I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 583

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:47 AM

Chapter 583: Show off

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However, this kind of entanglement did not last for a long time. After all, Lin Hang has been determined to be his friend of the mirage family, and he wants to keep it, plus the big talks he said before. Mirage*Ming quickly made a decision.

The mirage*ming nodded more solemnly, and then said, "Okay! Our mirage clan are not rebellious people. Since we have already said that we will pass on the magical powers of the change from reality to Dieyi, then I will give you another copy. It doesn’t matter! Lin Hang, you are a friend of our mirage family, and you have done a lot of help for us, so I don’t have a burden to give you this supernatural power of change from reality to reality! Okay, since I am already Yes, then what do you say should be done, how are we going to cooperate with you?"

Because I have never heard Lin Hang say that Lin Hang still has this kind of abnormal ability, so I have never seen Lin Hang really use it. The mirage *obviously naturally does not know how Lin Hang will manipulate the ability to reproduce their virtual reality. That’s why he asked, and from his own point of view, Mirage*ming was also very interested in such things. He had never seen such a perverted ability as Lin Hang. So I can’t wait to experience it and see some of this magical scene with my own eyes.

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "Mirage*Ming Patriarch, in fact, there are two ways now, one only needs your help, and another way requires you to find me a cultivation base lower than mine. My disciple, I think it’s better not to let others know about this matter, so I'd better ask you to help me alone once!"

Mirage*ming nodded at this time. He also felt that Lin Hang's proposal was in line with his own ideas. Although Lin Hang was a friend of their mirage clan, and the mirage clan had always been very united, the decision he made Basically, they will not be denied by the tribe, and most of them will listen to his opinions. However, it is not a thing worthy of publicity to hand over the talents and supernatural powers of one's tribe to foreigners, so if you can tell the news Put the limit in the smallest range, and it's best to be known only by yourself. As it is now, it is the only good situation in the mind of the mirage *ming.

At this time, Yudieyi is being entangled by the training mission dispatched by Mirage*Ming, so there are only Lin Hang and Mirage*Ming in this free place at this time, but to ensure concealment, The mirage*ming still waved his hand gently at the location around the two of them. Lin Hang knew that this was the mirage*ming who had used its magical power to change the reality of the mirage. The real and unreal situation makes this space temporarily controlled by the mirage*ming. He can control all the changes in this area when he uses his magical powers. It can be said that all the mountains and water are in the mirage*ming. At the first thought, he was very perverted, and with the magical power of the mirage, this space temporarily became no one to snoop, and it became very hidden.

Looking at this scene, Lin Hang can also roughly appreciate the powerful effect and practicality of this change of virtuality and reality. If his own imagination is rich enough, such a magical power is a skill no matter in fighting method or ordinary exploration. With a very high potential, Lin Hang couldn't help becoming more eye-catching.

Lin Hang looked at the prepared mirage*ming, and then said, "The mirage*ming patriarch, once re-enacted a special ability called clone, which can create a clone that is not higher than the strength of the deity. Skills can not only act on me, but can also be used on others without resisting others, creating a weak clone of others. I only need your help to create a low-level clone of you. The clone of cultivation base, and I only need to reproduce your clone, and I can also get this magical power of the change of reality!"

Mirage*Ming also listened carefully to Lin Hang's method, and couldn't help but exclaim. Although Lin Hang had already prepared for countless different abilities, he really heard it from Lin Hang. This magical clone ability, combined with Lin Hang's powerful characteristics of replicating the abilities of others, didn't all the powerful abilities in the world come at hand? As for the premise of non-resistance in Lin Hang’s words, Mirage* Ming is not at all worried that Lin Hang will be disadvantageous to him. The difference between the two's cultivation bases is too large. Even if Lin Hang has infinite means, he still has no absolute strength What's the use, so the mirage *ming simply thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

At this stage and strength, Lin Hang’s perception of the clone ability that he uses most often is not comparable to that of the previous time, so when he uses the clone ability against others now, as long as the caster does not resist, Lin Hang could easily create a clone for others.

Lin Hang said to the Mirage*Ming, "Miracle*Ming Patriarch, please provide me with a trace of your spiritual power, you only need to reach the level of the transformation stage!"

The mirage* nodded clearly, and then lightly hooked the fingers of his right hand, and a pure spiritual power was released from it, and it slowly floated to Lin Hang's face. Lin Hang knew it and recruited this spiritual power. With the clone ability, in the mirage *Ming's interested eyes, this spiritual power was quickly transformed into a new character image. A closer look is exactly a mirage *Ming with exactly the same appearance. It's just that the character's aura and strength level are much inferior, and they are only maintained at the level of the middle stage of the transformation.

After simply completing this move, Lin Hang did not respond, but the mirage *ming showed shock. He has lived for so long and has seen many avatars, and even practiced a lot of it. , But I have never seen Lin Hang's weird and easy clone ability. Looking at Lin Hang's actions just now, he only needs Lin Hang to be willing. Such a clone may be able to create a lot in a short time, although the strength is incomparable to the deity. , But it can be regarded as a very abnormal ability.

And at this time, Lin Hang said, "Mirage*Clan Chief Ming, now your clone is just a clone created by simply using your spiritual power, so he has no thinking and cannot pass his own will. To manipulate the body, you also need the consciousness injection of your deity to achieve the effect of activation."

This time, Lin Hang didn't let the mirage*ming inject some mental power into the clone again, so the clone now can be said to be just a dead thing.

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