I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 585

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:46 AM

Chapter 585: Basis for cooperation

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During this period of time, Lin Hang, in addition to learning illusion arts with Mirage*ming, also briefly introduced his origin and background to Mirage*ming. Naturally, Lin Hang would not conceal such things. The current strength is no more than before, and the Witch Clan also has more say in it, so it means that the Witch Clan also simply communicated with the Mirage Clan, and the two sides have basically the same idea of ​​dealing with the catastrophe. What is unanimous is to unite and cooperate as much as possible to preserve the inheritance of the ethnic group, so just like the Akabane clan, Lin Hang also hopes to reach a deeper joint treaty rule with the mirage clan, and the reputation of the mirage clan is throughout the entire The heavens and myriad worlds are very famous, so for Lin Hang to reach a treaty with the mirage clan, Lin Hang will not consider what other ideas the mirage clan will have, and he can work with the mirage clan with confidence. , This will also be the ally that makes Lin Hang very at ease or the most assured in the future.

Lin Hang nodded, laughed, and then said, "Mirage* Patriarch Ming, there is nothing wrong with what you said! In fact, after these days of understanding, I have a better understanding of your mirage family. I found out that the rumors about you from the outside world are really not as well-known as meeting! Therefore, for being able to become allies with your mirage clan, including me and the human witch clan forces behind me, they are all very happy to see. The reputation and rumors of your mirage family can indeed stand the test, so I have also communicated with the forces behind it a long time ago. We are very willing to reach a cooperative alliance relationship with your mirage family, and I have been waiting for you to speak. Today, you took the initiative to mention it, then we will begin to conclude an agreement!"

Although Lin Hang, through his own understanding, trusts the character and style of the mirage clan very much, but once this is the conclusion of the covenant, it is not only him that is involved behind it, but also includes the Wu Clan Huaxia. Come in, so it is said that Lin Hang cannot rely solely on his own judgment to make decisions. This necessary restraint is also necessary. As for how to restrain the actions and follow-up preparations of both parties, Lin Hang is still ready to take and win the trust of Chi Liming and others. In the same way, I took the initiative to use the "world spirit" of "The Mirage" as a medium to witness the conclusion of such a contract. This would make the mirage family very easy to accept, and Lin Hang originally came for cooperation and peace. There is no trick in my heart, and I am not afraid of the'world spirit' test of "The Mirage", so I don't worry about other follow-up issues, as long as this contract is successfully concluded through the media of "The Mirage". , The attitude of the mirage clan towards them will inevitably change. After all, they have become allies, so they can give more trust and support.

And this idea, Lin Hang also discussed with the three current powers of the Wu Clan through his own deity early in the morning. The high priest and the high elder also agreed with Lin Hang's ideas and suggestions, not to mention above the Yao Clan. The nine branches of these peace-loving demon clan forces, even those demon clan forces that have had enmity with them, are willing to live with them in peace before the catastrophe comes, the chief priest and others will most likely agree after they have thought about it. In the face of this cruel final catastrophe, preserving the development and continuity of the race has become the biggest problem at present. Being able to have more allies and fewer enemies is what those in power of the witch tribe want to see most. Something up.

Lin Hang had a plan already in his mind. At this time, it was precisely because they copied the relationship between their mirage clan's talents and supernatural powers, so that the mirages*ming felt that the relationship between the two parties had become closer, enough to go further, and this was also in line with it. Lin Hang’s thoughts, so Lin Hang spoke out his specific thoughts, "Mirage* Patriarch Ming, I and the witch forces behind me, this time are 100% sincere and want to be with you. A family of allies! So, if you think it’s okay, I propose to use your "Mirage" as a medium to witness the conclusion of our contract! I know you believe in us very much, but this The conclusion of a contract is very formal. After all, it is an alliance between the two big forces of the two races. Therefore, the residents of the mirage clan will certainly have the qualifications to know. Although you can suppress all the words in the mirage clan, I can reach an alliance with us by myself, but I still want all the friends of the mirage clan to accept our alliance with us from the bottom of my heart! I don’t know what you think of this proposal, mirage* Patriarch Ming ?"

After Lin Hang spoke these words, the mirage* was stunned there for a while, and did not answer at the first time, because in his opinion, Lin Hang’s suggestion was a bit too perfect. It was completely standing in their mirage. The people who spoke from the standpoint of the clan gave them a lot of consideration for the mirage clan. The first reaction in the mirage*ming's heart was to directly agree to it. After all, Lin Hang’s suggestion is indeed very consistent with their mirage clan’s thinking and beneficial.

It's just that, just like Lin Hang wants to be cautious about the Wu Clan and China behind him, Mirage*Ming is the great patriarch of the Mirage Clan. When considering issues, he must also take into account the interests of the entire clan, so At this time, there was no way to simply agree to Lin Hang's suggestion. For the future of the entire group, Mirage* had decided to ask Lin Hang's reason for such a suggestion.

The mirage* was originally very straightforward. Now that he had a question in his mind, he immediately asked, "Lin Hang, of course I agree with the suggestion you just said. This is a hundred for our mirage clan. Benefits are harmless, but why do you think so for our mirage family? Formulating such a plan does not seem to be of much help to the forces behind you?"

Lin Hang knew that Mirage* would inquire this way, so he had already figured out how to answer it. At this time, Lin Hang laughed, and directly replied, "Mirage* Patriarch Ming, it’s like this, I I really believe in the friends of the mirage family. I really appreciate both character and style, but we can’t just verbally enter into an agreement. This is indeed a bit of a trifle. We still need to be responsible for the ethnic group behind it Yes, and it’s just that I have communicated with you now, so a covenant that is too deep is not appropriate. I think at present only need such a simple non-enemy covenant to make us feel at ease with each other."

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