I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 588

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:43 AM

Chapter 588: satisfaction

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Looking at the Yudieyi who was still cultivating, Mirage*Ming and Lin Hang didn’t even have the slightest idea of ​​interrupting. Mirage*ming said with a smile, “Lin Hang, wait for Dieyi in some time. When she is in full control of her current mental power, I will begin to teach her some more in-depth knowledge about illusion. At that time, you can come and listen to it. I believe it will be rich for you. The role of tactics!"

Speaking of this, the mirage*ming has to sigh Lin Hang’s talent again. Although Lin Hang’s mental strength is not reflected in the clone, the strength of the displayed spirit is not very high, but the mirage *Clear eyesight is very vicious, and I can see how terrifying Lin Hang's mental power manipulation is behind him. From the moment when Lin Hang had just obtained the supernatural power of virtual reality, he was able to display it without any obstacles. The spiritual talent is visible. general. And after just learning that Lin Hang had the clone ability, Mirage*ming couldn't help but wonder whether the Lin Hang and Yudieyi in front of him were just clones. Regarding such doubts, Mirage*ming didn't have any. Ask directly, because in his opinion, whether Lin Hang and Yudieyi are just clones, but the friendship and getting along between them are not mixed with a trace of impurities, and Lin Hang also proposed to be with them as a mirage clan. When the contract is concluded, all lies and disguise will be invisible under the witness of the "world spirit" of "The Mirage", and since Lin Hang dares to make such a suggestion, There must be no ghost in his heart, and the mirage is also looking forward to the day when the contract is concluded.

Lin Hang nodded. In these days, he was only discussing some cultivation issues with Mirage*Ming, and he hadn't seen Mirage*Ming really talked about some specific teachings about illusion. Now I heard Mirage. If the beast is *ming, Lin Hang knows that the mirage*ming has already planned for such a thing, and the plan for Yudieyi’s cultivation path has already been done. I believe that under the careful and meticulous arrangement of the mirage*ming , Yudieyi's road will be much more stable and long-term.

At this time, Yudieyi, who was exercising her mental strength, also opened her eyes and looked at Lin Hang and Mirage*Ming, both looking at herself with a smile. Yudieyi was very confused, but she still got up and walked. After a salute, he respectfully shouted'teacher' to the mirage *ming. After these days of teaching and understanding, not only the mirage *ming was amazed by Yudieyi's talent, but Yudieyi was also a mirage. * The profound knowledge and rich experience are directly impressed. Although the specific illusion knowledge teaching is not taught to Yudie Yi, there are similar understandings about the relationship between the spiritual power of the illusion premise and Yudie. Yi sees the road ahead more clearly, so during this period of time, Yudieyi's heartfelt words for the "teacher" that the mirage *ming shouted.

The Mirage* clearly looked at the Yudieyi who had finished her cultivation in front of her, and could clearly feel that Yudieyi's manipulation of mental power had increased to a certain extent at this time. How long has this passed? This result surprised the mirage *ming very much, but Lin Hang on the side had expected it a long time ago, because these detailed training methods for mental power were taught to Yudieyi by the mirage *ming, not just this one. The clone of "Phantom Mirage" is cultivating. At this time, the deity of Yudieyi in "Candle World" is also undergoing painstaking cultivation, and due to the flow of time, the deity of Yudieyi in "Candle World" Undoubtedly, greater results can be obtained, and these results will naturally reflect the clone of "The Mirage", which has caused the current relatively abnormal scene, and everything behind it is reasonable.

Mirage* Ming looked at his cheap apprentice, and said with a smile, "Well, Die Yi, your hard work and progress over the past few days can be seen as a teacher. Now your mental power manipulation is barely able to achieve My request. From tomorrow, I will teach you all aspects of the skills of illusion cast and use. By tomorrow, you will be able to understand the reason why I let you do these mental exercises these days! "

Although Yudieyi is arrogant and cold, she is not a arrogant and unreasonable person. After these days of training, she has completely convinced the mirage*ming's authority in this respect, plus when she herself is currently performing illusion, It is also possible to realize the feeling of ease and control, so Yudieyi has no meaning to refute the mirage. He nodded and said, "Well, teacher, you are right, me. The exercise of time also understands your good intentions. Don’t worry, Dieyi will not have any opinions on all your training arrangements afterwards. I believe your methods and teachings must be the most in line with me. The cultivation situation!"

Mirage*Ming is very satisfied with Yudieyi’s attitude at this time. Many talented elite disciples have seen him among the younger generations of the Mirage family, but there are many geniuses of this type who are defiant. The eyes are above the top, the talents are indeed extraordinary, and they have good development in the field they are good at. This has also created their very arrogant personality. They can’t listen to the experience and teachings of their predecessors. In the end, many students are It was a detour, and Bai Bai wasted the years. He was originally a disciple who was expected to overcome the catastrophe. Many of them were actually stuck above the threshold of the early stage. In the end, their lifespan was exhausted and they could only sit.

It is precisely because the mirages* have seen the fall of many such talented disciples, so they later adjusted their mirage family’s policy of teaching their descendants, giving priority to psychological teachings, allowing them to see the lofty world of the world, and suppress their debauchery. This kind of teaching made the previous situation a lot less. Many disciples did not waste their talents and successfully cultivated to the point of crossing the catastrophe period. Although at present, because of the various conditions for crossing the gate of the immortal, No trace is to be found. They are trapped in "The Mirage", so for the time being, none of the disciples have successfully ascended to the immortal. After all, not every genius can reach the realm of the master of "Candle World", Zhulong, but the mirage *ming These disciples who have entered the tribulation period have a long life. They are already able to wait for the release of "Phantom Mirage" to find the conditions for themselves to enter the fairyland. The younger disciples will not Then there is the thing that the mirage *ming is worried about.

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