough. After entering the Ziwei Emperor Star and experiencing various experiences there, the cultivation level of these disciples will definitely be further improved.

And what surprised Lin Hang most was that in this year’s time, the disciples who broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage were far more than these people. Among the late Jindan disciples who failed to participate in the final mutual help duel, for example, they fell. Wu Zhenjun, who had the ability of "Fog" in the previous trials, and Liu Ruyan's younger brother Liu Rulong in the Liu family, also broke through to the level of the Yuan Ying period in this year, and once again caught up with the big team. There are almost a dozen disciples like this, which really excites Lin Hang for a long time. After all, in the future, China cannot be supported by him alone. Now seeing these junior disciples so powerful, Lin Hang will naturally feel very good. This is equivalent to reducing the pressure on Lin Hang in disguise, so that Lin Hang can no longer worry about the future development of China, and can focus more on the improvement of his own strength.

And this group of disciples, together with those who are still at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, should be the first batch of candidates for the Ziwei Emperor Star Experience Plan that Lin Hang will launch next, and these The disciples also carried a lot of Lin Hang's expectations. Lin Hang hoped that during the period of Ziwei Emperor Xing's experience, some of these disciples could emerge from the stage of transcending the gods or even entering the tribulation stage. At that point, Lin Hang will feel that his goals and plans are very correct.

In this year, Ye Lao also passed a period of retreat and successfully broke through to the God-Transforming Stage, becoming the third master of the God-Transforming Stage in China in addition to Lin Hang and Wang Lao. Later, Ye Lao also went into retreat for a period of time to consolidate the breakthrough caused by the soft water. Therefore, the marriage between Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo did not take place during this year. After all, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo’s relationship It means that you have to wait for Ye Lao to successfully exit the customs. Now that one year has passed, Ye Lao also successfully exits the customs. Lin Hang also knew the first time. At the same time, Lin Hang also understood Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo's. The marriage was also due to Ye Lao's departure, and the date was about to be determined directly. Lin Hang was waiting for Ye Guangyuan's notice.

This time, Lin Hang listened to Ye Guangyuan's general comment. Because it was as simple as possible, he would not invite many people to participate. The specific candidates for participation, Lin Hang estimated that at most some friends Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo knew. , And it shouldn't be all friends who will come to participate. The number of invited Lin Hang is estimated to be about 20 people, but this is just Lin Hang's idea. The specific matter depends on Ye Guangyuan's notice and arrangement.

While waiting, Lin Hang received the invitation letter from Ye Guangyuan. The date was set on an ordinary day. He didn’t read any news such as auspicious days. Everything was so simple. When Lin Hang took Liu Ruyan, and then rushed to Yecheng with Wang Lao to attend the wedding, only to discover how simple Ye Guangyuan's simple wedding was. Not only were there few people attending, but only those who were familiar with Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. There are only less than 20 disciples. In addition to senior military representatives Wang Lao and Zhuo Sheng, Ye Lao also invited a few old friends. The total number is only about 30. This is considered Lin Hang The simplest wedding I ever attended, but when he watched Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo hold the ceremony step by step and finally kissed together under the gaze of these relatives and friends, Lin Hang also understood what Ye Guangyuan meant in his heart. , It only needs the hearts of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo to be connected together. These external things are meaningless. Lin Hang can also truly feel the faith in Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo's heart, the wedding of the two. Although it was extremely simple, the relationship between them was also very strong. Lin Hang also wished Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo from the heart.

And because everyone is a cultivator, this wedding is just a formality, and it is also what Ye Lao has always wanted. It can be regarded as an explanation for Li Yuluo and the military. In fact, Ye Guangyuan and Ye Guangyuan and After Li Yuluo recognized each other in his heart, he didn't care about this form very much, but after this wedding, the relationship between the two was justified. As the eldest grandson of the Ye family, Ye Guangyuan, this time finally After getting married, Li Yuluo truly became the eldest daughter-in-law of the Ye family.

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