I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 592

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:39 AM

Chapter 592: The gathered tribes

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At this time, all the remaining cultivators from the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races gathered together. Obviously, it was necessary to discuss the future plan and arrangement, but I don’t know if it was achieved deliberately or if it was really powerful. Then, the Great Hall of Ten Thousand Races was summoned. Among the three tribes, Karong from "Kashgar", Silverstone from "Silver Clan", and Tuxing from "Turnish Clan", the three of them still survived. At this time, all the remaining ten thousand clan The cultivators of the transformation stage gathered together, and the three of them were also spokespersons, controlling the situation and development of the scene.

And Lin Hang, who felt this scene from afar, immediately felt that these gods of all races should be discussing some important things, and Lin Hang naturally did not want to miss such things, but in Qingtian Although the island was able to see the scene from a distance, but could not see the specific discussion matters, Lin Hang immediately activated the clones of Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan beside him, causing their consciousness to descend on this clone. , And then waited until the two of them had a response, snapped their fingers, and then the three of them disappeared directly to the place not far from these ten thousand cultivators.

With the cover of Lin Hang's strong spiritual power, it did not cause any major disturbances, nor was it noticed by the monks of the ten thousand races. After all, these monks of the ten thousand races were only in the stage of transforming gods. In this way, the three of Lin Hang slowly moved towards the location of these ten thousand cultivators, and when they were about to reach the vicinity, Lin Hang displayed the supernatural powers of the virtual reality that they had just acquired, in Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan. With a surprised look, he gently waved his hand at the location of the three people, and then the three people's figure slowly dissipated between the world and the earth, transforming into an illusory state, and in this illusory state , Lin Hang controls the direction of the three of them. Since almost no time passes when they are in the illusion, if the outside world can see the actions of the three of Lin Hang, they can see them. It suddenly disappeared and then appeared again, and it didn't go through the transposition such as spatial movement. It just appeared suddenly, which is very magical.

However, other people can't see this kind of scene. Lin Hang not only used the supernatural powers of virtual reality to help the three of them approach the position of these ten thousand race monks, but also used illusion techniques to cover the appearance of the three of them. When the tribe monks were in the position, they could already hear their conversation, so Wang Lao took over, waved his hand and sent the three people directly into the nearby space, as if they were directly transformed into a member of the space. Directly listened to the conversations of these ten thousand race monks without showing any trace.

In fact, with the cultivation level of Lin Hang and Wang Lao at this time, facing these ten thousand cultivators who only have the stage of transforming gods, it is impossible to be so cautious. As long as the spiritual power of Lin Hang is covered, these It’s impossible for the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Races to discover their existence. They can actually listen to the news more unscrupulously, but Lin Hang and the others don’t know that except for the cultivator of the Ten Thousand Races in the depths of the earth and stars, Whether there are still some monks of the ten thousand races, so in order to continue to maintain the mystery and concealment, the three of them did not seek merit but seek no demerits, and carefully covered their whereabouts. Only then did the means come out and reached the present point.

After Lin Hang and the three of them merged into the space, the discussion of these ten thousand race monks has just begun. Because there are only less than twenty people left, the remaining monks of these ten thousand races have formed a big circle. In the situation, each monk is floating in the air, and they are separated from each other a little distance. Only some of them have a better relationship, and they are slightly closer. And just after the number of people gathered to Consummation, no one spoke for a while. The scene also fell into a weird silence.

And after this situation continued for a while, it was still the leader of "Kashgar", Ka Rong, who took the lead and said, "Heh, Kamou would like to congratulate you all for surviving to the end in this cruel war! At the same time, I I also represent "Kashgar" here, and cherish the memory of those comrades who sacrificed for our goals! Their sacrifices are not worthless. For the big plan of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Nations, although they paid the price of their lives, In the history of our Ten Thousand Races Alliance, they will definitely remember their contributions!"

Not far from Kashgar, the silverstone of the "Silver Tribe" and the Tuxing of "The Turin Tribe" were just about to echo Karong’s words, a voice not far away with a hint of mockery Came out, "Hey, Ka Rong, you are really the same as you always did! I remember that when you killed our major races, you weren't the face you are now! There are also two people, Silverstone and Tuxing, Don’t be pretentious. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you have been wearing a pair of pants with Ka Rong, so don’t pretend to be pretentious. Let’s just say when the final plan will start. I don’t want to waste too much time here, really. disappoint others!"

Ka Rong glanced at the person who spoke and found that it was the dream lion of "Mengyi Clan". At this time, the dream lion had lost the sense of spirit and spirit he had before, and the whole person appeared very decadent. The Lin Hang in the dark is probably because of the dream. The lion’s partner Mengtong has already fallen, because Lin Hang watched the audience and didn’t see Mengtong’s figure. It could only have fallen in the inner fighting of the cultivator in the transformation stage, which also led to loss. Mengtong’s dream lion was extremely decadent, and his heart was even more angry with Ka Rong, the principal of this action, and a few others. At this time, Ka Rong’s hypocritical speech naturally made Mengshi feel extremely disgusting, because Mengtong died in the siege of several people led by Ka Rong. In order to let him escape, Mengtong exploded to his full potential. In the end, he fell. The soul was also transformed into the nourishment of the formation of the deep earth. There is no chance for reincarnation again.

At this time, Ka Rong saw that the plan of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance led by his family was close to completion, so at this time he only glanced at Mengshi, and then said, "Friends of Mengshi, you said this It doesn’t make much sense! We have hundreds of thousands of races coming to Earth and Star together, and each race is led by two monks of the transformation stage, and now there are two transformations of the race Are there any monks at the same time? None of them! We were all ready to fall before this time. Now that we people have survived by chance, what else can we complain about?"

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