I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 586

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:45 AM

Chapter 586: Reach an agreement

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Having said this, Lin Hang paused, and then continued, "After achieving this most basic trust, whether it is the period before the catastrophe or when we are welcoming the catastrophe, we can always live in peace. Now, even if we can’t reach the level of intimacy, we should be able to help each other! This is also the best way I can think of to achieve cooperation between our two major forces, and the disciples below are also There is no way to have a big opinion. No matter what kind of relationship it is, it is not trivial. All the prerequisites depend on understanding and getting along. The relationship and communication between the two of us alone cannot serve the entire ethnic group. Make a decision, so this contract that can be recognized by everyone is the major prerequisite to ensure that the two races live in peace! I still trust the mirage family very much, and I believe that in the days to come If there is a chance to get along, then we will certainly be able to reach a good cooperative relationship between the two major forces. I have such confidence! However, now we still have the prerequisites for cooperation ready for follow-up development. You can feel more at ease!"

Mirage*Ming also nodded with this intention. Lin Hang’s remarks can be regarded as the heart of Mirage*Ming. Mirage*Ming is also burdened by the pressure of a whole group of people. From the beginning of the establishment of the "Phantom Mirage" by the Earth Star, Mirage*Ming has always understood that the end of the tribulation mentioned by the ancestors will come soon after they leave "The Mirage". I understand that it is very difficult for him to survive with the strength of a tribe alone, so he is actually planning to help the mirage family find some trustworthy allies when they can leave "The Mirage World" , To face the advent of the Great Tribulation together, so that we can have a greater certainty and face the Great Tribulation together with the entire ethnic group.

Originally, above Earth and Star, he knew of the other eight demon races that came to Earth and Star to escape from the world at the same time as them. They were the first group of allies they had set, because the nine demon races were established when Dongtian was established. The forces of ‘’s have already had some basic exchanges. Those contact tokens such as Akaba Order can also be regarded as reminders to the younger generations. When the sky is unblocked, the forces of their nine demon races Able to reach cooperation, will not face the catastrophe alone too alone. And now Lin Hang’s proposal also makes the mirage*ming feel that he has found another additional new direction. Although he has not really seen the forces behind Lin Hang, he has only heard Lin Hang roughly mention the witches behind them, but The mirage*ming can also see the leopard from Lin Hang's body, and understand the power behind Lin Hang, because Lin Hang's own insight and vision are very high and far-reaching, this is definitely a powerful force with profound foundations to cultivate The elite talents who came out, so before the release of "The Mirage", they can get an ally who is not weaker than the power of their monster race, and the mirage is also very willing.

When Lin Hang was in "Red Feather Realm" before, the contract he made with Chi Liming only represented the contract between the entire Wu Clan and Chi Feather Clan. At that time, the other monsters did not appear in the world, and Chi Liming In fact, it is impossible to be the master of the other branches of the monster race in the eight caves, so Lin Hang understands that such a temporary agreement can only be signed and concluded with these monster race forces one by one, such as with the Akabane clan. The contract is witnessed by the "world spirit" of "Akabane World". This time the contract with the mirage clan is witnessed by the "world spirit" of "Phantom World". Although this process is a bit cumbersome, because The nine powers of the monster clan are not as harmonious as the twelve-dong sky branch of the witch clan, so there is no other way. They can only conclude contracts one by one, but Lin Hang has already seen the red feather clan and the mirage beast clan. Regarding the statement that the nine demon clan forces that Chi Liming said are all peace-loving, I also believed a little bit more in my heart. Although this time he still couldn’t form allies with all the demon clan forces, Lin Hang I believe that if all these caves are present in the future or if he enters these caves for some reason, Lin Hang is confident that he can live in peace with the forces of these monster races and achieve the same goal. As for now, Lin Hang still decided to focus on the conclusion of the covenant with the mirage clan in front of him, instead of thinking about it too much.

Mirage* Ming also understood Lin Hang's meaning at this time, and said, "Okay, since Lin Hang, you are so sincere, the suggestions you made are completely beneficial to our mirage family. If I still don't agree, it will appear Some are too hypocritical! Then let's set a time, and I will also order with the group to set the date for the conclusion of this covenant earlier?"

Lin Hang laughed, then nodded and said, "Okay, I naturally have no problem with this. Everything is done according to your arrangements. After you and the ethnic group have made it clear, you only need to notify me, I can Sign a contract with you and the mirage clan at any time without any delay!"

The chat and meeting between the two people is basically over now. After chatting for a few more words, the mirage *ming's deity saw his clone created by Lin Hang, and suddenly had a different idea in his heart.

Mirage*ming waved his hand to lift the virtual and real barriers around the two, and then asked Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, I want to know how far away your clone can be from the main body without dissipating?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty, "I haven't calculated this farthest distance, but above this earth star, my clone has always been able to move at will, including from earth star into the big caves and sky. There won’t be any problems during this period, and it can be maintained forever, as long as there is spiritual support. I think the continuation of this clone and the farthest distance should be related to the cultivation realm and whether the spiritual power is strong or not. There is some relationship, so if these two aspects are very strong, you should be able to maintain a longer distance, but now, in this "mirage", there should be no problem with the avatar acting at will, and you can always Keep it going."

The mirage* clearly heard Lin Hang's statement, and had a bottom in his heart, and felt that his own ideas could be implemented completely.

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