I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 582

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:48 AM

Chapter 582: Tangled

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The mirage* said openly, "Lin Hang, you really brought me great surprise and shock. Looking at the history and classics of my mirage family, from the ancient times to the present, although there are countless outstanding Talents and great abilities appear, but I didn’t find anyone who can reach your level! Your ability to replicate this discipline really makes your foundation deeper, and the difficulty of improving cultivation is also because of this. The existence of an ability has become much simpler. You just came to our "Mirage World" for a few days, and you have brought such a huge change to our mirage family and provided us with such a big Help, this is something I didn't dare to imagine before, but now that I really see your abilities, I have to sigh the magic!"

After such a period of in-depth understanding, Lin Hang's resource assistance to the Mirage Clan is not limited to the previous three materials such as the spirit stone, and many subsequent mirage Clan needs to practice. Lin Hang also provided help with resources, so the mirage *ming also had a very good impression of Lin Hang at this time. No matter what Lin Hang's purpose was, he actually helped them this time. Because of Lin Hang’s selfless dedication, the beast clan’s attitude towards Lin Hang and Yudieyi has also become much better. This is also the reason that the mirage beasts*ming will promise to change this illusion and reality. The reason why the magical powers were passed on to Yudieyi, although the mirages* clearly did not deceive Lin Hang, it is indeed very difficult for people of foreign races to cultivate the innate natal magical powers of the mirages, but the mirages would not easily make it to be taught to foreigners. It’s a question of whether people can learn about things, but whether they have such an attitude is the most critical thing.

After the mirage* had spoken in this way, Lin Hang had a bottom in his heart, and said with a smile, "The next thing is just to provide you with some help within its ability. You have seen my ability these days. This is for me. In fact, it's more like a small effort, I don't dare to take credit for too much pride!"

After saying a few words of modest scenes, Lin Hang's words turned, and then he said, "However, Mirage* Patriarch Ming, this time I do have one thing I want you to help! You also know that my ability can be replicated. For a certain item, as long as my mental power and spiritual power can support it, it can complete the process of engraving without restriction, but there is one more thing I haven’t told you. My ability to engrave is not only limited. For the dead, although it is not possible to reproduce the life form, it can also reproduce some of the powerful abilities of the life form, such as innate and supernatural powers, and turn them into my own capabilities...

Lin Hang hadn't finished speaking yet. When the last sentence was spoken, Mirage*ming widened his eyes, and the various thoughts in his mind had already understood Lin Hang's meaning, and then Mirage*ming still couldn't believe it. Asked, "Lin Hang, what do you mean is that your ability to re-enact this kind of ability can re-enact the supernatural powers of the phantom and reality that our mirage family is famous for, and turn them into your own ability? The request to talk to me once is to reproduce our supernatural powers, right?"

Lin Hang knew that as long as he showed his ability, Mirage*Ming would surely be able to guess his plan, but he didn't even think about hiding it, so after Mirage*Ming's question, Lin Hang also nodded and said directly, "Well , Yes, I am very sure of your magical power, I can reproduce it, but I don’t know if you are willing to let me complete such a move. For this magical power of yours, I am indeed admired for a long time. Now, after I’ve actually come into contact here these days, I feel that my reputation is well-deserved, so I am more yearning for such a magical power. You said before that you can promise to teach Yudieyi. Then let me repeat it. There is no problem, right?"

At this time, the mirage*ming fell into a short-term loss of consciousness. Lin Hang’s metamorphic ability to reproduce the abilities of others just mentioned by Lin Hang just thought of Lin Hang and him mentioned the future tactics for Yudieyi this time. And fighting style, that is the ability to use illusion and the change of reality and illusion, constantly changing between illusion and reality, imaginary is real, and reality is imaginary. In a battle of the same order, as long as the opponent’s understanding of the law of imaginary and reality is not adequate Basically, it will be completely suppressed by Yudieyi, and there will be basically no room for resistance. This is actually the way the mirage clan has always been fighting, but the mirage clan yearns for peace and never participates in war, even with people. There are very few fights, so their almost invincible way of fighting is gradually forgotten by the world, because it is indeed rare to see! Now think about it, this fighting style, after Lin Hang has mastered the magical power of their mirage clan, can it also be applied to Lin Hang himself? Since Lin Hang said that he could reproduce the magical powers of their mirage family, Lin Hang had no reason not to master the illusion ability of the jade butterfly clothing itself. Now thinking about it, the mirage* clearly felt that Lin Hang had become even more terrifying and It is unfathomable, because in this way, the almost invincible fighting method of their mirage clan will only become one of Lin Hang’s countless fighting methods in the future. Lin Hang himself has such a powerful talent, he does not May not use their own advantages and characteristics, collect some powerful abilities, choose a variety of words for their own combat methods, enough to deal with different environments and endless opponents.

The mirage*ming also felt a little helpless in his heart at this time, because before he felt that with the identity of a foreign race like Yudieyi, it should be difficult to learn the talents and magical powers of their mirage clan. It should take a long time, so the Mirage* Ming promised to be so refreshing, but I didn't expect Lin Hang to have such a perverted ability, to ignore the restrictions of the race, to replicate the talents of others! This made the mirage*ming a bit entangled. In fact, in his heart, he was reluctant to let foreigners obtain the magical power of their mirage clan. This magical power can be called the suppression of their mirage clan. I am confident of luck. If it is handed over to outsiders, it will inevitably cause discordant voices in the clan, but the mirage *ming has already said the majestic words before, and this time I will refuse to help Lin Hang, who is very busy in his clan. , It is inevitable to look very ugly.

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