I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 593

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:38 AM

Chapter 593: Disagreement

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After saying this, Ka Rong’s attitude became a little excited, and then he said, "Mengshi, is your vision so narrow? Is it only you who lost your teammates? This time, although the plan is We "Kashgar" and other ethnic groups took the lead in the plan, but it was also approved by the General Assembly. Didn’t you all the races participating in this plan agree to it? Before coming to the Earth Star, I believe you are also clear , This time the plan was to break the boat, everyone must be prepared to sacrifice! As the main initiator of this operation, "Kashgar" not only brought the most disciples, but also another The comrades of the Huashen stage sacrificed in this action. About this kind of loss, isn’t there more than your "Mengyizu"? But did you see that I mentioned this aspect? So, Mengshi, you are really too narrow-minded. We can’t just focus on the previous losses now. We have to remember the sacrifices of those fallen daoists, and then look at the implementation of the plan afterwards. This time, if we can reach the plan, you know it too. How significant is the development of our Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and what kind of development the alliance can achieve, don't undermine the overall development plan for your own selfish desires!"

Although Mengshi felt that Ka Rong had something to say in his heart, Mengshi’s own temperament was like this. It is impossible for Ka Rong to forget that Ka Rong and Yinshi and the others seemed to be very reasonable. The scene of the siege of Mengtong, in the eyes of Mengshi, although Ka Rong is indeed reasonable, the number of monks in the transformation stage that was lost in order to complete the plan is actually not certain, that is to say, if it is properly manipulated , Ka Rong and others are not without the possibility of falling, but because the few of them have done too well in their protection and grouping, this led to the fact that in the last time, Ka Rong’s side was already gathered. Few of the monks of the Deity stage who cooperated with him, this is a rather huge group, which has reached the scale of more than a dozen people, which means that the last remaining monks of the Deity stage are basically in the early days. At that time, they had already reached a cooperation, gathered around Ka Rong, and then acted together to eliminate and kill the other monks who had been singled out. This finally formed such a situation. The many remaining monks of the God who were present, Most of them are allies of Karong, which also provides great convenience for Karong on behalf of "Kashgar" to unite these monks to complete the final plan.

Mengshi does not hate that these monks of the transformation stage are concentrated around Ka Rong, so as to obtain a chance of survival. Mengshi can't understand Ka Rong's attitude. The fall of his friend Mengtong also makes Mengshi temporarily lose his reason. , Is not willing to analyze the problem very rationally, and still looks at Ka Rong and others coldly.

When he saw the dream lion no longer speak, Ka Rong no longer cared about the dream lion. Instead, he looked around, and glanced at the many remaining monks of the godhood stage with friendly eyes. Ka Rong was very satisfied in his heart. These 10,000-clan monks who stayed behind were also carefully selected teammates by Karong. The races behind these 10,000-clan cultivators were all kinder to "Kashgar". This time, before coming to Earth Star, Karong also got it from a high level. Knowing that there are still many races that have reached deep cooperation treaties in secret, so at this last moment, Karong also directly used his own intelligence to gather these ten thousand monks who were friendly to his "Kashgar" in advance, and then Let's go to weed out the cultivators of other races, so that Ka Rong will have more control over the many race members who came to Earth Star this time. Those who did not obey the command like Mengshi survived. It seemed to Ka Rong that it was a miracle. At this time, I came out to criticize Ka Rong. It only made Ka Rong feel a little troublesome in his heart, but he still didn't care about it in his heart because of the relationship like Mengshi. The estranged colleagues are only a few people. The others are teammates who followed him to eliminate others. Therefore, Ka Rong still has a great say in this existing team of cultivators in the transformation stage, which also allows him I don't particularly care about Mengshi's attitude.

However, Mengshi's questioning and speech this time were also calculated by Ka Rong, so he prepared words to deal with it early in the morning, so that the whole situation would still not exceed his control of Ka Rong. At this time, after the ‘accident’ of Mengshi’s speech was resolved, Ka Rong looked around the audience and told the real discussion content of this meeting.

"I believe you have only learned about the mission to Earth Star this time in the ears of the senior members of the ethnic group. You don't know the specific reason and action plan. It is now at the last juncture, so I will just Don't hide you anymore!"

After attracting everyone’s attention, Ka Rong’s expression became serious and continued, “This resolution passed within the alliance decided to sacrifice millions of outstanding monks of all races. There are a lot of the existence of the transformation stage, in order to seek a treasure!"

Indeed, as Ka Rong said, there are so many god-transforming cultivators present, except for him, the other cultivating gods do not understand the real purpose of coming to Earth Star this time, including "Silver Spirit Race." , "Earth Spirit", these very close cooperative allies, also don’t know what the final plan is. They just were told a lot by the senior officials in the clan before they came to Earth Star. After that, try to follow the arrangement of "Kashgar", and the key point is that if the arrangement can be completed this time, it will have a far-reaching impact on all the forces of their Wanzu Alliance, and the Wanzu Alliance will also usher in it again. The great rise of the leap! Faced with such detailed instructions from the high-level members of the clan, although they do not know what the final plan is, they all pay more attention to this matter, and the selected monks of the transformation stage can be said to be relatively unselfish. After all, not everyone has the spirit of sacrifice, especially after the cultivation base has reached the stage of transformation, it is difficult to use big goals and ethnic glory to drive these cultivators to do something. It’s a matter of death directly, so nearly a hundred monks of the gods of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance basically have a fearless spirit. If you look at them from the perspective of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, they can undoubtedly be called hero!

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