I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 594

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:37 AM

Chapter 594: Purpose emerges

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From the perspective of Lin Hang and Huaxia, these monks of ten thousand races are demons who invade their homeland and have no bottom line to destroy, but from the standpoint of the alliance of ten thousand races, these great fearless monks who dare to sacrifice for the race are also Very respectable. Originally, the dream lion of "Mengyi" was also because the group was willing to dedicate themselves, but at the last moment, it was ruthlessly besieged by Ka Rong and others, and eventually lost his friend Mengtong. This result made Mengshi a little suspicious of Ka Has the glory of the ethnic group in Rongkou deteriorated? After all, the plan to come to Earth Star this time was also led by "Kashgar", and then the idea was put forward in the General Assembly of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. In the end, all the forces of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance passed the plan this time, and it finally took shape. That is to say, if "Kashgar" had its own small abacus from the beginning, then the list of the last surviving monks of the God Transformation Period was determined from the beginning, except for every ten thousand forces. In addition to the loss of a monk in the transformation stage, the remaining monks of the ten thousand races were carefully selected by Ka Rong from the beginning!

It’s just that now Mengshi and several remaining monks who are not from the Karong faction in the transformation stage, although they have roughly felt the operation and planning of Karong’s secret, but the matter is now, Mengshi and others are unable to talk to each other Karong. On the one hand, the large number of cultivators of the God Transformation Stage contended, and they could only listen to Ka Rong's next plan. Mengshi just wanted to complete the plan earlier and get what the alliance ultimately wanted, and then replied to the Ziwei Emperor. He didn't want to see "Kashgar" and Ka Rong and others again.

And Ka Rong and others on the field can also feel the mental changes of the Mengshi monks in the transformation stage. At this time, when Ka Rong pointed out that the final goal he sought was a treasure, the "Silver Spirit" on the side The Silverstone of "Tribe" promptly asked, "Dare to ask, what is the last treasure? Why do we need to sacrifice so many of us monks of all races? I just vaguely know that there is one in the depths of the star. The predecessors who crossed the Tribulation Period existed, and a powerful array of stars all over the earth was arranged there. I didn’t understand the others. I believe that these colleagues at the scene must have the same doubts as me, so I also ask Karong to do so. Friends help us solve our puzzles!"

The singing and harmony between Ka Rong and Yinshi made Mengshi somewhat dismissive, but he also wanted to know why this time, the senior of "Mengyi" also agreed to the proposal of "Kashi" without hesitation. I know that in the past, although the Ten Thousand Races Alliance existed for a long time, the relationship between their "Mengyi" and "Kashgar" was not very friendly. This time the high-level leaders would easily agree to the "Kashgar" proposal, and Let him basically obey the arrangement of the monks of "Kashgar", and make Mengshi really curious about what the final plan will look like. You must know that their Ten Thousand Races Alliance has always been a relatively loose composition of forces, just together. It's just holding a group and watching to help each other, but it is indeed very rare to send so many people together to accomplish the same goal like this time, and it has never happened.

After Silverstone's questioning, Ka Rong also looked around, watching the curious eyes of many monks in the transformation stage, Ka Rong laughed, and then explained, "Daoist Silverstone, you just now It also mentioned the predecessor who was in the depths of the Earth Star, and the huge formations arranged deep underground in the entire Earth Star. I can clearly state that the formation deep in the Earth Star is ours. The key to the plan this time! You just knew that the monks in the tribe we brought were destined to fall and sacrifice, but you don’t know why they should be sacrificed. In the depths of the planet, we arranged ahead of time. The formation is divided into two layers. The outer layer is an ancient ancestor of our "Kashgar" tribe, Da Neng, who has obtained a similar effect by studying the ancient times "The Reincarnation of Heavens and Souls" The formation is called "The Soul Convergence Array". Whenever one of our soldiers dies and sacrifices, their souls will not dissipate, nor will they be destroyed, but directly by this one in the depths of the planet. "Gathering Array" directly attracts and converges to the depths of the earth and stars."

Speaking of this, Ka Rong paused, and then continued, "This "Soul Assembly" is only an outer large array, and its effect is only the single function of attracting and accepting the Soul, except for this outer " In addition to the Divine Soul Convergence Array, there is a formation in the inner layer, and this formation is the most critical part of our plan this time. The inner formation is called the Divine Soul Compression Array, and the effect is very simple. It is just a step-by-step compression of the divine souls that were attracted and accepted by the outer "Divine Soul Convergence Array", and finally these divine souls are removed from impurities and turned into the purest spring of soul power!"

"What!? There is a way to artificially create the fountain of soul power?"

Many monks in the transformation stage were all exclaimed. Regarding this arrangement, apart from the few people like Yinshi Tuxing who are very closely related to Karong, although the others are all allies, this is the most The core information was never revealed by Ka Rong, so when he suddenly said it this time, he still achieved the effect that Ka Rong wanted. All these monks of all ethnic groups were shocked.

Ka Rong was shocked when he saw these monks in the transformation stage, including Mengshi and others, and was very satisfied. At this moment, he gently raised his hand and pressed it down, stopping the discussion of these transformation stage cultivators. Nodded and said, "Yes, the two big formations that we have specially set up in the depths of the stars, cooperate with each other, and have a sufficient amount of monks to sacrifice themselves, it is indeed possible to achieve the purpose of creating a fountain of soul power. This is also the effect of the two major formations this time. However, what I want to say is that the treasure we ultimately seek is not just the fountain of soul power, the fountain of soul power is just a foundation. The treasure we finally seek is related to the subsequent development and rise of our Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and there is absolutely no difference!"

After Ka Rong pointed out the fountain of spirit power, many monks in the transformation stage reacted in an instant after they were shocked, because although the fountain of spirit power is rare, there are still some preserved among the forces of ten thousand races. So I don’t think this fountain of soul power is worthy of so much excitement. Later, after hearing the words behind Ka Rong, I felt relieved. Otherwise, the various races would sacrifice like this and just gain a soul power. The words of Zhiquan could not help but make these ten thousand race monks feel very unworthy.

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