I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 591

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:41 AM

Chapter 591: reach the goal

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When Lin Hang's voice fell, he was immediately recognized by the Spirit of Illusion. On the entire huge piece of paper, he began to write Lin Hang's words word by word on it, indicating that Lin Hang's speech was received by Tiandi Dadao. The phantom spirit didn’t notice anything wrong with the recognition, and it took shape directly. However, Lin Hang’s words can be recognized by the Spirit of Illusion and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, because Lin Hang has already greeted the three seniors of the Witch Clan as well as many high-level officials, so they have treated Lin Hang with the mirage this time. The alliances of the clan have been known in advance, so when Lin Hang spoke on behalf of the Witch clan, the high priest of the Witch clan and others could also feel the contract. After all, it was concluded in their name. After the Wuzu agreed in their hearts, it passed the recognition of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. The success on the paper formed Lin Hang's words, which meant that Lin Hang had no problems.

Seeing this scene, there were many high-level mirage clan members present, and Lin Hang spoke a step in advance, and finally succeeded directly without any waves. It was a sign that Lin Hang was great. Sincerity, now the last trace of doubts and doubts in their hearts can be directly removed. Lin Hang really wants to sign a peace contract with them on behalf of the Wu clan behind them, and they naturally have to respond with their own attitude.

Mirage*ming felt in his heart, and then Lin Hang's words continued, "Witness to the phantom spirit, I am mirage*ming, representing the entire mirage family, and signing a contract with the Earth Star Witch Clan, from now on until the Great Tribulation. At the end, our "Phantom World" will always maintain a peaceful coexistence with the Earth Star Witch Clan. If we violate it, our body and spirit will be destroyed!"

Because the mirage* clearly represents the contract concluded by the entire mirage clan, the many high-level mirage clan present can also deeply feel the situation when this contract was concluded, and at this time, if they are powerful If the great monks who climbed into the fairyland collectively objected, the words of the mirage *ming are also impossible to pass. After all, they represent the will of the entire mirage family, and they can be said to be the majority of the mirage family. If they disagree, this contract cannot be successful. However, although the senior leaders of these mirages are extremely powerful, they are still mirages in essence, which means they are also in their hearts. Yearning for peace, so it is impossible to oppose it, especially when Lin Hang comes with such great sincerity, it is even more impossible to oppose.

Therefore, the mirage*ming's words were recognized by all the members of the mirage family, and they were directly passed unanimously. Following Lin Hang's words, they were also written word by word on the paper in front of the two, until the last word. After falling, this huge piece of paper also flew directly into the air, and then turned into countless spots of light, dissipating between the heavens and the earth, and all the people present had already understood that the contract was in effect!

At the moment when the contract took effect, all members of the mirage clan, as well as all the members of the witch clan in the three big caves of the other witch clan, were able to feel this scene. With the successful conclusion of the contract, their hearts were The other side of the contract is also full of good feelings, and will not have the idea of ​​harming the other party or being an enemy of the other party. This is why the high-levels of both parties breathed a sigh of relief after the conclusion of the contract. The contract is not just a superficial form, it Behind it represents the real sense of cooperation between the two parties. The existence of the contract can subtly change the attitudes of the members of the two parties towards each other. With the passage of time, both parties will feel very kind when looking at each other, and naturally they will not When there are hostile thoughts, they will feel that the other party is their own relatives and friends, who can give the back to the existence, which is also the deep meaning of the existence of the contract.

Although such a subtle effect can be resisted by the advanced level of cultivation, for example, after passing through the tribulation, after the baptism of the tribulation, they can be immune to such an impact to a certain extent, to Lin Hang and Wang Lao In this way, the level of the peak of the tribulation period can be directly immune and unaffected, not to mention the power of the mirage clan to climb into the fairyland. It’s just that the conclusion of such a contract and subsequent countermeasures have been successfully implemented after these high-level discussions. That is to say, these high-levels who are immune to influence have no reason to oppose such a contract. Therefore, in such a contract After the conclusion of the conclusion, all people on both sides are relieved, and will not worry about the other side’s thoughts. Once they leave their respective caves, the sovereignty of the other side can also become their strongest ally. He handed his back to the opponent with confidence.

And this time in "Phantom Mirage", Lin Hang found a suitable teacher for Yudieyi, and he also got the talent of the mirage clan. The change of supernatural powers, finally represented the knot of the witch clan and the mirage clan. For the sake of allies, Lin Hang's trip to "The Mirage" was a complete success for Lin Hang himself. Almost all the goals he wanted to achieve were achieved. After achieving these goals, Lin Hang was finally Able to let go of my attention and no longer pay too much attention to the situation in "The Mirage".

Dozens of days have passed in the mirage world, and a year has passed in "Candle World", and when another year has passed in "Candle World", Lin Hang was on the sky at this time. The clone finally realized that the ten thousand races above the earth and stars had stopped fighting, and the final moment was coming!

From the perspective of Lin Hang’s clone, the millions of monks of the ten thousand races who used to be scattered across the earth and stars, except for some leaders of the transformation stage, all the disciples of the Nascent Soul Stage and the Golden Core Stage have fallen. Most of them were hunted and killed by many disciples of Huaxia, and many died in the internal friction of various races. At the end of the day, starting from the first fall of Jin Fu in "Golden Spirit Race", he transformed into gods. The monks at the commanding level of the ten thousand races also began to suffer injuries one after another. Obviously, all the low-level disciples died, and they still did not meet the conditions required for their plan to achieve. In this case, the remaining gods must be left. The monks of the stage conquered each other to meet and the final conditions were opened. This was something they had already known before they came. No one opposed it, so now the many remaining monks of the transformation stage of the ten thousand races hit together, However, there were nearly 100 people, and only less than 20 people were left.

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