I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 597

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:33 AM

Chapter 597: arrival

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You should know that in the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, there are dozens of nearly a hundred ancient Ten Thousand Races. Among these ancient Ten Thousand Races, the monks in the Transcendental Stage are definitely not very high-end combat power, such as the strongest. In "Kashgar", there are as many as five ancestors in the monks who climbed into the fairyland alone, and the monks who cross the catastrophe period are even more numerous. After all, these races of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance have been passed down for a long time. There is also a very complete system for the training and promotion of the individual strength of the ethnic group. You only need to show your talents and get the full training of the ethnic group, and it will not be difficult to promote quickly.

It’s just that if you want to get this kind of treatment, your own talent must also be worthy of the cultivation of the ethnic group. At that time, Lin Hang split up a clone and entered the "Netherworld" because of his extraordinary talents. It is the returned tribe, who still received the attention of "The Ethereal Tribe", gave him numerous resources and help, and directly let him serve as the representative messenger of "The Ethereal Tribe" to envoy the ancient ten thousand tribes of the other great alliances. , In order to provide status support to Yingchuan and the accumulation of follow-up contacts, and for this, Lin Hang also feels a bit pity, he wants to return to Earth Star, so he has to let Yingchuan disappear, otherwise if he can stay in In "The Ethereal Tribe", by virtue of the powerful promotion potential he bestows on Shadow River remotely, it may not be impossible to achieve a higher status in the entire "Ethereal Tribe" or even the general assembly of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races. , But Lin Hang estimates that if he can successfully ascend to the immortal, his mental power and ability to manipulate will also usher in a skyrocket, and the ability of the clone will also increase a lot. At that time, maybe he will be able to cross two planets. At the same time, there are clones, and if the facts are really as Lin Hang expected, Lin Hang's heart for the follow-up Ziwei Emperor Star of Huaxia disciples can also be more securely and perfectly implemented.

Therefore, these monks in the transformation stage will be sent to Earth to implement such a plan, which is basically equivalent to giving themselves. Ka Rong and others can survive because of luck and the result of Ka Rong’s early operation. In fact, from In essence, these cultivators of the gods of all races belong to the less valued people in their respective race groups, and they are basically people with peak potentials. There will not be much room for improvement. Will be sent to perform such a task, the hidden meaning behind it is that even if these monks in the transformation stage die, they will not make their respective races feel hurt. There will be no distress at all. After all, The monks in the catastrophe period can be regarded as high-level combat power among their ethnic groups, and they still have the hope of ascending to the immortal, and they are worthy of vigorous training. However, these monks who have been in the **** transformation period for many years will naturally not let Wan Wan How much tension and attention the clan forces have, in their view, perhaps these monks in the transformation stage can contribute to their plan, and they have already achieved their greatest mission.

And this kind of truth is very applicable to the many monks present at the transformation stage. There is only one exception. That is the leader of "Kashgar", Ka Rong. Although his potential index is not much different from that of Mengshi Yinshi and others, They are also the cultivators who have exhausted their potential. They are only slightly different from them. Ka Rong is a member of "Kashgar". This time he came to Earth Star to perform the mission. In fact, the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance above There is only one requirement, that is, while achieving the goal, let the monks of Karong's transformation stage strive to survive. That is to say, the upper level still has a little attention to Karong, and this time Karong is considered a comparison. Perfectly completed the task assigned to him by the senior management, and successfully achieved the best of this part of himself. When the monk who climbed into the fairyland arrived and completed the final plan, he returned to the Ziwei Emperor. That Karong would definitely be because of this time. For his achievements, he was commended by the ethnic group and the Federation of Ten Thousand Races, and it will also receive more attention in the future. In addition, the status of "Kashgar" has soared because of this action. Karong will definitely be able to get the resources of the ethnic group. At that time, the gap between Ka Rong and Mengshi Yinshi Tuxing and others will also be reflected. With the help of resources and attention, he may be able to break through the realm that has troubled him for a long time, and he may be able to enter the tribulation period in the future. .

Although this is a relatively slim hope, compared to people like Mengshi and Silverstone, Ka Rong's follow-up ascension path is obviously more stable. Waiting for some good attention is inevitable, so these gods in the presence The monks are not stupid, and their minds have become active, thinking about having a good relationship with Ka Rong here. If they get to Ziwei Emperor Star, maybe they can get some points because of Ka Rong’s relationship. The good thing is that they have been in the position of the **** transformation stage for too long, and basically they have given up the idea of ​​continuing to improve. This is also the reason why they will agree to come to the planet to perform the mission this time, because even Death here won't make them feel too much, and it can be regarded as a final contribution to the ethnic group. But now they are all lucky enough to survive, and because of their credit, their status will be different after returning to the ethnic group. This also rejuvenates their long-settled hearts. They know that they are in their position. Even if they get some compensation from the ethnic group because of some credit, they will definitely not be able to support their breakthrough in their cultivation. At this time, if you want to continue to improve, it is a faster way to maintain a better relationship with Karong. At the last moment of the fight, most of them formed an alliance with Ka Rong, so at this time there is also a revolutionary friendship in it. If Ka Rong has the ambition to advance, so too. He would not give up the chance to make friends with the monks of these other races, so in Lin Hang's opinion, all of these monks in the transformation stage, except for a few people like Mengshi, all talked happily and tried their best. Maintain the relationship with each other.

In this way, about half an hour passed, Ka Rong, who was smiling and communicating with the people around him, suddenly stopped his voice, then gently pressed down with his hands, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, let's stop communicating for now. I just received a message from the ancestors in the clan that they are about to arrive on Earth. Let us be ready to welcome them!"

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